Chapter 4.5: "Into the Relationship?"

The real situation has begun. My heart started beating very fast, and I was continuously staring at the phone. I didn't want any sort of nuisance from my mom. So I switched off the tube light, and turned on the lamp.

**Message Tone**

Received a message(s)

My heart skipped a bit.

"Finally!" I said.

I was expecting it to be her message with an answer, but it was from facebook. A new message notification. I opened it, and that was from Harini.

"Harini Sharma: Would you like to know my answer?"

"What is this going on?" I shocked.

It shook me upside down. I was curious to know what she meant by that message.

I logged into the facebook, and messaged her.

"Which answer you want to give me?"

She saw the message, but didn't reply. I texted her again to reply me.

"Wait for my answer!" She replied.

Most importantly, I wanted Prachi to give me answer. That stupid wasn't messaging yet.

"Maybe, she forgot to answer," I said myself.

I made me calm, and patted on my shoulders, "Everything is going to be alright."

I messaged her again to remind about 8 p.m.

"Are you there? I will wait for five minutes more. If you didn't message me, then that's over."

Message sent.

As I said, I wanted her message to be received within five minutes. That was not it. I didn't get a reply from her. My heart sank in sorrow and it has broken into pieces. I couldn't help my tears rolling down to cheeks, and cried in silent from heart.

"I waited 1 year for her..."

"..But she gave me a hell of a time to answer!" I screamed.

"And she didn't give a reply!! F*ck her!!!"

I threw my pillow in anger, frustration, pain, and anxiety because of her answer. That pillow hit directly to the lamp. The lamp broke into pieces as it was a made up of glass. Room turned into black.

"How could she say no to me?" I asked myself.

I started regretting my first proposal. After an eight months with some beautiful memories, she pushed me in a traffic with no sound.

I rewind all the memories to see whether I played with her feelings or not because she was doing it. My eyes wasn't listening to me, and there was a pain in heart that can't be wiped out easily.

"She's not the only girl," I told myself and wiped out tears.

I picked up the mobile, and opened messages. As my eyes filled with tears, I couldn't see anything on screen.

I typed,

"Bye, Prachi. It was a nice journey with you."

New message(s) arrived.

I pressed the send button, and checked the new message. It was from Prachi.

It said,

"Sorry! My friends came to my home. So, that's why I couldn't answer you. I'm Sorry."

"What the hell!" I hit my head.

I wished that I could delete that stupid message from either side. She sent me a message again. I wiped my tears and clicked on it.

It said,

"What are you saying? Don't you want to hear my answer?"

I nodded.

"I love you, Prachi. Do you?" I messaged.

After few seconds, she replied.

"My stupid, I love you!"

The stupid heart turned me out into a joyful nature. Suddenly, I was hearing a sound in traffic. I rechecked the message for my satisfaction.

"I love you!"

"Umm... From Prachi!!"

"Yahoo!!" I joyed.

"Raghav!! What made you shout?" mom shouted.

As soon as I heard her voice, my mood got spoiled.

"Please, tell me once again." I messaged with a love emoji.

"What?" She replied.

"I love you," I messaged.

"I love you too. Now stop. I'm blushing," She replied.

"Thank you baby," I messaged.

It was the first time I called her baby.

"Bye! My baby. I have to go now. Meet you tomorrow!" She replied.

"Ahaa! Thank you darling. Love you, take care. Bye," I messaged.

It was the first time I called her darling, and she didn't say anything. I couldn't express this happiness with a single word. If she was standing in front of me, I would've hugged, and kissed her all on her face. I wanted to share this with Bhargav, and I called him.

"Hello!" With a joyful voice.

I heard a woman voice.

"Bhargav?" I asked.

"Raghav! I'm her mother."

"A-a-Aunt, I-I-Is Raghav at home?" I faltered.

"No, He went out. I will tell him to call you. Okay?" She said.

"Is there anyth..."

"Okay! Aunt," I hanged up before she speak anything.

I wanted to share about this amazing moment, but didn't get anyone who was so close to me. While I was switching of the light, my body danced all by itself. I jumped onto the bed with my pillow.

"I will love you forever," I said myself and closed my eyes.

I started imagining from the time she was walking with her eyes down near the college. I smiled at her like an idiot. My inbox popped up again. It was from facebook.

"Harini Sharma: My answer for your proposal."