Chapter 31 - The Transmigration(1).

"Quite an interesting Human you are…along with the True life talent, your second spirit has excellent element control"

A clear voice chirped into Bilal's mind as he opened up his eyes in a hurry, starting with a dark shade of black the sight in front of him slowly transformed into an amazing kaleidoscope of radiant colours.

Taking a look on his Blue transparent body, suddenly a word slipped out of his mouth "Dream plane"

"Correct, indeed it's your Dream plane"

Hurriedly turning his head towards the direction of the sound, a blurred outline of a bird caught his sight. As if not allowing him to look directly, a jolting sensation spread to his eyes, forcing him to close his eyes at that instant.

"Didn't I told you not to look at me directly? When alive I was a Demigod, a Demigod with a concept of my own, your spirit isn't developed enough to handle my soul projection, I'm not doing it deliberately"

Learning the lesson, Bilal diverted his gaze towards the ever-changing colour void and anxiously asked

"What are you? Why did those guys gave me that harmful medicine? How can I suddenly understand their language?"

In response to his sudden bombardment of questions, the Owl didn't seem to get annoyed, as if it had already expected these questions.

"First calm down, I'm not gonna harm you, instead I've helped you consolidate the rampaging medicine energy and created both the Warrior and the Mage's Energy paths"

"The thing that tried taking over your body was just my concept's reflex, as I have lost my body, it tried snatching a new body"

Getting a somewhat convincible excuse Bilal hesitantly went silent for a moment and asked

"If that wasn't you and didn't want to harm me, then why haven't you left my body after coming back to your senses?"

"It's a good thing that somehow they aren't able to sense me, I can't leave your body for the time being and as for understanding their language, it was all thanks to that Shaman's language assimilation spell"

Taking sometime to digest the information Bilal asked the Owl "Why did they fed me that dangerous medicine, if they were so respectful towards me?"

"The medicine they fed you is called Recall Oblivion, it's a Memory Erasing Medicine, they probably considered you as a threat"

"Enough unnecessary talk already, let's talk about our deal"

"What deal are you talking about?...i..i don't recall ever having a deal with you" Bilal stammered slightly and stated.

Probably losing his patience, the Owl spoke with an angry tone berating Bilal's claim of no deal "What deal!!? Wasting my remaining silvers of soul energy I've stabilized the rampaging energy and opened up the path of both the Warrior and the Mage's, HOW DARE YOU DENY YOUR PAYBACK!!?"

"I've also concealed the Magic presence from their detection, yet you still deny your end of the deal?"

'Magic presence...warrior..mage..why is this Bird blabbering nonsense…where have I even arrived?' Bilal thought for a second.

Not letting him speak the Owl laughed madly with his creaky voice as it echoed deeply in the Dreamplane the Owl said "Ha ha ha…no no this isn't rejection, this is confusion, No wonder I couldn't read your Plane imprint, the Second spirit is concealing it quite skillfully..even a Demigod's soul is unable to read it"

"You're a plane invader, isn't that so?" The Owl sneered wildly by raising the muscles around his beak, fortunately Bilal had diverted his gaze already if not he would've been freaked out by that creepy looking sneer.

"What are you even saying? I can't comprehend a single word of yours" Bilal asked yet again with clear confusion on his face.

"It seems you're not aware of your situation, let me clear that off to you, the place you saw outside the Dreamplane is not your World, as you have been expelled from yours"

"I have been expelled…?"

[Interference in REM sleep cycle detected!!]

[Warning! Warning!! Warning!!!]

[Host not responding…]

[Disrupting REM cycle]

Suddenly meddling in their talk, the System's notifications started ringing into his Dreamplane.

