Chapter 10 - Survival Plan (1).

Reading the Mission his pupils dilated and his heart started pumping blood like insane. He was thunderstruck and was unable to utter a single word properly.

Never even in his wildest dreams would he have ever thought that he would only have 4....4 hours to prepare for a catastrophe. He doesn't know when everybody got their system, but he was absolutely certain that he received it late.

"Wh..O...4..4..hours?!?!?" said Bilal in a stuttering voice and it seems it was way too loud as everyone around him started staring at him like an idiot, some even gestured him to talk in a low voice.

But he didn't care what they would think about him, because he is damn sure these fools who are looking at him like an idiot would be crying for his help in just 4 hours. Although 4 hours would seem a lot to everybody else as a delivery man, he knew how much time just passes like insane. And what was even more surprising that he doesn't even know what to prepare.

So, he calmed himself and revised the 'System Tutorial', according to it the Records tab have a forum feature, most likely other people would've left some tips and tutorials for the preparation.

"System quick, open Records and enter the forum."

[Opening Records ...processing...processing... Complete]

The system log mode screen slid off and a new screen appeared replacing it. This new screen had various lines stacked on top of each other. He understood these lines maybe 'Posts', the top post was named 'Preparation' and had a 'Free' tag left to it with a star.

He opened and saw the post, it was in the same format as the letter with just additional comments section in the bottom.

[Hello, fellow Survivors my name is Jacob and I'm a survival specialist, this post would've been with a price tag but I've completed the first mission and figured out they just give you only 3 Mission stars for completion, so no one before the completion would have any stars with them and those who have completed it wouldn't genuinely need this preparation list.

You need to acquire 5 things 1.Food, water and medicine, 2.Shelter, 3.Weapon & protection, 4.Safe transportation, 5. Survival equipment and miscellaneous.

The 1st point is the most important without these preparations don't move ahead, For the 1st point pack as many gallons of mineral water and non-perishable goods like Canned food, Emergency food, honey, dates, etc.

As for medicinal needs pack a good amount of gauze, rubbing alcohol, suture material, Oral rehydration solution, Electrolyte powder sachets, my recommendation would be to acquire a good Expedition First Aid kit.

I don't know which country you guys are from so I'd just give you a general sense of which type of drugs to get. I'd suggest buying Antibacterials, Painkillers, Antidepressants, Broad-spectrum antibiotics, Antidiarrheal and Antiemetics.

After acquiring all the things from the 1st point, find yourself a safe shelter preferably miles away from the general populace and stash it there, we don't know which type of apocalypse it's going to happen, but from the research I've done in most of the Apocalypse such as Zombie Apocalypse, Nuclear Holocaust, Technological failure, Plague, Meteor Apocalypse, you're most likely be the first preference target of Survivors with system and without system if you roam around the lands with a Backpack filled with valuable food and medicine. So it is more beneficial to stash most of your goods and roam the lands with nothing valuable on your hands, This is the 2nd point.

The 3rd point is weapons & protection, you don't want to protect your stash and hideout just with your Fists, do you? Even if you're a Kungfu master or a Ninja you'll need weapons other than your fists to survive. Acquire yourself a long-ranged weapon preferably rifle, machine gun or an SMG; a short-ranged weapon such as a Pistol, crossbow or a shotgun; get yourself some melee weapons too such as a Machete, Axe, Baseball bat or a knife. If your country has a strict weapon control policy, try to acquire the weapons through the Black market.

As for protection try getting yourself a lightweight kevlar upper body armor, kevlar gloves or any other military-grade protection equipment you can find. And if you can't find them then at least getting yourself some sturdy clothes such as jeans, heavy-duty construction clothes, Long sleeved leather jacket or at least a Motorcycle helmet.

The 4th point is completely optional you can choose to ignore it, because finding yourself an all-terrain electric vehicle with solar panels and a decent storage space, would absolutely be impossible in just the time duration of 2 days, but there are exceptions if you're a super-wealthy businessman or a survival specialist like me who's preparing for an apocalypse, five years prior.

The 5th point just like the 4th isn't a necessity, it would just create convenience and comfort. For the 5th point acquire yourself some Waterproof matches, Water purifying bottle, Paracord Bracelet, Sleeping bags, Sturdy Backpack, Breathable socks, Fishing hook with line, Iodine tablets, Duct tapes, etc.

As for why I haven't mentioned flashlights, GPS, compass, Night vision is because all this is already available in the System. Try giving some time exploring this powerful tool.

And again don't try saving money from your bank account it won't help you in the apocalypse but the purchased equipment and materials would. If you can don't hesitate to break into a store and Steal, Rob or even kill as described by the System Mission, because there would be no moral integrity in the society after the Apocalypse and the fundamental objective would be to survive.

As for the survival guide for your loved ones, well there is none. Because I don't have any family or friends worth saving, even if they were you shouldn't waste time save those 'SLOWASSES'. You are a chosen one, you're one of the 5 million lucky people you deserve more.]