The Villains Attack Part 2!

"Seems like we got teleported in the collapsed zone." Toru pointed out to the two boys.

"We gotta find a way back! To help out everyone else." Kirishima said.

"I'll kill that purple misty bastard!" Bakugou roared as the trio was suddenly greeted by an influx of villains swarming into the room with weapons.

Toru's black bodysuit transformed itself into her gym uniform and she pulled out her baton. Toru cartwheeled over to the first mooks coming into the room and kicked him in the face, knocking him and the rest of the villains behind him down.

"This might hurt a bit." She said cutely while placing her baton on the torso of the guy she kicked and pressed a button.


The villains were collectively electrocuted with the exception of 2 electric based quirk users. One seemed to have gotten stronger and the other one was completely unaffected by her baton. The one who got stronger pounced at her with his hands outstretched. Toru wasn't particularly worried but the two boys behind her were. She jumped out of the way as Bakugou and Kirishima simultaneously attacked the incoming brute. Bakugou used his quirk and blasted him in the face as Kirishima used his hardening quirk and punched him straight in the stomach from below. The last mook realized he was outmatched and began to flee as the other electric villain was knocked out.

Just as the final villain was about to turn the corner and make his escape, he was shot in the neck with a tranquilizer dart. Toru placed the black pistol back in her pocket while Kirishima looked at her in shock. Bakugou gave her a strange look as if he was impressed but didn't want to show it or say anything.

"That was a close one! He almost got away from us."

"That was awesome! You handled those guys so easily!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Hehe. It wasn't much." Toru giggled.

"I could've handled it just as easily." Bakugou stated.

"I'm going to go help the others!" Toru stated as she walked towards one of the open windows and was about to leave.

"Wait! I'll come with. I'm worried about the others too." Kirishima said.

"Sure! You can come but I won't wait up on you! See you guys later!" Toru waved goodbye as she grappled from building to building and eventually out of the collapsed zone.

"It's time for the debut of Stealth Girl! The sneakiest and most helpful hero there is!" Toru happily exclaimed as she eventually reached the border of landslide zone and seeing an icy aftermath.

The villains were all trapped in ice and Toru saw one of her classmates. It was the boy that Antoine said was close to being the strongest in the class. He listed himself first if he had time to prepare but if he was caught really off guard he would claim himself as fourth strongest in the class. She asked him where she was on the ranking list and he said if she had her equipment better than a majority of the class that isn't part of the top. This only confused her more. How was she suppose to know who is part of the top? But Antoine never fully explained to her where exactly she laid on the scaling and she didn't push the issue.

It doesn't matter whose the strongest or weakest to her. Toru would help and work along with anyone. She's going to become one of the greatest heroes of all time! Strength isn't everything for a pro hero.

"Need some help?" She asked Todoroki.

She could tell the boy was surprised by her. His eyes slightly widened before returning back to his neutral looking face.


"Call me Toru!" She answered upbeat. She noticed the boy either had troubles socializing or just didn't bother. That's not a good trait for a future hero.

"I'm returning back to central plaza. I've gotten everything I need from here."

"Alright then. See ya!"

Just as Todoroki was walking back, one of the frozen thugs broke out from his ice and kicked towards Toru.

"Watch!...." Todoroki yelled with ice forming towards where Toru was and abruptly stopping just like his words as Toru somehow managed to swing the villain's foot over herself and slamming him into the ground. Todoroki was speechless as he saw the petite invisible girl somehow slam that beast of a man into the ground. She didn't let up though, as soon as the man was slammed on the ground Toru followed up with armlock that caused the giant of a man shout out in pain. He tried with his much larger strength to lift the girl but just as Toru felt she was getting lifted off the ground, black gloves manifested around on her hands and.


The giant mook was unconscious as Toru got up and off his smoking body. She smiled.

"Trying to sneak attack Stealth Girl? That's not the smartest of choices villain!" She clapped her hands off as her hands turned invisible again and the gloves disappeared. She noticed Todoroki was still standing there watching her.

"Weren't you on your way to the plaza?" She asked.

