Chapter 19 - System Update (1).

Location: Unknown

Beneath the shade of a huge tree of dark brown leaves, a south Asian young man with average looks that gave off a dull impression could be spotted clutching his head with a pained expression on his face. He was wearing a near burnt black biker outfit and a sheathed scimitar on his wrist, slowly the dribbling river of sweat he was secreting seem to stop and the pained expression lessened a bit.

10-20 seconds later, progressively he unclutched his head and looked around with an amazing look, he muttered

"Fuck…not again.."

It has been 3 times, not even a single day has passed and he found himself waking up in 3 different locations, the first was a Karst stone cave, the second time was when he woke up in on a Hospital's bed and now this. Unconsciously he envied his previous boring life, giving himself an imaginary crisp 'slap' on his face he killed those feelings.

[Host awakened]

[Survivor Mainframe unavailable, unable to provide time and location]

"System, what happened? What were those things? How did I arrive here?" Bilal asked hurriedly to the system

[System finds no records identifying the abnormal entities]

[3 unread letters, 1 update]

Although relentless Bilal left the thoughts, not even the 'Ultimate' survival tool can find how could he. He then decided to read the unread messages first because it seemed more practical than brainstorming to identify a laser spewing Unknown eye of which he somehow understands the language.

He opened the first message randomly because strangely there were no titles instead it was just named 1,2 and 3.

[Bad news survivors, I'm System administrator #31 responsible for land and city monitoring...Despite our numerous attempts, we still weren't able to keep the apocalypse at bay, just 15 minutes after the predicted time 2100 of our system satellites got hit by an unknown wave-like force which pulled them to the ground, only 11 of them managed to resist the sudden gravitational force, don't ask from where did all these satellites managed to be there. Before the network failure, many survivors on forums have claimed seeing flaming meteorites which were later revealed to be System satellites. Some even claim to see the red skies.

The remaining satellites now directly monitor 10 major and minor cities of Earth forming permanent system zones.

1) Kyoto, Japan.

2) Quebec City, Canada.

3) Baghdad city, Iraq.

4) Cambridge, UK.

5) Mumbai, India.

6) New York City, US.

7) Hangzhou, China.

8) Moscow, Russia.

9) Johannesburg, South Africa.

10) Santiago, Chile.

The 11th satellite will be used for System headquarters, whose location is a secret for now.

Rush to your nearest continental system zone, further information will be provided there.]

No wonder that fallen satellite was that resilient, he really wondered how did they manage to launch 2100 satellites without getting noticed by any superpower. It was strange that no one reported those Red eyes.

But he didn't adhere to those things right now and opened up the second message.

[ Survivors, I'm System administrator #54 responsible for the analysis of Unknown factors...

Within just a moment of the countdown's end, several thousands of Survivors in the forum reported the zombification of ordinary people, some reported abnormal and disastrous weather conditions, some reported unknown geographical changes, it can be concluded that this is a mixed type of apocalypse with a zombie as the majority.

Almost the whole world has been now covered by zombies roaming on the lands, a more detailed explanation of the zombies would have been given but our system satellites got hit, so we just compiled this letter along with other 2 letters to help you understand what those ugly looking monsters are, across the street. An emergency update has been issued alongside these messages.]

Although suspicious he still didn't think much because he had already witnessed the Zombies albeit they resembled possessed people more. Time was running out, the skies started darkening and staying inside a forest throughout the night didn't seem like a good idea to him, he decided to just read the third letter and do whatever the System tells him to, as he wasn't an expert of Survival unlike some dudes in the forums.

[Good day survivors, I'm System administrator #51 I'm the one responsible for update news and making system Tutorials, a new update has been issued by the HQ this update completely overhauls the Mission/Network/Records tabs, changes your navigation methods and introduces Guild function.

Mission tab changes:

Dynamic Missions - Due to the unavailability of the network in almost the whole world, Dynamic Mission function has introduced where the system would scan the parameter and targets the goals possible by making it a Mission.

Mission Rewards - This update onwards survivors can see Mission rewards beforehand accepting the Mission, which in turn help in properly planned progress.

Mission difficulty - Now system rates and rewards the survivors according to the Mission difficulty, keep in mind that generally direct system Missions would be more difficult than dynamic system Missions.

Navigation methods added:

Maps - The global map has been added with customisation options, you can now make your own province, state, district maps with great accuracy and details.

Network tab changes :

Guild added - Now you can form a group of System Survivors and make yourself their leader in the System cities. More details can be found in the Guild section after the update.

Records tab changes:

Atlas and Entity book added - With the possibility of new biomes and creatures emerging, you can now save crucial information with photos and videos for systematic review and analysis. This feature would be removed in the next update if no new creatures found except zombies.

These are all the changes and additions this update brings to you, the perfect piece of advice from me is to stay away from cities and human settlements if you don't have a firearm. Please refer the 'Coloured dots in the sky' and 'Mutation appearance' post in the forums they would've been downloaded before the total network failure.]

Bilal closed the letter and commanded: "System, start the update"

[Searching for Updates…. Commencing… 3%...15%...40%...65%...99%...Complete]

[Restarting System]

[Initiating System 1.1]