Chapter 49 - Conflict.

"OH fuck, I should've taken that powder" Bilal muttered under his breath.

The previous training session was too intense, not only did they have to run they had to endure through a few exercises that Dayes taught them, which according to him would aid in sensing the Battle Energy.

But both the Soldiers neither cussed nor complained because they understood the worth of these set of exercises, And Interacting with Berat and Tyler, Bilal too came to find the true worth of these exercises, these exercises which aid in sensing Battle Energy were too rare and valuable, so much that only Nobles were eligible to learn them and stay above the rest.

Attainment methods, Battle Energy exercises, Mage's Elemental techniques, Legacies, according to both of them these things were heavily suppressed in this world. Every country in the Human Domain did their best to heavily suppress and hide these things from the reach of commoners since almost all of them were monarchial in nature and they did not wish to see the masses surpass them in any way.

By default, a commoner would never come across these things without joining the Military or becoming a noble by purchasing a Rank or stumbling upon an Attainer which would like to accept them as Students.

Such was the Societal problem of Yreka, other than that Yreka appeared to be a survivable place to Bilal as he had already decided to let his past go if he can't find a way to return to Earth.

But he knew such a case wouldn't be possible because the Elemental Dissonance was near and it was the time when two planes collide with each other, wars might erupt, Mass genocides might happen, he even suspected that the Apocalypse back on Earth happened all because of the Interference of Yreka.

Other than following the Caravan to carve their way into the Human Domain, Bilal couldn't really do anything, such was the Fate of the weak in this world. If he was a powerful Warrior he could just fly to the Human Domain, or just teleport there like the Noble Mage which left the Soldiers on their own, but he knew such expectations were unrealistic because even the Captain is only on the Mortal Adept stage of Attainment and couldn't fly.

Bilal sighed and took out a small leather pouch which was half-filled with a coarse powdery substance.

Taking a small amount he pours it inside the Wooden bowl which was present right in front of him and stirs it with a piece of black bread and chows it down with the remaining bread piece by piece.

'Let's check on the Kid' Bilal thinks in his mind as he chugs water down his throat from a leather canteen.

Getting up from his stay, he approached the Workers while looking out for Trake, as he neared closer he saw a commotion being ensued and people standing in a circle watched it unfold. While the Guard Soldiers just stood on the side and didn't interfere.

Firstly Bilal too didn't give a damn as he felt, it was best not to interfere in a fight without having anything at stakes.

But his thoughts changed completely as he saw who was in the middle of that Circle. It was a fat Tribal man seizing Trake by his clothes and kept shouting something to the Kid.

A rush of anger immediately exploded inside Bilal's head as he saw his only companion in this world getting bullied.

Bullying and hurting children was a horrendous act, one that should be frowned upon, yet the people just watched as the Man appeared strong and powerful.

Knowing he couldn't rely on the Soldiers and the People, he jumped into the fray and shouted


As soon as the shout ensued, the crowd looked directly at him along with the fat man.

"M…Mr.Bilal, he…he was stealing my copper coins….good thing I…"


A crisp sounding slap landed straight at the face of the fat man cutting off his words instantaneously.

Before he could even speak, another crisp slap landed on his right cheek shutting him off completely and being held directly by the neck and interrogated.

"Tell me, did you hurt the Kid?" Bilal asked angrily.

"No I didn't, he…he was stealing my money" The fat tribal man said in a hoarse and choked voice.

From an outsider's perspective it would look like Bilal is the one bullying the Fat man and taking the side of a Thief, yet only he knew better, interacting with the Kid these few days, he came to know the Kid's nature of what he is and isn't. He knew the fat man was lying because the kid wouldn't do petty theft like that, in the wilderness even, where there is no use of money anywhere.


Another tight and crisp slap landed on the fat man as he still refused to acknowledge his lie.

"Now tell me why were you bullying the kid?!?" Bilal asked furiously.

"Why d…do you protect someone from a lower tribe? These untouchables…I've told you now, release me…. I can't breathe" The fat man said in a squeamish manner as he gave in and confessed his lie.

"You did this just because of Tribal Enmity?? When we don't even know if we would live another day in the Wilderness?" Bilal released the gasping fat man and walked towards Trake.

"Don't worry buddy, everything's alright" Bilal gently said and hugged him tightly.

Eyeing the crowd angrily Bilal dispersed it, just as he looked behind he saw both the Guard Soldiers standing besides Dayes seemingly reporting to him.

Treading towards both of them he asked "Aren't you assigned here to control the Workers? Why did you not save the Kid?"

Towards his question both of them looked nonchalantly at each other and said.

"We saw you standing behind the circle of people just as we were, you weren't interested in rescuing whoever is in Trouble, you only moved only to protect the kid for personal reasons!! Now you tell me why should we have taken action? We didn't have anything at stake in it, we were merely assigned to control and protect the Workers from external dangers, not from internal ones" One of the Guard Soldier said apathetically and corrected Bilal's hypocrisy.

"You…." Still angry Bilal wanted to rebuke him but found no words.

"And what you did is nothing different from that Man, he bullied the Kid due to Tribal enmities and you bullied him due to Personal enmity. How about we bully you for questioning us huh??" The other guard said provokingly.

"There there…how about both of you go do a routine round?" Dayes mediated at the crucial time and held off the Soldier.

"Only to give you face, Dayes" The other guard says and goes with his partner.

"Come with me, Bilal" Dayes said blankly "Captain would like to talk to you"

"Ok" Bilal said accepting his mistake.


Inside Captain's Tent.

"Bilal, I'm disappointed in you, do you know why?" Adrogen asks.

"Because I bullied the man and went too far?" Bilal answered.

"No, I gave you full reign to do whatever you want, it's because you questioned both the Guard Soldiers without strength to back you up" Adrogen sighed and asked "Do you know their Attainment ranks?"

"No" Bilal shakes his head and replies.

"They both are at Mid Mortal Apprentice rank, one Energy infused kick from and your bones would've been crushed, even though I endorse free will and pride, I did not mean empty pride without the strength to back you up. I do not know what would've happened if Dayes wasn't there that time" Adrogen lectures calmly.

"Although your Swordsmanship is exceptional, it isn't enough to let you fight two warriors of higher rank at the same time. You can take a petty revenge on them when you gain enough strength on your own, now let's get to the real talk"

"Tell me how has your training been progressing? I must really admit that you're a rare genius, not even two days have passed and you've unblocked the Energy vessels on your legs"

"Ho...How did you know?" Bilal stuttered and displayed a genuinely shocked expression.

"One doesn't become an Adept just by whitening their hair" Adrogen said as he bluish hue sparkled in his eyes.


"Hurry, wrap it all up, we gotta cover a very long distance today" Captain shouts to the workers as he walks out of his tent.

Hearing his command, the workers hurriedly started wrapping all things out, the tent was disassembled, the cooking area was cleaned up and the Soldiers were woken up from their sleep.

Soon a formation was assembled and the Caravan was set off once again continuing their journey.

"I can stay with you, right? Big bro?" Trake asked

"Yes you can and should, I'm not trusting you to those useless bums again" Bilal says and ruffles Trake's hair "Stay with the people of the Rearguard"