Asta William

The next day was Saturday. Anyway we didn't have classes and I asked Sheldon to take me somewhere. So we can talk about it clearly. Sheldon came and waited near to our apartment. I didn't want my mom or dad to get to know that I was actually going out with Sheldon. I told them I would go to library and prepare some notes for exams.

When I went down, Sheldon was waiting me there. He was leaning on his car and doing something in his phone. The sight was a real treat to my eyes. I just stared him for some more seconds and walked towards him. When Sheldon noticed my arrival, he kept his phone inside and turned towards me. He was standing there and smiling at me. I could say his smile was my favorite one.

I have never seen someone who had such a charming smile. I went near to his car and he asked me where I wanted to go. I told him to take wherever he feels it's comfortable. Then we got into the car and started. I have never seen Sheldon in such a good mood. He was very happy and the smile was just plastered on his face. I was really happy to see him like this. When I met him in the concert, he was not talking to anyone. I felt he was also an introvert and would never mingle with people.

But today he is totally different. Then he turned to face me and said "Babe, I want you to do me a favor and". I casually asked him what was that.

hi said, " I want to get married soon and yeah I want our marriage to get registered soon". I was very shocked and I didn't know what to do. Then he spoke again, "Asta, I know you are really don't want to get married now. When we were in school, from that time I am asking you. But because of situation, so many things happened." I didn't say anything.

He was waiting for me to reply. Again he started to talk, "I cannot lose you again Asta. Let's get our marriage registered. That's all I wanted now". I didn't have guts to say "No". Then I knew that he was not an stranger. I had a feeling that I could only trust Sheldon at that moment. More over I felt like whenever I was with him, I was getting a clue about my past. So I decided to marry him.

I decided to get our marriage certificate without anyone's knowledge. I said okay to Sheldon. I could feel his happiness. He was more than happy. It was always better to marry someone, who feel lucky to have you in their life. At that moment I felt how lucky I was. How lucky we both were. Even though I forgot everything, still I had some strong feeling towards him. The feeling was not only love, it was trust, security, and yeah I trust him a lot now. Reason, even I don't know.

Sheldon took me to meet his parents. I met them. They were very happy to meet me again. I didn't know whether we shared the same bond previously. I just loved it.

We decided to get married after our final examination. And it had just a month to finish our graduation. Sheldon and I were concentrating on our exams while Sheldon's dad Jacob took care of our marriage preparation. It was very confidential and Uncle Jacob managed to do it with his influence.

I was going to get married to "SHELDON" soon.