"Oh.. Yea. See ya.." He said absentmindedly before walking away and unfreezing all the goons.

Toru then went off to the other disaster sites to see if anyone else needed help.


Yuga was far in the sky as some of his classmates were transported by the teleporting villain. He dove straight down towards the purple figure and he looked back at him. Yuga felt scared all the way to his bones as he stared into the yellow eyes of the villain.

'I can't let him get to me… Antoine wouldn't lose himself.. He'd probably swear at the villain and curse his entire generation before admitting defeat..' Yuga's unconfident face slowly transitioned into a slightly more confident one.

The gaseous villain created a portal in front of himself as Yuga was close to reaching him and Yuga threw out his left hand and blasted himself to the side by shooting a laser to his left, avoiding the portal and then blasting around the villain and with a third laser, shooting himself towards the man. The man could barely react as the lasers were flying all around himself but didn't lose himself as the boy blasted a sparkly blue laser straight through his gaseous form.

"It's that bracer! There's no way your quirk could make you teleport others and be completely intangible." Yuga realized as the villain's purple fog exploded from behind him, intent on swallowing Yuga whole.

"Boy! Get back!" Thirteen said as she wanted to use quirk. Yuga didn't argue with the Pro Hero and with two laser beams out of his back, shot out of the fog and landed next to the rest of his classmates.

He was starting to feel the strain on his body after using that many lasers consecutively. But he could still go on. He wasn't hurting yet.

"Class President!" Thirteen yelled.

"Yes!" Iida responded.

"Your job is to run back to the school and report on what's happening. One of these guys are interfering with the school's system and we have no way of contacting the outside."

"The Class President can't very well abandon his class.." Iida tried to refute.

"He said go out the emergency exit! There are alarms on the outside, which means that these guys must only be causing trouble in here!" Sato, the sugar quirk guy, informed.

"So if you can make it out, they can't follow you! Shake off that mist man with that speed of yours!!" Sero, the tape quirk guy said.

"Please. Use your quirk to save us all!" Thirteen finished.

Iida finally relented and began running to the exit as Thirteen stood off against the warping villain. But the fight with these two wasn't long as Thirteen got caught by her own black hole quirk and was nearly killed! This allowed the misty villain to deal with the fleeing Iida. He leaped towards the exit to block the running Iida.

"I won't let you!" Yuga shouted as he shot lasers out of his feet and punched the villain's bracer upward into the sky. As his fist made contact with the metal object, a sparkling blue laser shot out from his fist soon after, knocking him even farther into the sky.

"It's game over…." He muttered as Iida made it outside and ran to call for help.

Yuga looked up and saw that the villain was gone.

"Help is on the way…" Uraraka said relieved.

"Nice going Aoyama!" Sero said.

"Yeah that was pretty amazing." Sato added.

"Thanks.. But it isn't over yet. We still have to help the others." Yuga replied.

Yuga and the other students who weren't transported went over to see how Aizawa was doing.


"COME ON! COME ON! YOU CALL YOURSELVES VILLAINS WHEN YOU CAN'T EVEN DEAL WITH A FEW EXPLOSIVES?! AHAHAH COME ON!" Antoine yelled as he flew around on his glider, throwing special grenades down below as Jiro, Kaminari, and Yaoyorozu fled.

The villains ran around the mountain zone in a mass confusion, panic, and fear. All types of explosions ran out. Grenades that explode in a blast of fire than caused some of the thugs to be lit on fire, grenades that electrocuted anyone near them into an unconscious smoking heap, grenades that exploded into a swarm of tiny robotic spiders that shot tiny laser beams and exploded if they latched onto them, and even bombs that exploded into a green cloud of smoke that made some of the mobs burst into an uncontrollable laughing fit.

"Anyone with a ranged quirk SHOOT THAT FUCKING BRAT IN THE SKY!!"

"JUST TRY AND HIT ME YOU FUCKING BUMS! I'LL BLOW YOU APART! HAHAHA!!" Antoine retorted back as his metal tentacles, now in gripping form, wielded guns and shot at the mooks below.

