Complete And Fearless Devotion *

[Warning: MQC and YQM are hornballs. You have been warned!]

Qian Meng's nail dug into the flesh of Mo Qingchen's forearms, which she had gripped tightly in hers and he groaned loudly. She wasn't sure if the biting pain had anything to it. It could have been a groan of pair or that of pleasure.

Pleasure of her sitting on top of him, rolling her hips so that his cock slid between her folds effortlessly. She wasn't exerting too much energy, considering that the doctor had told them that she needed to rest and there would be no penetrative sex in the recent future. 

"Oh, darling…" She cried out hoarsely.

He moaned loudly and she knew exactly why. She had recently taken to calling him darling, mostly during sex. And she was delighted to find that it drove him wild. 

"I'm close—" he bit out through labored breathing and desperate gasping.