The Sports Festival!


Everyone was in their seats freely chatting until Aizawa-sensei walked in.

"U.A's Sports Festival is fast approaching!" He announced.

"Oh yeah!"

"Haha wow I totally forgot because of yesterday."

"We just had a villain attack sensei. Are you sure about this?"

"It's necessary to demonstrate that U.A.'s crisis management protocols are sound. That's the thinking apparently. Compared to past years, there'll be five times the police presence. Anyhow, our sports festival is the greatest opportunity you'll get." He said. "It's not an event that can be canceled over a few villains."

"That's right and it'll be my chance to finally get the recognition my fantastic gadgets and devices need! Companies and heroes will be fighting to get to me." Antoine said aloud.

"Like anyone would want you as a sidekick. Have you seen how you act?" Jiro said.

"Don't knock me before you try me." He winked at her. "Hell the hero brave enough to tutor me will see a massive increase in his popularity and strength. I'm not a genius for nothing you know." He said while pointing at his head.

"Anyway… Naturally you'll gain valuable experience and popularity if you're picked up by a big-name hero. But your time is limited. Show the pros what you're made of here and you'll make futures for yourselves." He advised. "This happens once a year so, you've got three chances. If you're hoping to become a hero, this is an event you can't miss."


"I'll need to look into some big-name heroes only people I know are All Might, the teachers here, and a few others." Antoine said.

"I'm not surprised you already are looking that far ahead. I'll have to look up some heroes as well…" Yuga admitted.

"I'm going to try for Gunhead!" Toru announced.

"Don't know him." Antoine revealed.

Toru gasped.

"Just because I use guns doesn't mean I know every gun hero."

She gasped even louder.

"Shut it!" Antoine yelled.

Yuga and Toru started laughing until Aizawa showed up looking as tired as usual.

"Neil. Come with me for a bit." He said.

Neil said he'll see them later and started walking with his homeroom teacher.

"I forgot to correct you on this earlier in class but those in the hero course aren't allowed to use or wear anything except for their gym outfit or any equipment that is needed for daily life." He revealed.

The previous interested look Antoine had on his face was effectively destroyed as it turned into a face of shock.


"Like the rest of your classmates. You will enter it with just your body and quirk."

Antoine wanted to scream out of rage but held it in and quickly started to think of how the fuck was he going to possibly defeat his classmates without any of his toys.

"Thank you for telling me this Aizawa-sensei. Is that all?" He asked absentmindedly said as his mind was doing mental gymnastics over possible ways of exceeding at the Sports Festival.

"Yes. You're free to go."

Antoine started walking back to the classroom.

'No equipment whatsoever huh…' He sighed.

'I'm fucked. I'm totally fucked. I'm absolutely fucking fucked! What kind of bullshit rule is that?! Why was any equipment and tools allowed in the entrance exam!?" He began madly messing with his hair. 'I have to think of something… Anything!!!! Fuck..! I'm definitely going to figure out a way to clear this arc on top. Like hell am I going to miss this chance to increase my fame..' Antoine decided as he made it back to the classroom.

"What did Aizawa-sensei want?" Toru asked.

"He decided to fuck me. He decided to fuck my brains out and leave me on the bed like a dirty disgusting pig." Antoine said in his anguished state.

Yuga and Toru looked at each other in complete confusion while some of the other students also looked back like 'What the fuck….?'

"Not literally you fucking retards!" Antoine yelled after realizing these kids would take him seriously if he didn't clear it up.

Yuga and Toru let out a breath of relief.

"So, what did you mean then?"

"I can't use any of my brilliant creations for the Sports Festival." He revealed.

"Oh. Yeah you're out of luck haha."

"You totally suck without any of your equipment."

"Fuck off! I'm not a muscle brain like you fuckers alright? I didn't need to know how to fight with my body. I just needed to know how to avoid things and move fast. That's how it has always been."

"What were you going to do if you ever found yourself in a situation without your toys?" Yaoyorozu said walking over.

"So, you're nothing without your pieces of metal hah?" Bakugou taunted.

"I'd never find myself in a situation like that Big Tits." Antoine replied. 'I have my inventory always filled with something. "You picking a fight Firecracker?"

"We'll settle this at the festival Afro. If you can even make it there." He chuckled.

"Alright class. Let's begin." The teacher walked in and shut all conversations down.


Antoine slid the classroom door open and was met face to face with a crowd of students.


"Can you please not antagonize our fellow peers that you don't even know yet?" Yuga asked.

"Quite arrogant aren't you? Is everyone in the hero course as terrible as you?" Shinso, the brainwashing quirk kid, asked.

"If you call surviving a villain attack terrible then fuck yeah they are. Now fuck off and let the real future heroes get by." Antoine responded.

"I'm not so sure I'd like to be in the hero course if this is what they're offering. Those of us who didn't make the hero course are stuck in general studies and the other tracks. There are quite a few of us. Did you know that?" He asked.

"Are you going to get out of my way or am I going to have to force you." Antoine glared while smiling with his terrifying shark teeth showing.

"Depending on the results of this sports festival they might consider transferring us to the hero course. I'm sure you understand that the reverse is also possible for you… For a general studies student like me.. This'll be the perfect chance to knock you off your pedestals. Consider this a declaration of war." He responded unfazed by Antoine's threats and walked away.

