Chapter 10: seven petal council

Keeping watch over the head of the kingdom, stood a bundle of blue tip mountains. Rigid, and sharp, they circled around the kingdom like a crescent moon's arms.

Till now, no one has been able to figure out why those sapphire leaved trees grew there, the ones giving them their names - blue tip peaks, but they do know that these same trees grow far out in the wilderness. The wilderness which is mostly unexplored and inhabited by a vast amount of mystical beasts.

Where these creatures spawn, and fight each other, the trees served as a balance, giving off a fume that pushes them away. Naturally, for that reason this was made into a important spot for the kingdom. Safe and sound from any dangers of the wilderness.

There were many of these mountains, but the shortest of them was the most beautiful. It's peak was carved naturally into a crater like hole, and within it a steady lake that was formed by many thundering storms.

Ignoring the fish swimming about, and pushing the leaves that floated on top of the water, Asiya stared at her reflection. She kept on making different over exagerated faces of distress, and messing up her hair. "Gotta look the part.." She mumbled.

"Milady, your father is just across the bridge." Said the leading knight.

"Just a minute, I'm almost done..." She mumbled again.

And the knight was correct. Her father king Sulaiman, was across the bridge, having an important council meeting with sixth others.

The one member that always had the most to say was the somewhat large, orange mustached, bald headed political advisor - Targun. His chair was the closet to the king's, and took up two normal chair spaces. "Absolutely! There is no better spot to place the monument I would say." He yelled.

"Why do you always have to scream..?" Said the only woman sitting at the long table. She was the commander of warfare, Mesory. Despite her title, she held a very femine appearance, and spoke lightly.

Tarjun loosened his collar before speaking. "Because I believe certain people," He glanced at a shorter man sitting at the end of table. "Cannot hear too well."

The man he glanced at was overlord, captain of knights, Tesla. A seemingly very young fellow, that always looked like someone pissed him off, and spoke only when needed too. "I can hear every one of your blood vessels struggling to keep you alive, I suggest you worry about yourself." He snarled.

A man sitting across from Mesory began to cover his mouth and laugh. "Oh my oh my, no need for such bad vibes, we are all petals from the same flower mmhm." That man was the always happy, flamboyant, treasurer Udine. If his voice wasn't perplexing enough, he always trimmed his beard into a van dyke-chin puff style.

"Udine is correct, we should be nice amongst one another." Said a very built man wearing a large black hat.

"You're absolutely righ-" Tarjun spoke.

"I'm talking about you Tarjun." The man said firmly.

This one was the physical and elemental trainer. Head teacher for those who wish to sharpen their sword skills, and elemental prowess. His name was Indaru.

The overseer of Arosa was the sixth council member. He folded his arms and took a deep breath. "At this point I have no idea what we were even talking about." He sighed.

"Maboob is right, let's continue with the most important subject of this discussion." Sully said.

From the front of the room, the door creeked open, and Asiya walked in. No one really payed attention to her, other than a few glances here and there as she skipped towards her father. They could care less that her hair was all frizzy, and that she looked like she just smelt a really bad fart.

And she could care less that they were seeing her like that. "Father, I'm very upset." She said as she sat in his lap.

"Not now." Sully said.

Asiya cleared her throat very loudly. "Daddy I have something to tell you." She said politely.

"Asiya I'm having a meeting right now." Sully said as he placed his hand on her head. "Continue Tarjun."

"Yes, as I was saying, the construct-"

"It's really important!" Asiya said yelled loudly.

Sully took a deep breath, and got more comfortable in his large chair. "Ok what is it you have to tell me."

"That man is a good for nothing teri-"

As she was getting ready to speak illy of Kensai, the two knights that brought her there rushed in. "Sire, we just got word that the kingdom is under attack!" One of them yelled.

Everyone at the table jumped up in surprise.


"Under attack you say?"

"By who?"

"I don't believe it!"

Sully took Asiya off his lap, and stood up. "Everyone calm down!" He yelled.

They all became silent and sat back down, except for Tarjun.

"What proof do you have of this?" Sully asked the knight.

The knights looked at each other, and then stood apart so that someone could walk between them. Four guards then came into the room holding a dead body.

It had spirals all over its torso, and blood oozing from various bruises. The fact that it had four limbs was the only reason they could tell it was human.

"My word..." Said Tarjun.

"Black magic.." Mumbled Indaru.

The guards dropped the body near sully's feet, before one of them spoke.

"My lord, that was our captain...barely even recognizable anymore." Said guard one.

Guard two continued. "We were patrolling our normal area and noticed three stange people in black drapes. Thinking they were some weird kids, we decided to play a small little game, but captain dinzil took it to far."

"Before we knew it they were screaming "Alakazam and captain was full of those weird spiral holes." Said guard three.

"We were to scared to fight back. We've only just became guards, so we came straight here!" Said guard four.

"That's enough, take the body away." Sully said as he closed his eyes, and turned to Asiya. "Don't go anywhere."

When he said that Asiya heard the seriousness in his voice, and became scared. "Daddy what's happening, who is that?" She asked.

"Don't worry, just stay there."