It wasn't long until all the villains were rendered incapacitated by Antoine's mass weaponry and robot army led by the AI he created named Lackey. Antoine flew down to his rescued classmates.

"ARE YOU CRAZY MAN!? YOU COULD'VE BOMBED US TOO!!" Kaminari shouted as he shook Antoine's collar.

"Yeah that was completely dangerous! What were you thinking!?"

Antoine glared at the boy and he suddenly got his nerves back in order. He let go of Antoine, neatly fixed his lab coat back up, and then stepped back.

"Good. There won't be a next time you know. I made sure to throw them in places where you guys would only be minimally hurt or not hurt at all. If you don't trust me or don't believe me, I don't give a shit. But do realize that I could've just flown over and left you three to defend for yourselves." He grinned.

"Thank you.. even though your way of saving us wasn't comforting or would be recommended in the slightest, I won't be stubborn and not admit that you didn't save us. Just next time do it in a more normal way please." Yaoyorozu said maturely.

"That's much better. Now do you want to walk or fly?" He asked.

Kaminari shook his head rapidly while Jiro and Momo agreed. Antoine grabbed the girls with his metal arms and shot off into the sky towards Midoriya's zone. The main event was happening soon. He hoped his friends were alright. Momo and Jiro started screaming as he was flying through the air and eventually hung onto his arms like frightened cats.

By the time Antoine managed to get to the main fight, Aizawa was already fighting Tomura.

"Shit… Shit… Shit… I gotta hurry." Antoine said as he flew straight towards Midoriya, Tsuyu, and Mineta. He grabbed the three in his metal arms without their consent and flew them away to a safe distance.

"NEIL!" Mineta shouted, nearly distracting Aizawa who looked away from his battle for a second and almost got his arm disintegrated by Tomura. He kicked the villain to the ground as Antoine managed to get the 5 of the students to a safe distance.

"Next time Grape Boy don't yell our position to the dangerous villains who don't mind killing us." Antoine told him.


"I'm going to help Aizawa-sensei. And no, I do not want any of you coming. You'd just be a bother because of how weak you all are. Except Cabbage Head but I heard about his quirk's kickback. Jump in if you think one of our lives is in danger, the rest of you don't get involved unless I tell you to." Antoine said in a commanding tone as he got off his glider and ran towards Aizawa-sensei.

"STAY BACK NEIL!" Aizawa yelled.

"Can't follow that order this time." Antoine answered as he used his tentacles to jump forward and stood side-by-side with his homeroom teacher.

"How sweet… I'm sure killing this brave little boy will make All Might a little sad. Nomu. Get them." Tomura ordered.

The large bird-faced giant twitched as soon as Tomura gave the command.

"TEACHER MOVE!" Antoine yelled as the Nomu basically vanished from its previous spot and nearly smashed Aizawa's head into the ground. Thankfully his teacher listened to him and got out of the way.

Aizawa binded the large science experiment with his cloth weapon and Antoine switched his 2 of his tentacles to punch form and the others four into grip form. His tentacles began rapidly punching the immobilized creature while also speedily shooting the Nomu with concussive laser beams with laser gun.

"It's no use. Nomu here has shock absorption. If you really want to hurt him… you'd be better off slowly ripping him apart, piece by piece… Not that you'll have that chance though…" Tomura announced as the Nomu ripped Aizawa's cloth off of him and punched at Antoine. Antoine's fear rose to great heights as he felt the terrifying amount of force coming straight down at him. His mind momentarily went blank as his tentacles automatically defended him. His gripping tentacles caught the fists of the Nomu and his punching tentacles continued their onslaught on the artificial human's face nonstop.

'I wanted to fight this thing….? Am I fucking nuts…?! The air alone from the fist made me want to piss myself and drown in it!' Antoine thought as his face transitioned from seriousness to fear. 'Hey… Maybe I'm out of my league here.. I can easily just run away. There's no way this thing could catch up to me if I really went all out trying to run away. Yeah.. Let's do that..' Antoine decided just as Aizawa kicked the Nomu in the back of the head.

"NEIL! FOCUS!" He shouted as the Nomu managed to free itself from the metal arms and catch Aizawa's leg.

