
Trees, and flowers, and everything else in nature's bounty made up the deep forest in which a mother and child traveled through. Glistening beads of rolling sweat reflected the tangerine aroma of the setting sun, with the turbulent wind pushing the beads across their faces. Yet, weightless beds of leaves sat on the ground, for there was no wind strong enough to bring them afloat.

The woman took quick breaths, as she periodically looked behind her, and then at the child. She was running in desperate notions, and in her wake lied small splatters of blood. Crimson thick dots that would soon begin to make their way down the leaves they fell on.

Her once blue dress was torn in various places, leaving parts of her body to be uncovered, but despite that. There were no wounds. Grinding sounds of distressed teeth came from the carrot top woman, and soft huffs and puffs from the silent boy behind her.

His lips that were just a bit swollen, and busted open struggled to copy his eyes and stay shut. With a deep breath he finally managed to fully open them and slightly whimper, and as soon as he did, his mother became aware. She glared down at him with a piercing look that is only giving to those you hate.

then a whipping smack took the presence of the silent forest, and right after followed a soft thud. Splatters of blood now decorated the once clean leaves around them, and the child laid knocked senseless on the ground. Before him stood his mother, covered by the smothering shadows of the setting sun.

The following night was dark, but the magic was darker. Whistling wind blew through the deep forest trees as the clouds began to fold together. Creaking from the wind, an old cabin stood alone surrounded by trees.

From the cabin's shattered window, a noticeable light had dyed down. It had no visible door, and from amidst that opening a figure began to emerge. This hooded being seemed to carry something wrapped in clothe. "Earie!" She screamed, and a bolt of forbidden magic struck to the sky.

Subtly, it began to drizzle, and that drizzle became a downpour. Lightning struck numerous areas of the forest, and the sound of thunder came soon after. Even still, a faint sound could be heard through even the trees and rain. It was a child's cry.