Chapter 3

Akila was sitting on her bed staring at Charles, who was sitting at the writing desk. He was fiddling with something in his hands. Akila kept trying to see what it was, but every time he caught her looking he turned his back to her. Akila sat on the bed in suspicion. She fell backwards and laid her head on one of the pillows. She could hear Charles set whatever he was working with on the table. His chair scraped the floor as he stood up. Akila turned to her left and watched him walk to the bed. His eyes darted to her and then to the window.

"Why did this have to happen. To us. To you?" he asked Akila.

She looked at him in pure confusion of what he asked her.

"Its been years since it happened Charles. We should just put it behind us," Akila said as she sat back up.

"What if I don't want to put it behind me. What if I wanna turn back time and go live with my family again. Akila, who did this?" He replied in anger.

Akila looked at him and laid back down, "I don't know exactly who or why but we just need to forget it for now. Hey, um, what was that thing you were working on?"

"This stupid thing. It's just a piece of crap I found after the attack. Here," Charles said as he handed Akila a small oval piece of metal on a chain. She studied it and found a crease along its edge. She stuck her fingernail in it and opened it.

Inside there was a small piece of paper that had a small bit of writing on it. Akila pulled it out and held it to her eye.

"Well, this isn't a piece of crap, it's a locket. There was this paper inside." Akila said as she handed the paper to Charles. He took it and looked it over.

"It says something here, py- pyani, I think?" He handed Akila back the paper and she took it from him.

"Pyani?" As soon as Akila said it the locket started to glow a bright blue. She picked it up by the chain and held it in the air. It spun around in small circles and opened itself up again. She dropped it and watched it fall to the floor. Out of it, a small stream of light shone. "What is that!?" Akila said as she stared at it. She backed up against the wall next to Charles. It shone bright as the sun. Suddenly the locket snapped shut. Akila stood there puzzled. She walked to the locket and picked it up, placing it back on the chain. It spun as she held it. "What just happened?"

"I think the locket must have been enchanted to respond to that word, but why didn't it work for me. I said it but it did nothing," said Charles, still against the wall.

Akila studied the locket and unclipped the chain. She brought it around her neck and closed the clip.

"Why did you put it on! It could be deadly or something!" exclaimed Charles.

"If it was deadly, whatever came out of it would of killed us already. And Charles, do you have magic?"

"No, why?"

"I think that's why it didn't respond to you. You don't have magic, I do." Akila said.

Charles looked at me in astonishment, "You couldn't... Only a few of our clan had magic. I thought they all died!"

"Well one of them didn't."



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