The Nomu smashed Aizawa into the ground and Antoine kept his trigger finger on his laser pistol, constantly blasting the Nomu with concussive lasers.

'All Might where the fuck are you bud?! Kind of need you here..!'

The Nomu ignored Aizawa who was momentarily taken out of the fight and focused on Antoine. Antoine slowly backed up in fear. The amount of strength radiating off this creature was enough to make him think any type of defiance was to sentence himself to death.

"Fuck the back up…!" Antoine shouted while backing away even more. The Nomu walked forward again and Antoine backed up even more. The creature eventually jumped at him, bringing his previous fear levels to the peak. Bringing his body into a dangerous fight or flight state.

"FUCK YOU!!!! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU!" Antoine yelled in a panic as he threw whatever he could from his inventory at the Nomu.

Incendiary grenades lit the Nomu on fire. The Nomu continued towards Antoine while on fire. Ordinary grenades exploded some of the flesh of the Nomu. The Nomu healed its injuries with its hyper regeneration. Sound grenades that damaged the Nomu's head. It stopped and screamed from the pain. Grenades that exploded into a sticky substance that held the creature still. And before he noticed the Nomu couldn't move anymore, he even threw a grenade that exploded into a bunch of party confetti.

Antoine backed up as he suddenly realized he managed to stop the terrifying creature. His entire body was sweating and his previously terrified face slowly turned into one of a laughing one.

"HAHAHAAH! YOU DUMB UGLY BIRD-FACED BITCH! YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD DEFEAT THE #1 FUTURE PRO HERO!? DIE!!!! DIE!!! DIE!!!!!" Antoine screamed hysterically as he pulled out multiple small arms from his inventory and equipped them in his hands and 6 of his grip tentacles.

They opened fire on the immobilized artificially human and shot him will all types of different bullets. Incendiary bullets, explosive bullets, paint bullets, metal spherical bullets, rubber bullets, concussive laser shots, regular laser shots that pierced through the creature's body, and even a gun that shot tranquilizer darts. The Nomu was quickly healing and being destroyed by Antoine's weaponry.

"Now that's no fun.." Antoine suddenly heard Tomura's creepy ass voice behind him with four fingers on his back.

"Hey…. That's not fair… you dirty shit-eating villain…." Antoine stuttered in fear while shaking.

"So it's only fair for heroes to save their compainions but if villains do it it's wrong…?"

"That's right you fucking degenerate…. You villains are nothing more than stepping stones to my rise to the top." Antoine couldn't control his mouth in his state of fear and panic. He wanted to sew his mouth shut and kick himself in the balls but he couldn't stop himself.

"Quite the brave little hero aren't you.. What a shame that your story ends here…." Tomura was about to touch Antoine with his final finger and officially activate his quirk and disintegrate the young boy.

But just as he was about to make contact with Antoine's back, Tomura was elbowed in the jaw and kicked away by Toru!

"Oh sweet baby jesus lord Christ in heaven bless my soul…" Antoine rapidly muttered as he grabbed Toru's shoulders and kissed her deeply on the lips. Toru hopped back in surprise as her face flushed red. (Not that anyone could see this.)

"You don't know how much I love you Toru. You just saved my life. I'm going to take a small break now..." Antoine slowly dropped to the floor and started kissing the ground while muttering how much he loves being alive and how blind he has been to not appreciate such a gorgeous and beautiful planet.

"I'm going to ignore that.. I don't think he meant that in that way anyway…" Toru told herself as her clothes became visible and Aizawa recovered enough to fight.

"Sensei! Antoine's kind of out of right now! So it's just us!"

He nodded as he looked at the boy whispering sweet nothings to the ground and then looked at the slightly injured Tomura.

"KILL HER!" Tomura shouted in anger from being hit by the child and also not being able to kill that annoying boy. The Nomu finally managed free itself by detaching its skin and muscles from the glue and then jumped towards Toru.

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!!!!" A voice from the sky shouted as he appeared next to Toru and from his chest, fired a large sparkly blue laser down. The Nomu was nearly blasted by the newcomer's attack but the misty villain managed to place a portal down in time and Yuga's laser was coming straight back towards him.

