Don't Want To Be Infected

The bodyguard didn't need an explanation about who she was mentioning. Mrs. Mo was definitely talking about her husband. 

She stopped in front of a room and slid the door open. 

The people inside looked up in surprise. 

"Meng'er!" Jiang Xin exclaimed. 

Qian Meng ignored her and stepped inside, pretending to scrutinize her father. He was, as she knew, perfectly fine. 

"Ah, from how you acted, I was thinking you were at the doorstep of death. You look better than the last time I saw you," she claimed, rolling her eyes. "Have some shame, Mr. Yun…" She clucked her tongue. 

The door to the room was closed by the bodyguard. Finally, the couple saw him. 

"Why are you bringing in that person?" Yun Sui Bo asked angrily. 

"He's my bodyguard. He goes wherever I do," she said with a hint of boredom. 

Jiang Xin tried to mediate and spoke softly. "What is the use of a bodyguard when you are with family?"