Chapter 17 - Advent of Dissonance (2).

The 20 metres tall, mighty sandstone wall stood before Bilal giving him an intense sense of security and protection.

But the wall wasn't just an ordinary sandstone wall, it was covered by a thin layer of yellow glowing particles, although the wall wasn't thick it seemed very solid and tough, as if it was presumably designed taking utmost defence in mind.

There were some vein like unique carvings on the walls as well, but he didn't have the time to observe it because he felt the intense heat coming towards. He knew it was time for the impact.


The red-hot ball of fire collided hard with the glowing yellow screen of the wall with a violent crash, like a cannon shot it clashed against the screen with the incinerate everything on it's path.

If that wasn't enough the Flaming ball too was covered in coloured particles, the difference was just the particle's colour, they were Red.

The red particles collided with the yellow particles creating a wonderful sonorous humming sound in the air, along with the display of vibrant colours in the space between it created a mystical scene.

But the scene wasn't a bit pleasant to Bilal as he was stuck behind the wall, he didn't move away from there because he didn't want to instead he couldn't. His legs were tired from all the running, now he could only pray and rely on the wall's toughness.

And with a dull 'Thud' the Meteor/Flaming ball fell on the ground losing its velocity and destructive power.

Bilal seemingly knowing the meaning of the 'Thud' sound backed away from the wall and stood on the left lane area of the road, standing on the far left from the wall he observed the so-called 'Meteor', he was genuinely shocked to his core because the thing wasn't a meteor at all. It seemed to be creaking with electronic voices and small sparks were running out of it. With just a glance he recognised the thing, it was a telecommunication satellite often seen in the news, movies, television series, etc.

The same satellite worth millions and millions of dollars was lying there twisted like a pretzel by an unknown force and emitting white plastic burning fumes in the vicinity, but the strangest thing was that the satellite other than being fully dented out of shape and crushed with metallic parts scattered away in every direction, didn't lose it's functionality at all it still seem to be working.

He was flabbergasted because according to his information everything that falls from the sky gets reduced and reduced by the air friction and vanishes into tiny particles. Bilal wondered which material it was made up of.

Just then….

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The system started issuing notifications one by one but there was a greater issue on his hand, because he felt the Red eye move not sure how, but he felt it move.

And he was right, because when he was observing the satellite the Red eye was staring at him or more precisely in his directions.


The Red eye in the sky roared in his head and dilated it's pupil, Bilal didn't knew to whom the Red eye was talking to, but it won't be anything good.

The red eye started absorbing in all the red particles from the surroundings like a laser cannon gathering its energy before the blast, it began getting brighter and brighter by the second accompassing the whole sky with an even brighter hue of red.

Before he could see what happens next, he felt a sudden lightness in his body and that feeling wasn't a lie at all. He looked down and was shocked at what he found, his body was getting readily translucent bit by bit and disappearing from existence itself.

Right then he saw a big bright red beam of concentrated light flash through the middle of the Red eye and before he could even react it passed pierced his body like a hot knife through butter without even a hint of pain, he felt as if he wasn't even a living anymore.

He could see the laser didn't stop it's course at him instead he seemed to be the start and continued on slicing and destroying everything in its path. But it wasn't his concern anymore because he felt his vision darkening, he was on the verge of losing consciousness once and then with a silence his existence got seemingly erased from the face of the earth.


Location: Somewhere Miles away from Bilal

A black humanoid shadow was blink dashing on the sands of the nearby region with an almost insane pace of hundreds of metres per second, it appeared to be running away from something emitting dark flame like shadows on its back fully composed of Black particles.

Bilal would've been shocked with no ends if he were to witness the shadow's insane pace that allowed it to cross miles upon miles within just a fragment of a minute.

It's speed was by no means decreasing with all this sprinting instead it was the opposite, with each passing of every other second with it's pace it keeps on accumulating even more black particles and the flame on it's back seems to be burning with an even greater intensity which in turn keeps fueling it's speed.

The figure in the shadow appeared to be smirking with its shadowy lips curved in a V-shape. But the smile didn't last long and got replaced with panic as a bright red beam penetrated it's chest with utmost precision without even giving it a chance to react.