In the deepest floor of a castle, there is a hidden room lies beneath underground.
It is a secret tomb of a brave hero.
In a dark, damp cold place, a paled body of man was drowned and looks like being preserved by the magical waters that flows in the area.
And there is a noise echoes throughout in the room, a lady coated in malice green presence chanting a spell on reviving the dead body of that man.
The chanting voice become to falter after she saw that the dead body was successfully revived.
The man draw himself from the water and begun to move.
"My beloved Knight, Leomord."
Vexana coated with a malice aura smile histerically when he successfully revive the greatest knight of the Fortress of Despair, The Knight of the highest Order become her Hell Knight.
The Expeditionary Forces of Light advance towards the Fortress of Despair after successful defeat the undead soldier of Vexana.
Lead by the Warrior of Dawn, Tigreal they manage to capture the outer district of the kingdom.
But they didn't knew the twisted summoner, Vexana has a trump card that can match up the strength of the Warrior of Dawn.
She ordered Leomord to protect the kingdom once again by defeating the invaders.
When the Expeditionary Forces of Light setfoot at middle district of the kingdom, a stomp of a mighty horse trembles the area and create a massive fissure.
The frontline soldier of the forces was horrible destroyed.
Because of that Tigreal rushed towards in front to face the individual who cause that attack.
He saw a familiar face, he knew this person. The long jet-black hair, the knight with the red cape, and the mighty brown stallion he ride that worn a helm with a horn.
A name release in Tigreal's lips.
Leomord is the only man entitled as the Knight of the Highest Order.
Leomord draws his sword and charged towards Tigreal.
They clashes sword; the Oathkeepr clashed towards the Sword of Dawn.
The fight between The Warrior of Dawn, Tigreal and The Hell Knight, Leomord and the fight were tremendously strong that ground they stand begun to break.
Tigreal felt something from the swords of his opponent it was filled with grief, despair and sorrow yet he didn't gave a room for pity and continue fighting him.
As they fight, casualties from Tigreal's force can't stand the damage. Many of his soldier were wounded from the fight they made from Leomord.
He was distracted by the fight he lingers, a strong adversary that can stood him in a single fight and didn't knew that his force is nearly took a pincer attack from the undead.
Tigreal command his force for a retreat.
They easily manage to escape from the pincer attack from the undead.
The Hell Knight just stood there letting his opponent to run away.
Leomord recaptures the middle and the outer district in a simple tactics.
She remembers what happen on that moment.
She remembers who did it.
She remembers how did it happen.
She remembers everything.
She remembers.
A secret room filled with many maidens that every girl gag their mouth by a damp cloth.
Frightened and being vulnerable the only thing you can see on their eyes.
Every seconds a maiden get pulled and put in the center of the crypted circle, both arms and legs are binded by black chains while the shaman stood nearby from the circle chanting specific spell to this ritual.
The malicious green presence devoured the young age and beauty of the maiden who stand in the crypted circle.
Tears falls in her eyes as she saw the horrible things on the other girls .
Even the frightened already choked her reality she begun praying at the Lord of Light.
After a minute she didn't knew it was her turn, she get drag by the shaman and put in the crypted circle.
Her prayer didnt work for the malice was so dominant in the room.
She was binded by chains, the crypted circle begun to shone a malicious green light.
When malicious green light slowly taking her, she hears a loud noice coming from the door.
At her final moment she smile at the man who just came.
She remember the love from that man.
She always remember.
The Lab 1718 was the mankind greatest hope, the institution aim bringing peace to the world yet it dwell to other path. Dr. Baker was once part and also one of the founder on this institution but he left. The ideals of other founders made him left the institution because they were so obsess on human weaponization experiments.
Even he left the Lab 1718, he begun to pursue an another project.
He created a new lifeform, using a mechanical skeleton, a synthetic skin and a puppet string.
Dr. Baker firmly believe that love and hope were the greatest invention of mankind, so he programmed the world's most moving stories into the heart of his creation.
The mechanical robot started to move in a stoically way what a robot does yet his creation wasn't good enough for what he want.
He felt little dismayed for his work.
But one bright morning, Peace Android Prototype 1 awakened from her bed and Dr. Baker was surprised when saw his creation move differently than the last time he saw.
The movement of his creation was rather human-like compare the previous. He was so speechless that the words from his mouth more likely imprisoned with the overwhelmed feeling he felt this time.
He was so happy that he made a living soul outside of a human body.
In that day he instantly gave his creation a name, Angela because she looks like an angel than a robot.
The mechanical adorable angel follows Dr. Baker's instructions, she studied hard to understand the world and hoping to meet the doctors high expectation.
After Leomord successfully drove the invader out from the kingdom's outer district, he started utilizing a patrol every a hour even himself, do patrol over the district.
While patrolling he decided to rest for a while even thought he doesn't feel fatigue on his current body.
Idling for a bit he begun reminscing the past after he saw a familiar tavern in the district.
