The Woman She Has Become

But she couldn't even be mad. Not even when he grabbed her ankles and yanked her down the bed to him. Her playful husband was back. That meant that she hadn't ruined their weekend. Not only had she gotten what she needed to say off her chest, something that should have started a storm. But it didn't. 

It was one of those moments where one can feel just how far they had come. 

"I have to get at you while you are still soft and warm and sleepy…" He leaned over the bed to hover over her. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him close as his lips moved across her neck. "You know how much I love that."

"You are in a good mood this morning."

"I am." He kissed her behind her ear before pulling back to look down at her. "And I want to thank you for last night?"

His reaction was starting to seem too good to be true. She tried not to get her hopes up but failed miserably. 

"Thank me? For my bad timing?" she asked.