Asta William

We went to one restaurant and had our dinner. Everyone was enjoying their dinner and chit chat with others. But Sheldon and I were never listened what they were talking about. We both glancing at each other time to time. Sheldon would wink at me whenever I glanced at him.

It was something different and good. I started thinking about the past. I didn't know how was our past but i just wanted to remember all the good memories in that. If our relationship was worst and painful, I didn't want to remember it at all. We both were happy then. I just wanted this happiness to be there till end of our life.

Grace was sitting near to Joseph and trying to develop a conversation. It was good to see her with a boy. Grace used to mess things up in her previous relationships. She wouldn't be sure about her feeling before she confesses her love to someone. I didn't want that to happen this time. Anna was quite she was enjoying her dinner. She was trying different starters and sometime suggested some good foods to me. Emma was sitting beside Sheldon and I felt like she was glancing at me sometimes. I didn't pay much attention to it. Sometimes she would do that to me. She would stare at me without reason. If she got bored she would do that. So it was quite normal for me. I was just focusing on Sheldon. I wanted to know his food preferences. Once we started living together, I would be the one who should cook for him. So I should know it better.

We finished our dinner and we left the place in Anna's car. I wanted to go with Sheldon. But I know it was impossible with these three girls. And more over Emma was there. Initially she warned me to stay away from him. So I could not do that.

Finally we reached Grace's home. Grace's parents went to her Uncle's place to see them. So she had to be alone in her home. We thought we would stay with her that night and We told our parents about it.

When we reached, we got freshen up and we were ready to sleep. I received a text and at that time my phone was with Emma. I asked Emma who was that and she casually said it was from Sheldon.

She simply threw my phone on the couch where I was sitting. I took the phone and opened the text. I really got nervous by seeing his text. I didn't know whether Emma had seen it. What if she had?

Emma called me to the balcony to discuss about something. I went and stood near to the entrance and I was waiting for her to speak.

Emma: What's up? What's going on?

Asta: What's going on? Are you asking about what?

Emma: I am asking about you and Sheldon.

I could understand how sarcastic her voice was.

Asta: Nothing. We are just.

Emma cut me off in between and started talking

Emma: Don't say you both are just friends. I have seen you hugging him in his dressing room and I know what you people did in restaurant. And I have seen his text too.

"Good night love" . Is he your love?

Asta: Emma, listen to me. Let me explain

Emma: I thought you would not be a fool again. But you proved me that you are actually a fool.

Asta: What do you mean by that?

Emma: I am talking about you past. If you can't remember anything, don't take decision without knowing.

Asta: I love Sheldon. I don't care about the past. I don't remember it any which ways. I don't want to remember if it was a painful one.

Emma: Love, my foot. You proved me again that you are a fool. Sheldon is your love right. And let me clear you one thing, you are in love with a murderer. The one who tried to kill you. The one who pushed you from the balcony. You wanted to know about your accident right? Someone tried to kill you. Someone pushed you from balcony and the someone is none other than Sheldon Jacob.