"Which sect are you knights from. Well it matters not, go to the eight captains and tell them to ready their men, and make sure to stick together." Tesla told the knights.

"Right away commander." Said the knights before leaving the room.

"Unbelievable, as soon as that man came back.. now this." Said Tarjun, sitting his fat self back down.

"Watch your tongue pig." Hissed Misory.

A soft sound of murmuring whispers caught everyone's attention. "I lost the key.. I lost the key. This is all my fault.. oh no I'll be hanged! What shall I do, what shall I do."

"Stop that Findrel," Sully said. "No such harm will come to you. A mere room key isn't enough for someone to breach the kingdom's defense fields."

"Oh.. I guess you're right, ha ha I'm thinking to much aren't I?" Findrel said as he continued to pace about.

"Yes you are." Sully replied.

Tarjun's face became red. That annoying sound of Findrel walking back and forth, and the fact that he is worrying so much angered him. "Stop it you squire, you're making us more worried than we should be!" He yelled. "The white knights will take care of it before the eight captains can even move a muscle. Nothing a squire like you should worry about." He said firmly.

"Ah yes, pardon me." Findrel said as he put his head down, and walk away.

"You should learn how to be nicer to those under you." Said the treasurer udine.

Tarjun ignored him. "Sire do you not see what is happening?" He asked.

"What're you on about?" Sully replied.

Tarjun whispered loudly. "Someone in the kingdom has betrayed us. Most likely someone from the council."

"Hey!" Yelled Misory.

"Calm down war commander. Tarjun, what evidence do you have to point to that horrendous accusation?" Sully asked.

"Look at the time of year. When the new guards are being trained, and taught how to keep watch. This is the time our defenses are the lowest, and only a few people could have known about this. You, me and everyone else in the council."

"That can't be..." Sully said as he rubbed his beard.

Tarjun spoke fast. "Yes and I have a very good idea of who it might be, someone who opened the gate's last, ke-"

Just before he could finish, Kensai kicked open the two front doors, holding sleeping Nikolai in his arms.

"I could have sworn someone was about to say my name." He said with a smirk.

There was an aroma in the air. It was a mixture of fright, jealousy, admiration, and little bit of blood. Kensai sniffed it all in with one big breath, and blew it all out before jumping onto the table. He kicked off the candles, and clear out a spot.

"My word, are you insane?!" Yelled Tarjun.

"Insane as ever." Kensai said as he layed Nikolai down. "Fae, begin healing his wounds."

"Aye aye captain." Fae said as he flew from his shoulder, and landed on Nikolai's forehead. He then started to glow green, and so did Nikolai. The burn marks on his hands slowly receded, and his face of pain settled.

"Nikolai!" Asiya yelled as she lifted her dress to run to him. Sully quickly stopped her, and gave her the face to stay back.

He then continued to speed walk to the table. "Kensai what is the meaning of this?!" He asked as he checked Nikolai's pulse.

"While you lot were enjoying yourselves, I took it upon myself to save the kingdom. You're welcome you're welcome." Kensai said as he bowed left and right.

"I'm serious brother..." Sully said, which confirmed for Asiya that Kensai was actually telling the truth.

Kensai's sarcastic, enigmatic face changed, and he looked more serious. "Witches Infiltrated the kingdom, and they specifically attacked the boys." He then reached for the bag that he carried on his back. "I managed to kill two of them, but who knows how many more of them there are." He said as he emptied the bag on the other side of the table.

Two large heads covered in hair, blood, and drool fell out. Tarjun jumped from his seat, and the others held their noses, or closed their eyes.

"This is the reality of death, do not be afraid. Look at them long and well, these are the people you guys are letting in the kingdom!" Kensai shouted.

"Allan was with Nikolai!" Asiya yelled from the back as tears ran from her eyes. "Where is he?!"

Everyone turned to kensai for his answer.

"Kensai where is the boy." Sully asked.

"I barely got there in time to save Nikolai. The other one wasn't there when I arrived..." He said.

The atmosphere of the room instantly become dense with changing of Sulaiman's expression. Findrel gulped and stepped back a little. "Commander of the knights, Tesla." Sully said.

"My king." Tesla said as he stood up.

"Personally I will go and ready the eight captains, tell them I want every one of their men searching for my son."

"Understood, I garantee we will find him." Tesla said.

"Kensai you as well, have your men search with you."

Kensai stood there unwilling. He hated spur of the moment situations the most, but even more than that. He hated being told what to do.

"Now!" Sully yelled, and the lights flickered out for a second

"Fine, I'll go," Kensai said before hopping off the table, and walking for the exit. "Just be grateful I was able to save the one."

"Are you going to leave your friend behind?" Asked Misory.

Kensai stopped at the door. "Thanks for the thought deary, but Fae will stay and heal the boy." He said, and walked out.

"That man... Is he going to be ok?" Misory asked Sully.

"Kensai can take care of himself, I'm just worried about Allan... If the same thing we're to happen to him as Fable..." Sully went on.

"That won't happen ever again, I promise." Said Indaru.

"I hope you're right." Sully said.

The truth was that there was no way for them to actually know if Allan was going to be ok or not. There was only one man that could answer that riddle, and Allan was in his company.