Chapter 1

Life and death are two sides of the same coin. Hence life and death are said to exist hand in hand, when you find one of them, the other won't be too far away.

Everything in the world is governed by a set of natural laws, which adhere to the bindings of heaven and earth. As such these bindings are applicable to creation as well. Man, no matter how accomplished would have to bend his knee against the great tide of time. Nothing is permanent, only the nothingness itself is permanent.

But even as perfect as the system of natural laws might seem, no matter how omnipresent, it doesn't mean that it can't err.

With an extreme twist of his fate, Carlson Jaime found himself in a literal Schrödinger's cat-like situation: he was alive and seemingly dead at the same time.

It all started when Jaime, a teenager skilled in throwing stones across the waters near his village stumbled upon what he deemed to be a 'treasure'.

It was a beautiful black box made of seemingly ebonite wood which shone with a gleaming lustre. And like any common man, Jaime felt a sense of greed and possessiveness stirred inside of him after taking only one glance at this treasure that he found inside of a hollow tree.

And that's when his misfortune began.

What seemed to be a treasure was but a ticking-bomb, upon contact with Jaime's fair hands, the 'treasure' disappeared into nothingness, taking Jaime along with it, or rather to say: his soul.

Jaime was aghast as he found himself in a void. At first the young lad thought he had been teleported to another world or a place filled with treasures and beauties, only later did he realise how naîve his thoughts truly were. Forget about not even having his body, Jaime's soul couldn't even move as it seemed to be held together in place by a force unknown.

Time ticked, minutes turned to days, and days to months. Jaime's lifeless body beside the hollow-tree had slowly started to rot and bite the dust. His disappearance did cause a commotion, but it was not noteworthy as at best only a few people reminisced about him, a young blonde haired lad that used to brazenly steal apples from the market stalls and bravely peek at ladies' undergarments when the wind blew.

Time is relative, what seemed to have been a couple of days for Carlson Jaime's soul in the void, was in fact a couple of years. His body had long rotted away and merged with the soil.

Every beginning has an end, but this ending has led to a new beginning for Jaime.