Can we get married tomorrow?

Just as Elliot Gong came to that conclusion, Ethan Lu approached their table with a plate full of a variety of dishes for his future wife. Since everyone's attention was on Elliot Gong, no one notice his approach. 

The moment Elliot Gong announced his sneaky intention, his brows could not help but twitch. Surely, his friend knew him very well and actually hit the point. Alas, no matter how precise Elliot Gong's conclusion was, Ethan Lu would never admit it!

"Love, don't listen to him. He's just jealous that he's not as romantic as me." Leaning down from Lexi's behind, Ethan Lu whispered to her ear which snapped Lexi from her confusion to what Elliot Gong just said. 

"Hey, I invited you with a pure intention. Please refrain from overthinking." Pretending that he was entirely innocent, Ethan Lu shook his head as he sat on the chair next to Lexi. He then placed the plate beside Lexi's plate and lovingly smiled at her without a care in the world.