Watching You Through the Window

"Nope. I'm okay. I had too much coffee at work, today," she admitted, wincing a little.

Qian Meng couldn't help but laugh. Mo Yize had a sensitive stomach, and she knew too much coffee gave her wicked diarrhea. 

"You're going to spend half the night in the bathroom, aren't you?" she joked. 

"Hey, Yize," Mo Qingchen greeted her a little awkwardly. 

"Hi," she responded, giving him an awkward little smile. 

"Glad to see you coming over again. Back to your college days, huh?"

"Just trying my level best to make things better."

"You sure you don't want some tea or coffee? I am making some for Qian Meng already," he said.

"I'll just have some water, thanks!"

"One tea. One water, coming right up."

Qian Meng shook her head and retrieved a bottle of water from the fridge and took it to the dining table. For a moment, Qian Meng and Yize just looked at each other.