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Memories 3

William didn't know how, but now he was suddenly pulled into a situation where he was inclined to share his own past with Phoebe. As Phoebe revealed her past that tortured her -- revealed the reason behind her overwhelming and bone crushing guilt --, William silently absorbed the information that was given to him. He too remembered Caius, Phoebe's twin brother and his best friend that died, he was there that day...but his dear partner wouldn't remember that. She suffers from memory loss and it still seems hazy. Yet he admired her unlike him, Phoebe was brave. She had a way to deal with the anguish-ridden memories while he ran from them. He pushed them into the deepest corners of his mind and tried to forget the horrors of being a victim. He didn't find it unsettling when she began to laugh nearing the end. He knew that this was her own special way with dealing with problematic events. While he ran from or ignored them, she faces them with a blithe demeanor.

"Don't call me Liam," William quipped. However, not having much of a choice, William let out a sigh as he shared his traumatizing experience as well. "I was 13 when I was kidnapped from my home. I was at home reading, then the next thing I knew, I was on the floor of some sort of warehouse tied up. Hours after I woke up, a man came to me. He sat down next to me and began to talk about my mother. He was obsessed with her, but because she married my father, he had bitter feelings towards our family. After hearing about my mother's death, he was enraged. Abducting me was his plan to get revenge," William explained. He tried to distance himself, but as he continued to describe the events, emotions leaked into his mind and became more prominent as time went on.

"He soon began to beat me. He would torture me for hours on end. Because I didn't beg for him to stop, he called me a piece of work..." The fingers of William's right hand brushed over his left shoulder blade. "I can still remember the feeling of him slowly carving lines into my back with that dull blade." William's lips pursed together as he fell silent, stopping at that point.

He didn't tell her that he took one of the abductor's life. He didn't tell her how he disarmed the grown man and plunged the knife into his abductor's artery, letting him bleed out on the floor as he calmly watched the man slowly die. William was scared. He was scared at what he could become. He was scared that he may end up a wanted criminal. At 13, William took another's life without much remorse for the murder itself and that scared William. That scared him as much as the physical torture he went through. He knew he should feel guilt. He had to feel guilt. Why doesn't he feel any guilt?

Phoebe looked up at Willy as he talked. She tried her hardest not to look Him in his eyes, however; she failed knowing how it felt to discuss something not meant to be shared.

As he started to pour his past memories out to her she noticed that she's come across a similar case file in her studies. She studied how situations like William's ordeal could do some real damage to a psyche. She looked at William's hand brush over his right shoulder. 'There's a permanent scar there and maybe and lot more on his back.' Phoebe thought as she couldn't help not to watch his body language.

"I hope that psycho got what he deserved." She spoke out breaking the 10 seconds of silence between them.

Phoebe reached out and hugged William feeling sentimental. "Im sorry, when I do these with my mom we hug it out."

She let him go as the elevator buzzed signaling that the delivery man was there.

"Ooo food's here I'm starving" she smiled completely brighten up that she skipped over to receive the food. She opened the elevator and politely received the food from the delivery guy.

The delivery guy seemed like a young man in his 20s. Nothing seemed out of ordinary about him except for the fact that he smelled like cigarettes. Phoebe would reach into her bra and pull out a few bills of $20s $10s and $5s "Thank you very much you can keep the tip." She grabbed the bag of food from him and all he did was silently nod and smile. Phoebe stepped out of the elevator's way to let it close.

As Phoebe wrapped her arms around William, hugging him, he felt a sense of comfort and warmth he was never able to obtain through his parents or the therapists he's visited several times when he was younger.' It felt nice'. It reassured him that he doesn't have to be alone -- that he isn't alone. William normally isn't very big on sentimentality, but after sharing and reliving his darkest memory, he was left raw and emotionally beaten. Although he wouldn't admit it, he really needed that hug. He simply wished that the delivery came later. The ended too quickly; it was too brief. As William watched Phoebe pranced to the elevator with blithe, he lingered behind in the living room, yearning for Phoebe's consoling presence. William was slightly disgusted with himself. He seemed so needy. William brushed his back. There were too many rampant emotions that it made identifying his mood practicality impossible. He will need to completely regaining his composure by tomorrow morning. Phoebe will be meeting Hex and he needed his mind to be sharp and his decisions to be logical. It will be difficult to do that with a storm raging inside of him.

William walked into the kitchen, opened an over-head cabinet, and grabbed two pristine, porcelain plates. Instead of putting them on the formal dining table, which sat ten people, he lays the plates on the granite counter of the breakfast island. He then grabbed the utensils needed for the meal -- a fork and a knife -- and set it next to the plates.

William wasted no second in eating the meal Phoebe provided him. The reason being wasn't because he was plain hungry; it was because he wouldn't like to spend too much time on consumption or "savoring" the food while an intricate and highly dangerous criminal was still walking freely on the streets. This naturally made him a fast eater whether he was conscious of his pace or not. While retaining his regal and proper appearance, he quickly finished the steak and potatoes along with the wine Phoebe had pulled out. There was a distinct difference between wolfing it down like an uncultured swine and simply eating fast; William made that distinction very clear. Once finishing, he took his plate, glass, and utensils to the sink and cleaned them while Phoebe was still eating, having a little more than halfway to go.