Confidence In His Love For Her

A while later, she found herself in the condiment aisle, consumed in a tough debate between two types of mayonnaise. Lost in thought, it startled her when something landed in her cart with a clanking noise. 

She looked up to find Mo Qingchen smiling at her. He had been roaming around the shop while she got straight to what she needed. She peered into the cart to see what it was and felt her eyebrow shoot up as she turned to him. 

"Lube? Really?"

He smiled. "You know me. I am always thinking of my wife first."

She rolled her eyes. "Is that right?" she teased. 

"Forty-eight hours of sex, Qian Meng. We don't want any chaffing."

"So, you don't plan to eat or sleep?" she questioned lightly. 

"Nope!" He was as chirpy as always. 

"Guess I can just put these things back."

He laughed as he came up behind her, reaching around her to grab the mayo he knew I liked, and tossed it into the card.