Chapter 4 - Spectacular events (2).

Location: Unknown

After the encounter with that strange tempest like wind, which blew him away like a piece of paper, Bilal regained his consciousness but to his surprise, the place where he was at had no light and only complete darkness surrounded him, he could not even see his hands. The surface at which he was standing on had a jagged, uneven texture, which led him to believe that he was in a cave and very deep within it.

"How the hell did I arrive in a cave? As far as I know, there is no cave system around Abu-Dhabi." he said dejectedly to himself. But at the end of the day, he was glad that at least he's still breathing.

Due to the absence of light, he was unable to examine his condition. But his senses seemed to be strengthened as he could figure out the rocky surface with just a slight touch and can hear the sound of wind whistling into the distance.

He stood up from the rock attempting to get out of here as soon as possible, but his initial movement was filled with great trepidation, he felt like he had gone blind for good. Suddenly, a robotic voice echoed out of nowhere into his mind.

[System Activation Key Acquired Initializing: 1%....5%....30%....100%...Complete]

[Binding to User's genomic Sequence 1%....20%....40%....100%...Complete]

[System bounded with the Host's genetics, Activate Neural link? Y/N]

'What is this voice in my head.' his day was getting worse and worse by the minute. First, he was late for the consignment, then was the road and communication was blocked, next was the pounding headache which made him almost explode, and now after being swept away from the strange wind, he was stuck in a cave with zero light and a robotic voice suddenly appeared in his head.

He looked around trying to get some clues, but to no vail, ultimately, he just gave up and ignored the voice in his head, trepidation, he walked with great difficulty in hopes of getting out of there as soon as possible. Just after a few tens of steps, he tripped over a stone like a clumsy idiot.

'God just outright kill me, why are you torturing me like this?' he cried in his heart, but he still didn't give up just as he stood up and was about to take another step, the voice echoed in his mind once again.

[Host's method is completely ineffective and may result in fatal injuries, Requesting Activation of Neural Link Y/N.]

Hearing those words he saw a ray of light in this dark, that gave him the hope he desperately wanted right now. This time he didn't dare to ignore the unknown voice anymore.

"What are you Voice? And why are you in my head?"

[System is the ultimate survival tool designed specifically for 'Apocalyptic' situations, everyone on earth by now has the access to System.]

"What? Apocalyptic Situations? And since when everyone started having unknown voices barging Into their heads?"

[No, system records found specifying 'Apocalyptic Situation', any supercomputers of Earth had predicted the upcoming Apocalypse quite a while ago, influential people didn't share the information and suppressed every source of information leak and made specialised Bunkers for them to survive, only the 'General Public' was unaware of the situation. Seeing this, an unknown group of people with a constructive mindset developed the system and spread into the air to bring hopes of survival to commoners. And the system's been working passively in the host's body for a long time calibrating and adjusting. Host any other questions?]

He felt very vulnerable and was seething in rage because it was okay if someone discovered the so-called Apocalypse early, did the preparation ahead of time and didn't inform the general mass, it was okay too if someone didn't share the information and didn't want anyone else to share it too, but they crossed his limits of tolerance when an unknown group of psychos decided to do insane tests and experiments on living humans for the name of survival and no one even knew.

But he had to admit whatever schemes and purposes they had, the thing they worked on seemed great and practical to him because God knows how deep underground he was stuck in, he had many questions like what is the power source for the system? What features does it offer? Isn't the information the system gave him very restricted?

And what is the true intention of the System developers? etc.

But he knew that he had to get out of this damn cave first, all questions can be asked afterwards.

"Okay voice, What is that Neural link you're talking about?"

[System has been Operating in passive mode and can't access the Senses of Host, by giving permission System can operate in Active Mode and can assist host in unfortunate situations. 3 hours ago, the truck incident wouldn't have happened.]

"What would be the probability of me getting out of here in one piece?"

[The probability of Host getting out of the cave with System's Assistance is more than 85% without a doubt, the remaining 15% attributes to situations of not finding the cave entrance, depth and other unknown factors.]

"Ok start the Link."

[Warning: Host may experience mild pain throughout the body, Caution suggested.]

[ Linking Permission Granted, Initializing Process.]

1 second…5 seconds….. 10 seconds nothing spectacular happened he didn't feel an iota of difference within himself. Just as he thought this, he suddenly felt some movement around his spine, it felt like something was crawling beneath the skin and roaming inside his spine, the crawling feeling then started to expand with every ticking second throughout his whole body.

It was almost painless at the beginning with just a little discomfort, by every passing second that crawling feeling began to transform into the feeling one would get by getting bitten by thousands of ants within the body.