Futuretake: A Family Meal

That weekend, it was Mo Qingchen's turn to cook for the family. In the background, he could hear the squealing of the children as they were chased by their mother. This was an imperative part of the day. If they didn't chase the monsters, they wouldn't tire them out and bedtime would be a nightmare. 

The elders said that kids were the worst at age two, but three was the phase where kids turned into demons. Qian Meng was getting a run for her money as the three kids combined forces and surrounded her. 

Like a cornered victim, she pleaded and begged as the triplets tried to climb up her legs, clinging to her clothes. Mo Qingchen looked over his shoulder and burst into laughter at the helpless look on Qian Meng's face. 

This was a daily occurrence.