Toru and Yuga panicked but Yuga managed to get himself back in order quicker as he clashed with his own attack! He fired another laser towards his own and the two beams clashed.

"Toru..! Get out of the way! I sent that first laser with enough force to knock that guy all the way to one of the zones! I won't be able to stop this with you in the way!"

"Alright..! Be careful!" Toru replied as she flipped out of the way.

But the two forgot that the Nomu was still under orders. He leapt with great strength towards Toru again, breaking the ground underneath him. Aizawa wrapped the Nomu in his cloth, but Nomu ripped it apart and continued towards Toru.

She was shivering in complete fear as Yuga looked on in horror as he faced against his own attack slowly getting overpowered. Antoine was still in Lalaland on the ground and Aizawa couldn't possibly make it over to Toru in time, the distraught in his eyes showed as he failed as a teacher and mentor to keep his students safe. Just as the Nomu was about to grab her, the doors to the training area were completely broken down.

Through the dust, a familiar awe-inspiring figure stood there. He slowly walked out of the dust cloud and revealed himself. The students cheered and cried as the hopeless feeling they felt facing the villains went away with the mere sight of the man.

"It's fine now! For I am here!" All Might announced heroically while looking pissed to all hell.

"ALL MIGHT!!!!" The students yelled as the Nomu, Tomura, and Kurogiri all looked towards All Might direction.

Aizawa saved Yuga from his attack and grabbed Toru and Antoine as well before retreating next to the other students. He stood in front of them as All Might slowly took care of the rest of the villains and appearing in front of the trio of villains.

"Finally…. The trash of society shows himself…" Tomura said.

"Aizawa! What's the situation!?" All Might asked.

"The brain villain is as strong as you but also has two quirks! Hyper Regeneration and Shock Absorption! The hand guy can disintegrate whatever he touches and the purple one can warp and create portals!" Aizawa replied.

All Might nodded before taking off towards the villains.

"Nomu." Tomura ordered.

The Nomu stood in front of his boss and took on All Might's cross arm attack and effectively took no damage before trying to grab the #1 Pro Hero, who ducked under and punched him to no avail.

"He really does have shock absorption! How about this!?" All Might shouted as he appeared behind the abomination and german suplexed him with enough force to cause an explosion. But just like in the manga, All Might was captured as the villains teamed. He was trapped by the Nomu digging its claws into his sides and the warp villain's quirk.

Toru and Yuga hovered over Antoine. Toru grabbed him by the collar as his eyes were seemingly glazed over. She slapped him hard enough for everyone to look at them.

"What kind of #1 future Pro Hero can't even deal with one villain!? Get it together Antoine!" She yelled seriously.

The slap apparently woken him up from his dazed state.

"Ah what the fuck Toru!?" Antoine got up with his cheek stinging fiercely.

"Can't a fucking man take a little break every now and then? Jesus Christ." Antoine stretched a little bit as he put on his goggles.

[Focusing Goggles – This eyewear allows the user's vision to be enhanced to twice as much as a regular person's. +5 Int added when equipped. 2x vision when activated. Holds different lenses that can be switched with a button on the side.]

"Glad to have you back.. You were acting pretty loopy there." Yuga said.

"Yeah no shit. Facing that fucking guy made me piss myself 10x over. Good thing I had a spare pair of pants."

"Could I get some too….?" Toru embarrassedly whispered.

He pulled out a gym outfit from behind his lab coat and gave it to Toru as she changed out of her current clothes and changed into the ones Antoine gave her. Everyone turned their eyes away except Antoine.

"Alright teach. You ready to go save All Might?" Antoine asked Aizawa.

"Fine. But it's only because you've proven yourself capable. Try not to panic this time Neil. I'll be there for you. I'm here for all of you.." He said, comforting the students.

"Don't worry. I got it out of my system. Like I'd be afraid of a bird beaked bastard like that. How can I become the best hero if I can't even beat a fucking bird? Haha don't look down on me." Antoine said confidently as he fixed his afro.

The two charged towards the villains in an effort to save All Might.