Chapter 8 - System (1).

"So you're finally awake huh?" the man asked.

"Who are you Mister?" said Bilal.

"My name is Sayed Faiyaz and I was the one who took you here, you were laying flat on my House's terrace fully drenched in water while writhing in pain, so my daughter and I took the responsibility to brought you here." Faiyaz said.

"On the terrace? Really? How can that be?" Bilal asked with a genuinely surprised expression on his face.

"Yes on the terrace and that's exactly the question I'd like to ask you, what were you doing on our terrace"

Hearing this Bilal didn't know how to respond to Faiyaz, could he say he was driving on a highway and suddenly a mysterious wind appeared, sweeping him away in a cave where talking Ice shards reside? He wasn't stupid enough to say these things, he didn't want to be transferred to the Psychology department of this hospital. So he just skipped the Mystical parts and responded.

"I...I don't know, I was on my way to Tariq in my truck and suddenly a white light glinted into my eyes, from which I lost the truck's balance and slammed into the opposite lane ...That's all I can remember."

Hearing this Faiyaz frowned and it seemed he didn't quite bought it, so he said: "I can't believe this story sorry, For our security, I've reported the police they may be coming any moment now and sorry again."

Faiyaz left the premises in a hurry like he was avoiding some plague, Bilal couldn't help but curse this bipolar person who saves a person at one moment and report them to police in another. But he understood it, that it wasn't Faiyaz's fault too, nowadays good Samaritans often gets scammed while trying to help strangers. So he just shrugged it off like an everyday occurrence which doesn't occur every day at all.

He just wholly concentrated on the issue he had on his hands right now, as a normal human being the things which were happening to him from this very morning, is just too strange and can't be ignored especially when he had a near-death experience still fresh in his mind.

[Host awakened, Checking conditions….Scan complete.]

[Unknown mutations found in Brain, Eyes and legs in great proportions, Minimalistic proportion of mutations occurring throughout the body.]

[Mutations in a super hibernation state, Mutations is found to be non-invasive, Direct the Immune system to eradicate Mutations? Y/N.]

Hearing this monotonous, familiar voice and reading these white lines of text in his field of vision, his conviction got even stronger that something is very wrong it's just he doesn't know what. By his first and only experience with the tool, he found it was an insanely powerful and wondrous tool which are capable of wonders. But sadly he doesn't know how to activate and use it, it has always been the Tool that pops out notifications. And alas, he doesn't even understand half of the terminologies this thing utilises and always gets confused.

[Confusion detected on Host's face, Recommended: Running Tutorial.]

[Generating System survivor code, connecting to Mainframe Network.]

[Connection Established Successfully, Mission/Shop/Network tabs readded.]

[Activating Network mode.]

Suddenly a new screen appeared before Bilal, the whole screen was divided into 3 parts Inbox, Outbox and Updates. The Inbox section had a White envelope icon beside the Title screen, the Outbox section had a White envelope icon on it too, and lastly, the Update section had a download icon. He fully understood the Networks section with just a glance but he didn't understand why did the Tool brought this screen up there was nothing here, just then the Inbox flashed and the icon had a +1 written in a red coloured bubble.

So he tried selecting the Inbox section by imagining it in his mind, his method seemed to be working as the screen changed and a new screen appeared before his eyes, this screen had several empty spaces on it with two filled ones on the top. They were titled 'For survivors' & 'System Tutorial'.

Both of them seemed very important to him so without wasting even a moment he selected the first 'For survivors' message.

Immediately a huge letter with lots of words opened up before him.

[If you're seeing this message this means you've opened up and read the 'System Tutorial' and if you haven't, close this immediately and read that first.]

Although it said close it and read the other letter first, he didn't do that because he didn't want himself to be distracted and so continued reading ahead.

[Welcome survivors as you've probably guessed it we're the Kind System developers whom most of you hate, because of the violation of human rights by our experiment.

But we've done it so everyone can have the means to survive in the apocalypse, now you would ask what is going to happen and who are we, all these questions would be answered later. By the time you're reading this letter, we've added your first mission in the Missions tab after this you can check that out.

Our Aims:

1) Our aim is to create a chance of Survival for everyone regardless of their status, caste, religion, nationality and race. And we expect the same from you too.

2) Our second aim is to reform the world and make it a better place.

3) Our third aim is to create a way for communication with other survivors, lots of multi-billionaires have gone broke in the System development more than you think, System is the epitome achievement of the Information era.

4) There's no fourth aim currently, but there would probably be in the future.

And for those who still haven't read the 'System Tutorial', please read it so that you can have good control of the system.

Have a good day, best of luck ~System administrator #51.]