Before he died the kingdom was starting to collapse. The rumors begun to spread all over the kingdom that the Queen practices black magic after the King bed another woman.
The rumors indicate that the Queen started to kidnap pure maiden and make them a living sacrifice by snatching their age and beauty to make them hers.
Leomord wont neither believe nor listen to blasphemous things towards the Queen.
But a sudden day when he visit the girl he loves, the girl was gone.
He instanlty investigate all things that happens in the kingdom and he discover one thing, a Royal Knight from the castle forfeit his title and left the knighthood.
He search that man and manage to find him in just a day.
After interrogate that man he soon discover that the rumors were true.
The Queen of the kingdom kidnap maidens and he thought that the girl he love was also abducted.
After he learn everything from the man who retired from knighthood, he went to the secret crypt where the Queen do the rituals.
Queen hired many knights to protect her but they don't have the strength to defeat Leomord.
Leomord single-handedly defeat the knights and then he went inside the crypt.
He saw horrible things that he couldn't imagine.
Lot of girls filed in every corner of the room while some shaman chanting spell over crypted circle.
Leomord took the Queen's attention after he entering the room but the Queen didn't hesitate to command Leomord that he shouldn't interfere with the ritual.
He can't accept the reality of the things on what he saw this time.
In the middle of the room he manage to glimpse a familiar face of a lady who's now being sacrificed.
"Leomord I said don't interfere the ritual."
His body automatically cease not by magic but loyalty he gave for the Queen.
On that moment he choose loyalty over love.
He saw dreadful things on the woman he loved.
After the ritual momentarily stops Leomord rushed to get Lily but it is too late.
The body of Lily started to decay. He pick up the body and put on his arms.
But the decaying part is not the worst part, while on his arm the body instantly became a dust.
He made a loud mournful cry.
He can't imagine why the Queen who gave his loyalty do this to the one he loves.
He won't a serve a Queen like this.
It is not wise decision he made but he took his own life and stabs his own heart using his sword the Oathkeeper.
Leomord fall in the ground drowned by his own blood.
After reminiscing a grieving memory he didn't realize a tears fall from his eyes.
Even an undead still hold emotion, as he said to his mind.
When he tries to wipe the tears, a light shone upon him.
The strange blue light want to guide Leomord and follow its track.
The blue light leaves a temporary line who tries to follow.
Leomord was hesistant to follow the strange blue light but Barbiel move his head indicating his master, Leomord that he have to follow the light.
With Barbiel's suggestions Leomord follows the light.
The green malice presence devours her slowly, she did struggle to fight that yet the unknown entities was more powerful than a mortal like her.
A pitch black darkness cover her vision after the struggle she did.
Angela response Dr. Baker's call.
"Yes Father."
She tilt after the doctor calls her name who treating like her as his own daugther.
"You're my one precious thing I created."
The doctor hugged her and tears falls from the doctors eyes.
"Don't cry father."
The doctor smile when Angela comfort him.
A sound from the doctor's computer took and grab their attention.
Dr. Baker went to his computer and after he saw something from his computer.
The doctor begun to act strangely.
"What happen father?"
"I got an encrypted message from Alpha."
"Who's Alpha?"
"He is one of my creation with his brother Beta."
"So he is my big brother?"
Doctor swallow his own saliva after Angela said this.
And then he smile again.
"Yeah he is."
Alpha and Angela were both his creations that making them siblings.
The encrypted message he got from Alpha was a warn from the institution.
The message contains:
"Doctor please leave on your current location because after this the institution commands me to retrieve your new invention. They convince themselves that you betrayed them that you keep this knowledge before fleeing."
"Alpha consider me as a father that's why he warn me beforehand."
The Doctor rushed and took Angela's hand.
"Angela this is not what I want but if you please I want to met one of my dearest friend. He is my last resort go to Dr. Rooney."
"How about you father?"
"I can manage myself I don't want you to be caught by those bastards."
"What is a bastard, father?"
"Don't mind that word. Come and follow me."
Dr. Baker took his flight capsule and manually start it.
He put Angela on it and after he kiss Angela's forehead that made the adorable angel smiles.
-Sychronization complete-
-Flight Capsule BV613 Engine Start-
In a seconds the flight capsule flew on the sky.
When Alpha went inside in Dr.Baker's house it was already too late.
Leomord is now following the strange blue light.
He didn't realize he was already beyond the kingdom's boundary.
"This is the thing you want me to see."
A deepen dark blue oval shaped stick on the body of a huge tree.
It is a portal sticking on a tree.
"Wait we are too far away from the Queen."
The strange light run towards on his front and trying to get his attention.
"What do you want?"
The strange light moving in the air likely telling Leomord to go inside on that portal.
"We have to go back, Barbiel."
When Leomord tries to move, the light move towards his face and likely begging him to go on that portal.
Due to the force of the light presses on Leomord, he loses his control on riding Barbiel and fall in the ground.
Leomord is now little annoyed with the light and look like he want to kill this thing but Barbiel block him.
