I Want to Marry You

She turned to face him and saw him smiling down at her. 

"And now, it's gone!" he said resolutely. 

"Yeah." Qian Meng smiled in satisfaction. 

"It really is. The two people who sat on opposite sides of the desk and made that agreement? They are not us anymore."

Qian Meng sighed happily as she stretched to wrap her arm around his neck. "Yes, now we sit on the same side and sign documents," she agreed softly. 

His jaw hardened and he looked serious for a moment. "This relationship hasn't come easily. It is not easy, but it is real."

Her eyes locked on his and they were both aware of the implication. She bit her lip and her fingers caressed the back of his neck.

"Things that don't come easily have the highest reward. It feels sweeter in the end," she whispered. She inhaled deeply, breathing her in. 

"I love you."