
While I often cursed my decision to continue a story that was supposed to end after chapter two, I must confess I am glad to have attempted it. The reader himself shall have to decide whether it was a wise decision. Those with questions or reservations concerning the story are free to express them; I will be glad to receive them.

To my 'Amidst the sand' readers:

As of now, 'A brief Journey' has ended, and my attentions will be divided between the rewriting of my earlier work, and, of course, other upcoming projects. Be assured, that inane, opinionated piece of bark holds a special place in my heart, and I shall be sure to finish its story. In time.

I do not hold any aspirations to write a sequel, and as long as the request isn't there, I feel content that Mathi, James and Richard's story ends here. I thank you for reading, and I wish you well.
