
In a dark and damp cave, where the only light that could be found in the cave was the light from the entrance and the small flickering flames from torches stuck to the walls of the cave.

This cave was home to a small tribe of goblins, known as the 'Hawk's eye' tribe.

Inside this cave you could hear the sounds of babies crying. These babies where the pure blood children as well a few normal children, that was crying for food.

Surrounded by crying babies, there was one baby that did not cry and that baby was Zhou Lee. But because he was now reborn and received a new name, we shall call him by his new name Terurx the milk devourer. Cool name right?

Anyways, it might have seemed like Terurx was asleep but instead, he was cultivating inside his sea of consciousness where time moves slower than the normal world.

[E/N: What kind of bs is this? Author's dao of BS is quite high]

At this moment Terurx exited his sea of consciousness and looked blankly with his eyes. If someone, or goblin, saw him like this, they would have probably thought the baby was close to dying because of how still and quiet Terurx was. Not something anybody wants...

'It seems like i was able to reach the third level of bone refinement but what I didn't expect is that every time I reach a new level of cultivation, my level of this game system also increase. I am currently level 3'

Terurx thought deeply.

'The world of cultivation is a long and tiresome path to reach the top, but to reach it and then lose it once again only to start once more at the beginning is even more tiresome. At Least I have experienced this before and would be able to progress much faster than the first time.'

Cultivation is divided into stages, ranks and levels. There are 4 stages of cultivation. The cultivation of the body, the soul, the elements and the cultivation of life.

The cultivation of the body is divided into 4 ranks of refinement and each rank has 10 levels.

The first rank is known as 'Bone refinement rank', which focuses on refining the bones.

The second rank is known as 'Muscle refinement rank', which focuses on refining the muscles.

The third rank is known as 'Organ refinement rank', which focuses on refining the organs.

The fourth rank is known as 'Blood refinement rank', which focuses on refining the blood in your body.

The cultivation of the soul is divided into 2 ranks, the mind and the soul, which focuses on tempering both the mind and the soul.

The cultivation of the elements is a long process, in which you must choose one element as a base element, each element has 5 ranks.

Once you begin with the cultivation of your first element you will be known as an 'Elemental Novice'.

If you fully mastered your first element and start with your second you will be known as an 'Elemental Apprentice'.

Once you start with your third element you'll be known as an 'Elemental Expert'.

If you have mastered 4 elements you will be known as an 'Elemental Master'.

If you mastered 6 elements you will be known as an 'Elemental Grand Master'

After you have reached the level of an Elemental Grand Master, you will be able to start cultivating the cultivation of life. This stage of cultivation has 4 ranks, where all the ranks focus on prolonging your lifespan. In every level of cultivation, your strength and lifespan grow larger but once you start cultivating the cultivation of life, your strength will double with every level and your lifespan will triple.

'But there is no use in this leveling system, for i am the only one with a cultivation method in this world. I should use the game's way of leveling when I'm with other people'

'Through this knowledge of games that i received from Dorimier, i can understand more about the players, NPCs and the game mechanics, like the thing they call 'status'

As Terurx thought about his 'status', a see through window with his status popped up in front of him.

Name: Terurx

Race: Pure Blood Goblin (special)

Age: 3 Months

Class: N/A

Level: 3

Health: 45

Stamina: 35

Mana: 25

Rage: (currently unavailable)

INT: 15

WIS: 10

DEX: 5

VIT: 5

AGI: 10

STR: 10

(Unused stats points: 3)

Passive Abilities:

Normal Abilities:

[The moon's aura] - a powerful aura that is drawn from the moon it self.

+10% boost in stats

+5% boost in your underlings stats

-5% of your enemy's movements

10% chance of giving the targets a Paralyze effect that lasts 5 sec. If the target is weaker than you by 10 levels, you will have an extra 10% to Paralyze the target. If the target is 100 levels lower than yours, Paralyze effect will be at 100%.

(Time: 3 mins)(cooldown: 72 hours)

[Meteoric gaze] - A gaze so strong it would feel like a meteor. Paralyze the intended target for 10 sec. If the target is weaker than you by 10 lvls or more, you will have a 10% chance of instantly killing him/it. If the target is more than 100 lvls weaker than you, there is a 100% chance of killing it.

(Cooldown: 3 hours)


[Dance of the moon](1|6) - this is an ancient sword skill that allows the user to summon 1 meteor to destroy your enemies. This is a sword dance that needs to be fully completed to use its full power. Find the other 5 parts of the sword dance.


{World boss} - ???

'After obtaining the knowledge of games that Dorimier talked about. I finally understand why he was pitting me! I'm a world boss, something players look forward to find and it seems that cultivation did not just increase my level but also my stats, mainly health, stamina and strength'

Terurx stood up and took his first steps only 3 months after birth

'It seems like I have received my first quest alongside that skill, now it is time to explore for a bit.'


A/N you can join our discord if you wanna talk with me or other people.from the empire

E/N: mhm.