'Haha he looks a lot cooler in person. I thought he would look like a loser but he's pretty cool. Fuck this bastard for going against me though. Nothing a good beatdown can't solve I guess.'

"HEY! I'm from class 1-B, next door!! We heard you guys fought some villains and wanted to find out more but.. All I'm seeing is this arrogant bastard!" Iron quirk guy shouted.

"Fuck off you bunch of side characters. Declare war with my taint because none of you are nearly good enough to be challenging me as equals. The #1 future pro hero." Antoine said as he shoved his way through the crowd of Yuga and Toru behind him.

Yuga held his head down while Toru just smiled like usual. Not to mention that nearly everyone in the class was pissed at Antoine for intentionally antagonizing all these other students they'll be facing at the Sports Festival.

"You know for a guy who has nothing going for him but quick reflexes and shark teeth, you sure do have a big mouth." Toru said.

"Confidence is a factor no hero can be without."

"I think too much confidence could be considered a con.." Yuga inputted.

"That's like saying too much money is a bad thing. You just sound ridiculous." Antoine blew them off.

"So, what are you going to do Antoine? You seem kinda screwed here."

"I'll have to think of something…" Antoine said softly. A small trace of uncertainty was briefly present on his face.

So, class 1-A spent the next two weeks training and preparing themselves for the upcoming sports festivals.


"Is everyone good and ready!? The event's about to begin!" Iida asked.

"Wish I could've worn my costume."

"They're not allowed, in the interest of fairness."

"Not to mention I'd take first place so easily; it wouldn't be fair to the other competitors." Antoine said.

"Keep talking Afro bastard. I'll blow you out of the park with or without your costume." Bakugou said.

"Keep that same energy when I take first place again."

"Midoriya." Todoroki called out.

Todoroki challenged Midoriya and promised to defeat him while Midoriya also promising to do his best to win the competition.

"Haha who the hell thinks of cabbage head as a threat? Fucking idiot should be challenging me! But if he did he'd just be fucking setting himself up for failure anyway. HAHAHAHA AT LEAST WITH CABBAGE HEAD HE'D HAVE A BIGGER CHANCE OF WINNING!"

It was at this point that everyone promised to try and eliminate Antoine as fast as possible. To finally show him that he wasn't as great and strong as he thinks he is. To finally show him that he isn't the best person in the world like he thinks he is. Everyone left their waiting room intending to show their very best in this competition.


"N-Now this is a crowd meant for the future #1 pro hero.." His voice cracked and he tried to cough to hide it.

"And we're expected to do our very best in front of so many people… This is training too I suppose…" Yuga said slightly overwhelmed by the pressure of the crowd.

"Let's do it!!!" Toru said more amped up than ever. The only one of the trio not nervous.

All the first years gathered up as Midnight, the R-rated pro hero, took the stage as Referee.

"Now for the Athlete's Oath!! Your student representative is from class 1-A Antoine Neil!!" She yelled while cracking her whip.

"What? It's that bastard?"

"It's probably because he came first in the entrance exam."

Antoine walked up to the podium with his nose turned up high.

"This athlete's oath huh.. Screw that! I'm going to take first place you bunch of fucking mobs!" He was met with a resounding number of boos and jeers.

"Don't get cocky class A!"

"Why couldn't you just do the oath…?" Yuga muttered


"You all should give up right here. Only thing you'll all be doing is boosting my rise to the top even faster." He grinned as he started walking off the podium.

"I'll crush that bastard!"

"Now without any delay, Let's get the first event started. These are the qualifiers! It's in this stage that so many are sent home crying every year!!" Midnight introduced. "And the fateful first year event this year is THIS!" She motioned with her hands at the giant electronic screen.

[Obstacle Course Race]

"Heh. Easy enough." Antoine said as if he didn't already know what the event would be.

"What even is your quirk Neil-kun?" Mineta asked.

"You'll find out later." He answered.

"It's a race between every member of all eleven classes! The course is a four-kilometer lap around the stadium itself! Our school preaches freedom in all things! Heh heh heh.. So as long as you don't go off course, anything is fair game!" Midnight explained.

All the students gathered behind the starting line.


'Heh… With my newest creation, passing this exam will be a piece of cake! I'm so brilliant it's scary!! Who knew having such a high Intelligence stat would be so helpful!?' Antoine thought as he patted his gym outfit.

[Enhanced Agile Gym Uniform – This is the fourth creation in the gym uniform series that focuses on agility. It was created out of numerous very strong fibers. Very resistant to tear, wear, damage, and more. Is practically indistinguishable from the regular U.A. gym uniform. A very tiny AI chip is present inside the fibers and can control the entire gym uniform when the wearer orders it.

+70 Agl added to stats when equipped.

+30 Vit added to stats when equipped.

Reflexes are doubled when the user has been on the move for more than 2 minutes.

Stamina takes longer to decrease.

Movement speed increases by 2% every 500 meters of distance gained. Will lose this boost if any damage is taken.]

'Cheating never felt so good.' Antoine smiled. "Let's do this lackey…"


And the race began.