"What Barbiel?"
Barbiel moves his head towards Leomord's shoulder convicing him that they should go to the portal.
After his trusted aid convince him twice, Leomord decide to go inside on that portal.
Before they enter, the blue light went first and then all the line where the blue light leaves the track changed it's color from blue to red.
And Leomord went inside to the portal with his horse Barbiel.
When flight capsule flew in the sky, a massive thunderstorm struck it down.
Instantly fall in the ground.
Surviving from the wreckage, Angela continue her travel to find Dr. Rooney but something appeared in her front.
"I have come to retrieve you. The institution want to see how did Dr. Baker make a soul out of human body."
A mechanical humanoid robot grab Angela's hand but fails, she release a puppet string and bind the enemy on the ground.
Angela decided to run but she didn't knew that it's not the only robot was following her.
She look at her back, seven different humanoid robot chases her.
She ran and try to lost them.
While running a strange light glows appeared on her front.
A deepen dark blue oval shaped forms.
She immediately stop and look on the light.
The curiosity of hers begun to startle on this moment.
"You can't outrun us--- What is that? Is that portal?"
One of the humanoid robot already got her but the portal took his attention.
A moment that light appeared something coming out from the portal.
A minted mist blew on the ground, a brown stallion covered a helm with a horn, a man riding on the horse has long jet black hair. The man worn a paled blue armor cover by minted mist.
"Who are you?"
The humanoid robot instantly asked on the man who came from the portal.
"Are you Dr. Baker's accomplice?"
The man made a puzzled face stating an unknown name from him.
"If you are, I should have to eliminate you."
The robot charged towards the man but the man easily struck it down. Just the stomp of his horse the robot easily destroyed.
The man unride his horse and look on the destroyed robot.
He took out the body of the robot who preventing his horse to move.
"Thank you for saving me mister."
Angela gave her gratitude to the man who just saved her and hugged him.
After Leomord successfully travel using the portal, he saw a condescending humanoid robot facing him and immediately asked his named.
Leomord didn't respond and in few second the robot asked again but when Leomord tries to answer the question, the robot instantly charged at him.
Leomord has no choice but to fight him back.
Barbiel stomp the robot and instantly destroyed it..
Because of that attack the robot's hand was holding on Barbiel's feet that preventing the horse to moved.
So he unride Barbiel and took out the scrap.
"Thank you for saving me mister."
Leomord didn't realized there was someone near on him.
Suddenly that person hugs him.
He saw a cute little girl hugging him.
"Who are you?"
Leomord asking the name of cute little girl.
"I am me... I mean I am Angela mister."
Leomord on that moment felt a familiar feeling, it was like the one he want to feel.
It was like a forgotten fragrant, the scent of a petrichor the nostalgic smell from the past.
A sorrowful love was on the past but the fate made to met again.
"Is that you..Lily?"
The cute little girl tilt and made puzzled face for naming her from another person.
"No, I am Angela mister Dr. Baker is my creator."
"But I feel you are Lily."
Leomord touch Angela's arm and felt the coldness of a metal.
"FG-DD1A has eliminated, another unit has on the target sight."
Leomord and Angela turned around and saw a humanoid robot appeared and surrounded them.
"Surrender that thing human for we have retrieve that thing or else,"
A robot decisively point Angela and warn Leomord.
"Or else what?"
"You have to die."
"Wait FG-DD1B that guy is not a living human according to my data he is already dead."
One robot stop his companion to attack Leomord and analyze their adversary.
"Yeah it was like he had been wrap by a unknown energy making to move."
"But first we should get the thing a bring it to the institution."
One of the humanoid robot tries to take Angela but suddenly destroyed.
"Don't dare touch Lily!"
Leomord did decimation assault that destroyed the robot instantly.
Leomord took Angela to his arms and forcefully put her on Barbiel back.
"What are you doin--"
He place Angela on front and hold her on his right hand not to lose her again then ride Barbiel.
Leomord made Barbiel to move, the mighty stallion jumped over the robot.
"Don't let them escape."
All humanoid robot chase Leomord and Angela.
But they didn't knew it was Leomord plan to chase them.
They bite the bait, as he said to his mind.
As the robot chases them; Leomord change the direction of his horse and confront them.
A thunderous lightning rose from Barbiels feet and made huge fissure that destroyed all the robots.
It was like two birds in one stone but it was like a stone toss from a siege attack of a catapult that destroyed a troops.
All humanoid robots destroyed instanly.
"No one dares to touch Lily again."
"Mister why are you so stubborn I am not Lily, I am Angela."
Leomord smile at Angela and kiss her forehead made the adorable angel awkward but then she smile.
"I have the feeling you are Lily."
"But mister I am Angela."
Leomord didn't argue with the cute little girl because he already knew inside on that robot was Lily's soul.
Angela told Leomord he have to met a man, named Dr.Rooney.
Leomord accompany Angela to met Dr. Rooney.