"Ohh this is how your Second spirit communicates with you, I'm not sure of it's words but my instincts tell me this Dreamplane is gonna be destroyed soon"

"Don't forget to fulfil your part of the deal, let a Mana stone be absorbed into the feather sigil on your right hand, since the Main sigil is blocked by this Snake sigil"

With a 'poof' the Owl vanished from the Dreamplane like a fleeting memory along with it's presence, averting his gaze back he saw nothing around him, confirming the words from the Owl, he saw coloured layer breaking into several large segments peeling off the black void behind it once again.

Bit by bit Bilal's illusory body broke into fine dust particles and disappeared.


[Running diagnostics….]

[Checking for Brain Interference]

[No interference found]

[Performing Response test…]

[Objective:Host stretch your Right arm and cusp it with the Left arm]

Quickly cusping both his hands following the instructions stated stated he passed the simple response test.

[Response recorded…4seconds]

[Response test passed]

[Host welcome back]

[System operation efficiency: 21%]

[Remark: At least you're trying!!]

[Operations efficiency: Low, Does the Host like to take a deep tutorial into the System? Y/N?]

'No..atleast not now' Bilal commanded and took a breath of relief.

Disappearing from the fragmenting Dreamplane, Bilal awakened back to reality while taking heavy and rapid breaths, just then he was suddenly bombarded by the System's notifications running various diagnostics and tests.

Having a look around, he found himself within a shoddily-maintained Half stone short cabin, as he laid on a single sized wooden bed covered by cotton-like fabrics as a blanket, different from the previous room, this one had proper day-to-day use furniture with adequate lighting available with 2 windows attached to either side of the room, from one of these windows, lustrous rays of sun could be observed as being diffracted into the room.

With those rays, a few dozens of white coloured particles too were dragged into the room, as quickly as they came, they too submerged into the wooden flooring and disappeared.

'Calm down…calm down..just fucking calm down' Bilal thought as he quickly repressed the sudden alert-like feeling his body suddenly reacted seeing those particles, having several bad experiences associating with those particles his body must've enlisted it into a dangerous/ stay away list.

Lost in his own thoughts, he recalled waking up hours before sunrise in a hurry for delivering the parcel from Abu Dhabi and some hours later, being told that he is one of the five million lucky people to obtain the Enigmatic Machine called System.

The encounter with the talking Ice shard in the cave, stealing the Truck for the preparation, while losing it in the hands of a laser attack by a pair of Red floating eyes who calls himself an Elemental Monarch, killing an entire den of wolves and finally him being told of getting expelled to some unknown another world.

Too much has happened with in a short time frame, before he could adjust with the present situation a new one arrives, then solving it would be his priority.

His perception of the World was transitioning at an absurd rate, realities couldn't be differentiated from illusions, truth couldn't be differentiated from falsehood, he couldn't even confirm whether all this is just a mere dream which he would forget after waking up, other than quickly adapting to the changes nothing could be done, either he Adapts, Evolves and Thrives with accordance to those changes or be the one who suffers from them.

Abstaining himself from divulging he freed himself from engaging into further thoughts any longer, he jumped off the bed and freed his stiff legs with some stretching

He was abruptly surprised for a moment about the fact that his layers of protective clothes has been replaced by a hide cloth set. Rustling his new clothes, he sighed a breath of relief.

'At least these thieves hasn't ransacked my inner garments'

Running his gaze around the room, he found a table on which his protective clothes and the Riot helmet along with his shamshir were placed.

Seeing no one's arriving through the door, he quickly changed his outfit back along with the hide cloth set from the inside, since it was flexible enough to not hinder any movements, it added an extra layer of protection as well, quite tight but manageable enough.

Unsheathing his shamshir saber he checked the condition which was somehow in its pristine condition, looking newer than before not having the chipped texture that had been acquired during his wolf extermination.

Quite strange, but his capacity to handle obscure situations got enhanced all thanks to his recent adventures. Not minding the extra sharpness, he once again sheathed the blade and strapped it on his waist.

'Let's see what this world has to offer' Bilal grabbed the door latch and exited himself from the shoddy looking room. .