Chapter 6 - Cavern (2).

Location: Unknown cave

Standing on the cliff's edge he looked down on the vast flowing body of water, it was right beneath the cliff and no other options were viable for him now, either he gets out of here by following the River's path or find another route which isn't possible now. He roamed around the corners trying to find a way to climb down but to his dismay the cliff was steep now the only way is to jump into the river and go along the flow if his luck was good he would survive and find his way out, but it isn't then he knows what would happen to him.

Indecisive he sat on the cliff's edge trying his best to prepare himself for the jump, but no matter how many times he tried hypnotising himself, he just couldn't convince himself to jump. His confidence started shattering like glass due to the conflict in his mind. The conflict was acceptable can a sane individual truly be able to jump off a cliff even if they know there's no path behind? The answer is 'No' they wouldn't be able to without a great effort, they aren't fighting someone else they are fighting themselves, they are fighting their fears, the human body would always try to preserve itself even when close to death, humans have always been programmed this way.

"Who are you? I know myself, I was never this decisive, I never ever took a single life decision on my own. Who are you? Come out." he screamed loudly while still sitting on the edge, his voice started echoing after crashing into the cave's walls.

Everything suddenly started making sense to him, the mysterious wind, Tool's warning of being under Unknown influence, his decisive behaviour of going straight into a Radioactive area, and finally his conflict on jumping into the river. Not even in his dreams would he even try to jump off a cliff, he finally came to a conclusion that someone or something is trying to manipulate him.

"Ha ha ha, Human you've found out." a cold and hoarse voice started echoing into his mind, it wasn't the Tool's voice but something else, it seemed alive, unlike the Tool's machine voice.

Suddenly Bilal felt the ceiling slightly shaking, he then turned around trying to make the head and tail of the situation, he was enthralled when the saw the Mystical scene unravelling before his eyes, the Blue particles on the cavern's walls were behaving like strands of threads and were weaving in a circular fashion around a shard of ice, he noticed that bit by bit the Ice shard was expanding in size rapidly.

[Unknown brain activity stopped, System access now available.]

[Scanning Area, Radioactive energy behaving in a sentient manner, temperature decreasing rapidly.]

[Warning! Warning!! Warning!!! The host recommended to escape this area quickly.]

"Oh, your second spirit got awakened too, huh? It was strangely very durable, I've put it to sleep with much effort so that I can enjoy the show, but alas." the Ice shard transmitted its a voice through Unknown methods into Bilal's head.

"Shard, what do you want?" asked Bilal in a fearful manner, but who wouldn't be scared after seeing an Ice shard talking and being manipulated by it.

"What do I want? This is my dwelling place, every spirit, beast & human of Blue mountains knows this is the DWELLING PLACE OF ICE LORD AEGIS, HOW DARE YOU BARGE INTO THIS PLACE" the Ice shard which claimed itself as Ice Lord Aegis roared like an angry beast whose tail had been stepped on.

"Ple… LeLet… M… Go" Bilal spoke in an undulating tone due to the decreasing temperatures and as well as the fear of the Unknown.

"Let you go? Do you think anyone can barge into an Elemental's dwelling place and get out of there?" the shard spoke in an interrogating manner.

He noticed the Cavern's damp walls have already been transformed into the Ice and was spreading like wildfire towards the ceiling and the ground. He understood if he doesn't answer to whatever that thing was, it would be his turn to transform into an ice statue. Unfortunately, not a single word was even forming in front of this Mystic creature.

Unknowingly his legs automatically started moving backwards involuntarily.

[Host is frozen in fear, producing adrenaline to restore normal conditions.]

[Unknown brain activity suppression detected, unable to free Host from the Frozen state.]

[Seizing motor and sensory Neural network controls, Determining an escape path.]

It seemed like Ice shard saw noticed something strange as he spoke in an enraged manner "Trying to escape from the Ice Lord?"

Suddenly the freezing rate rose exponentially, as the Ice started creeping up to him at a very fast speed, out of nowhere white particles which seemed to be of snow started falling from the ceiling and formed a small snowstorm which in turn raged towards him. This scene would've been very captivating to him if he wasn't the target.

[DANGER! DANGER!! Unknown Anomalies discovered, Special provision mode 'ON'.]

[Unlocking all modules, Searching modules for the current situation.]

[Modules selected, Martial Art Module 4- Black Cat's Leap, Martial Art Module 20- Eagle's Dive, Supplementary Arts Module 9 - Swimming...1%.....20%.....100%...Complete.]

[Utilising Black Cat's Leap.]

Just as the snowstorm was about to hit him, Bilal noticed his feet bending at a never seen before angle and before he can even comprehend what was going on he saw himself leaping on Four legs like a cat, simultaneously dodging the storm. He felt a sharp pain across his feet, most likely caused due to the muscles being overstretched.

[Utilising Eagle's Dive.]

Without a hint of notice, Bilal or more accurately his body jumped off the Cliff like an Eagle. He felt a hard blast of wind on his cheek as his body was diving off the Cliff, just then he felt his consciousness draining bit by bit, just before the impact he fell unconscious.