III - [Can you be my mommy?]

After their moment , Aqua requested them to change and turns around for both comrades to dress up. For the Ladies Outfit , black sleeveless t-shirt with denim jacket with customable sleeves and tight denim jeans or black short skirt with stockings. And shoes with a thick heel at the end or a thigh-high boots colored black if wearing a skirt. It depends on what you recieved. Aqua had the jeans while Scarlet had the skirt. For the Men's Outfit , similar to what Aqua is wearing.

''Scarlet , you look nice! ''

Aqua complimented Scarlet with a smile. Scarlet slightly blushed as to what she said , she denied and complimented Aqua instead. They both laughed as Eugene sat down quietly. They kept talking and talking and heard a creak from the door. They all turned their heads and saw an angelic face.

Flustered , the angelic boy blushed shyly and kept apologizing. They looked at him dumbfoundedly and thought of the same thing.


Eugene snapped out of his thoughts and stood up to welcome the new member of their team.

''Come in! You're part of this team now!''

Eugene smiled at him , the boy felt comfortable around them. He never felt this comfort before. It was strange to him.

The boy made his way inside and got a shocking expressions from his comrades. He knew exactly why , it was because of how he looked like. Aqua acted like a mother and went over to the little boy.

''Why are you..filled with bruises?! What happened?!''

Scarlet was worried , he was just little , had bruises all over and now he's joining hell?.

That is absurd. There is literally no mercy in this world. In this nation , rather. The little boy tried to hold back is tears but could'nt . As soon as he cried , Aqua hugged him softly and wiped his tears gently like a mother.

''W-What's your name , little fellow?''

Aqua looked at him as she asked that question. The little boy forced himself to stop crying and answer the question. He wiped his tears with his hands and answered.

"M-My name i-is...Gray Fullbuster"

He shyly answered to Aqua , it made them smile happily. Aqua was still in shock knowing that they randomly picked a survivor and out of coincidence , it was a little boy.

They were surely ruthless , they didn't give any special consideration to old people and young people. But there is restricted age for these people. Even so , it's still absurd.

Scarlet stood up and crossed her arms in her chest. Questioning the stained marks all over Gray's fragile body.

"Who did this?!"

Scarlet looked at him with a scary look but behind it was a worried expression. Her innocent glance turned into a death stare. Clearly , scaring the little boy. Gray looked away for a second.

"M-My mother abused m-me.. together with m-my family.. because i-i can't hold a-a gun or a k-knife.. "

"That's terrible!"

Scarlet moaned out loud , with a worrying face. Eugene kept quiet about it.

'It must be tough..huh?'

Aqua looked down , pitying the little boy. Then again , she will make sure that none of them will get hurt. Even if it took her life , she will do anything for them to live.

''It's okay , Gray. We are your new family. No one will hurt you anymore , alright?''

Aqua comforted Gray and patted is back like what a mother should do. Once again , Gray felt comfort whenever Aqua patted or hug him. This is the feeling he wanted--needed. He did everything to earn his mother's love. But it was..useless.

Now that he's feeling what he wanted for all these years , he does'nt want to let go of this feeling--this sweet comfort. Gray hugged her tightly like what a son should do to a mother. Aqua hugged him back smiling. Eugene and Scarlet joined in the hug.

'This is..what family..feels like..huh?'

Gray smiled at the thought of his new family.

Aqua changed his clothes , making sure she was'nt touching any wounded spots. Gray whined a little as Aqua accidentally touched one of his wounds. Aqua apologized and continued what she was doing. Gray looked at her lovingly--as if she was his own mother. And bluntly said out of blue...

''Can you be my mommy?''

They widened their eyes.