Prego braced himself as they enter the dark cloud covering the waters around the island. He warned his men that the fog is not a poison or something that will result into an untreatable sickness. Rather, the fog will attack one's soul.
The fog has been called many names but the most famous are the Fog of Desire and Twilight of Lust.
There is quite a very few information about this subject but as the legend says, the ruler of one of The Seven Circles of Hell, Asmodeus, the Prince of Lust, bestowed its blessings to Honiara where his brethren had fallen.
His blessing is indeed an ecstasy since it's true that Asmodeus is the embodiment of desire, and it's also true that limited information is available because nobody has ever lived to tell the tale of what comes next.
As soon as they entered the scope of the barrier, Prego and the others have felt a sudden change in temperature. Their breath created smoke like that of winter and their heart felt heavy.
The warmth feeling from earlier seemed like a distant memory. They shiver as warmth started to sink away. They tried to look back from where they come from but only witnessed that not a single ray can pass through the thick accumulation of dark clouds. The light where they have come from started to fade as they were eaten by the fog.
Their eyesight had adjusted to the darkness and saw abandoned sailing warships. The sight will remind its viewer like that of seeing a portrait, a frozen spectacle as if the time have stopped. The ships didn't receive any damages but its state of being devoid of passengers make the appearance more dubious.
The eerie quietness made their ears rang and the feeling of being watched made their hair stood. Fishes float lifeless but not a single dead human body can be seen.
The ambience of a tropical island it had once before now seemed like a distant far away and desolate land.
They continued to row pass several abandoned ships and saw a table full of fruits and bread. The most eye-catching on that table is the hot coffee with its smoke rising and vanishing in the air. They stare at the glass of cold beer, and somehow hear the beer's sound like many small bubbles popping very clearly, that it's already scary.
It certainly gives off the feeling that the people around here were just about to eat. But they are nowhere to be seen.
They passed other ships with the same state and found it very unusual. They also have felt gazes piercing their backs but found no one looking.
When they thought they have finally crossed the final phase, they were unable to notice the smoke that has started to creep from their back.
It was as if they have just been given a time to wallow in delight, like they have been toyed to think 'everything's fine' but only to find out that they were in the palms of the unknown enemy, dancing gracefully to its soft melody.
The smoke is like a formless snake, chasing after them like it enjoys playing with prey. The smoke passed them, it scattered, risen, and engulfed the whole area in mist.
It was very sudden but now their sight has been shrouded by the smoke. Earlier, they were just sitting side by side. But suddenly, everyone was gone.
Prego looked around. Conrad and the others were gone.
'Conrad, are you there?' 'Allen!' 'Divo!' 'Neil!' 'Kian!' 'Ruel!' 'Dino!' 'Ian!'
He tried to call the others. Maybe they're just engulfed by the smoke and somewhere near. However, nobody answered.
'Charles…' A voice rang in Prego's ear. He felt that someone whispered though the voice seemed distant. But it was clear to him that the voice was very cold that he felt himself stiffen and his left ear numb.
'Charles…' The voice called out, but now contains a tinge of charm. It reverberated in the quiet cloudy place. He tried to locate where the voice come from but it somehow fades in the darkness. It echoes, and the voice seemed to come from anywhere around.
'Who are you?' Prego thought. He wanted to ask but somehow his lips won't open. He felt it dry and stuck to each other firmly as if trying to tell him no to speak.
'Have you forgotten me, Charles?' A sweet giggle reverberated. This time, the voice was specifically designed to entice him to answer and ask who she is but his mind won't listen, his body refusing.
A smoke passed through him. It was in a human form but it suddenly vanishes in the air like what a smoke do. However, Prego definitely felt hands, cold as an ice, brushed his cheeks.
He can still feel the coldness of the hands at his cheeks when a lady appeared in front of him. Her upper body is complete and his lower half is missing. She is made of smoke floats through the air.
'Charles… Will you come with me?' The lady extended her right hand. She was beautiful with an alluring smile. Her hair, even though made of smoke as well, is long and wavy. It glided smoothly at his extended shoulder.
She was Prego's childhood friend, his first love, and his only love, Mona.
A tear fell from his eyes as he witnessed the lady's innocent sweet smile. He long forgotten how his friend smiled.
'Charles, come on. I know it's you.' Mona said and approached him, still offering her hand.
He remembered the moments they were running at the village's hill with the others.
He once picked a handful of flowers and made them into crown. He offered it to Mona who was overcome with joy and accidentally hugged him. It was that moment he realized that he wanted to protect this girl and how much he treasures her.
However, regret and pain flashed in his eyes.
'It's okay, Charles. I forgive you.' The lady said and tried to wipe his tears away. She motioned to take her hand.
He heard from his parents that he will leave the village to study magic. He is a son of the village's council chairman and the job will be passed to him. He knew that the village expect so much from him and he also knew that this is his only way to be able to protect his treasured friend.
Prego extended his left arm as if grabbing the lady's hand. The lady smiled triumphantly but it was swept away when Prego stopped midway.
He left the village, convinced, that once he came back, he shall confess his undying love to Mona. However, news arrived to him. Mona, decided to accelerate her magic and resulted to an accident, taking her life.
The Mona floating before him is his representation of the girl he truly loved and long for. It is his desire to once again see the smile he long forgotten. And it was also his desire to see the hatred she bare for him.
The sweet face of the girl turned cold and hateful. She started murmuring evil words with so much scorn in it.
He can only weep and accept the words he wanted to hear from her. He can only say 'sorry' many times in his head.
Upon realizing that the girl is not real, he retracted his extended arm. He is now convinced that the girl is not the real Mona because she has died a long time ago.
The real Mona would also have no idea that upon receiving the Council Chairman title, he also received a new name. Charles was his name when Mona was still alive.
Mona has vanished suddenly when Prego felt a hand grabbed his shoulder. It was Conrad.
'I'm glad you're alright.' Prego managed to say.
'I'm more worried about you. If mine happened to be the first person I killed, then yours might be her.' Conrad said even though sweat rolled down from his forehead.
'Yeah.' Prego said and wiped his tear away. Glad that he has Conrad with him, one of his and Mona's childhood friend as well.
'Is everyone fine?' Prego asked as he looked around, and noticed one is missing.
'Unfortunately, we lost Divo.' Conrad answered lowly. Divo is their newly recruit, a lively one. It was truly regrettable that they lost a talented youth.
Passing the Fog of Desire, they rowed without looking back. They are more excited to reach the light they now have in sight, bathe in its warmth, and breathe the tasty air.
They reached the ruined dock of the island. They all fell to their backs and stare at the wide cloudless blue sky. All of them have realized the truth behind the legend of The Fog of Desire.
Yes, it is clouded with every person's wishes. The Fog of Desire is a fitting name for that dark cloud as it will answer your desires; wealth, power, fame, love and forgiveness. This is just among that the fog can give you.
It is indeed Twilight of Lust, because it is the gate to Asmodeus' realm, one of The Seven Circles of Hell, the Circle of Lust.
It was a terrifying experience. They don't know and don't really want to know among what layer of the Circle of Lust did they entered, as it is known to everyone that Asmodeus is The Ruler of 9 Layers of Hell.