Chapter 22 - Fight with wolves (2).

The wolf finally revealed itself, it was a giant 2 meters tall canine most probably a gray wolf but taller and bigger version of it.

Unbeknownst of the danger ahead, it lunged itself on the supposedly exposed prey. Before he could even touch the prey, a flash of light appeared in his view and that was it. The wolf fell with a 'thud' from the mid-air into the ground.

The wolf had a thin red line on its body starting from the neck region to the torso. Almost covering its whole body. And with a second delay the slash line exploded and blood started gushing out of it. Staining the grass red.

The supposedly exposed and open prey wasn't just sitting there waiting for his death, instead he was a meter closer to the wolf, wielding the saber in one hand while crouching in a sword stance.

The wolf was dead already, one slash and that's all it ever needed.

Their prey murmured in a low voice.

"One down, 6 more to go"

Seeing the death of a comrade, three more of the wolves appeared out of their bushes and revealed themselves. Two of them were of the same size as the previous one and one was a tad bit larger.

Slowly they surrounded him in a circular fashion, trying to find an opening, whitlist staring at him with their malicious eyes full of viciousness, these wolves were really intelligent unlike the previous wolf who without a slight thought jumped right at him.

No matter how intelligent, the patience of a beast always comes to an end, they all jumped into the fray and simultaneously lunged themselves at him, it appeared they had quite teamwork of their own. They surrounded him from three directions.

Their teamwork would've worked on many of their enemies, would've won them many preys in their pockets, but this wasn't the case this time.

Finding himself in a triple attack, he didn't panic and did a side step to the right dodging the attack from the front at the same time making full use of the opening he slashed the neck of the wolf with his saber, the saber passed through the thin fur wall of the gray wolf and arrived at the bare neck effectively killing it with one blow.

He didn't stop, keeping the rhythm he attacked the second wolf from the right that landed near him with a stabbing action of his saber, the tip got jabbed into the Wolf's skull without much of a resistance, he kicked the Wolf's body dislodging his saber from the body, it shot off to a nearby tree ending it's journey.

The fourth wolf balanced itself and relaunched its body, with a huge momentum, opening his deadly jaws that was armed to the teeth towards the man intending to take a huge bite.

Facing this surprise attack the man seemed very surprised, but that was it, just surprise, because the next moment he sidestepped the attack and retaliated with an inverse edge slash towards the lunging wolf, beheading the beast very cleanly in the mid air.

The Wolf's blood splashed into his body painting it red along with his face, stained in the red he looked like a Grim Reaper in black present there to reap the souls of those wolves.

More than half of this 7 membered wolf pack was decimated on his own. The losses of the wolf side was too big and there was not even a scratch on him. All this action happened within a mere moments of a few seconds.

The remaining wolves didn't have the time to interrupt earlier, because if they had, he wouldn't be standing there without a hint of a scratch on his body. They revealed themselves up and without wasting anymore time, they attacked violently.

What followed was an epic dance of dodging and slashing and some occasional stabs, his movements and attack pattern was very repetitive, dodge and counter attack in an opening. Other than that there were no tricks, fancy moves involved, everything that came from him seemed like an instinctual reaction.

Like he had amply practised each of these simple moves a thousand times already, every single step of his appeared rough but mastered.

Although this time the results weren't the same as before, these remaining wolves were much tougher than the previous ones, they seemed like the creme of the wolf crop, those wolf before were like cannon fodder to him now.

Oddly enough every one of his attacks were getting countered, like they have been analysing the fight and now they've came to retaliate. Deliberately they started cornering him soon enough, the roles have now switched once again.

The man knew if he didn't do something to get out of the stalemate, he would be their dinner. His attacks were getting slower and his movements sluggish using this fact as an advantage one of this elite wolf tried pouncing onto him.

It was his chance, taking the stance he prepared himself and stabbed the sabre like a rapier vertically, his attack soon connected with the smooth pad of the paw perforate it like a butter paper and ending up in clogging in the brain.

Overwhelmed with joy he forgot one thing, but soon got reminded by following the heavy and painful feeling on the back.

"And one more thing, never get your back exposed during a battle…This is a beginners mistake" a voice echoed in his head.

Decisively he rolled left, preventing it to dig deeper into his skin.

The claw attack got blocked by the thick biker outfit it still was quite painful, the battle was almost over even though there was still 2 remaining, their elite group got crippled just by 1 death, their perfect teamwork also didn't work.

Very soon within another minute or so of fight, he killed both the remaining ones as well.

"... Huff... This thing is quite… HuHuff… Sharp and durable.." the man said while breathing heavily staring at the red smeared sabre in his hand.

[Mission Complete: Kill the wolves]

[Objectives: 7/4 wolves killed]

[Mission difficulty: C-]

[Calculating rating….40%...89%...complete]

[Mission rating: A+]

[Mission Reward: 4 Mission Stars + Professional module #4 - Hunter-Gatherer (Beginner) + 6 stars for rating]

[Remark: Too bad you were born too late, with this Swordsmanship you would've gotten a post of captain in any ancient civilization]