The Day Before The Camping Trip!


"Let's do this Aoyama!" Ochako said.

She seemed confident or at the very least ready to take on No. 13, the black hole quirk using rescue hero.

"Yea. We can do this Uraraka." Yuga said. "Do you want to get through the gate or take down No 13?" Yuga asked casually.

Ochako looked at him like he was crazy.

'Fight one of the teachers? Does he really think we can beat 13?' She thought before asking. "Did you have a plan in mind?"

Yuga smiled his perfectly white shiny teeth, nearly blinding Ochako.

"You remember his quirk right? There's no way the faculty would let him use that on us since we could die! We're going to take advantage of it and take him out at close range." He explained in his new upgraded hero costume.

Previously, the outfit was more like a sparkling robotic armor suit but now it was more like a tight jumpsuit. It still matched the theme that Yuga liked which was that of a young prince cosplaying as a hero or a handsome sparkling hero prince. He had shining dazzling boxing gloves on his hands and a boxing championship belt design around his waist. His shoes were gleaming and provided excellent support for any kind of physical activity.

"But isn't that kind of…." Ochako dragged on.

"Kind of what?" Yuga asked cluelessly as his only thoughts were on how to pass this test as safely as possible.

'I guess this is what hanging out with Neil for so long can do to somebody.'

"Nothing. Okay we'll go with your plan."

"If we can't defeat him then we'll try and flee as fast as possible. Follow behind me." Yuga said as he slowly got on the move.

Ochako followed behind him still a bit unconfident about them planning on somehow defeating a Pro Hero, even one that's at half strength. Soon the two found 13 standing in front of the exit, but he hasn't spotted them yet.

"I'll catch his attention. Once he's busy with me, either try and escape or help me capture him." Yuga said.

"Okay." Ochako said still a bit in disbelief about Yuga's strange confidence. She watched as the boy blasted off right in front of her and left her side.

Yuga surprised the rescue hero who nearly unleashed his quirk in response, but quickly caught himself in time and suffered a harsh uppercut that knocked him in the air. Yuga fired off a glittering blue laser beam from his palms aimed at the Pro Hero to knock him even further in the air. But the Pro Hero was ready for combat now, He sucked in Yuga's laser and pulled the boy towards him with his black hole quirk. Yuga fired two laser beams from the bottom of his shoes and with 13's quirk pulling him in, he basically warped in front of the gentle hero who was forced to once again shut off his quirk before he accidentally killed a student. Yuga took advantage of this time again and punched 13 in the head, knocking him downward towards the ground. Just as soon as the space hero took off towards the ground, Yuga shot behind him with his quirk and before 13 could land on the ground, he unleashed a rapid-fire combo of punches on his back while finishing it off with a downward punched that broke 13's helmet and knocked him into the ground.

Ochako who was inches away from exiting and winning the test for them, was in complete shock after witnessing Yuga take on a veteran Pro Hero by himself and take him out.

'Even if he was wearing those bracelets that weakened them a lot, should Yuga have taken him out so easily….?' Ochako thought with her mouth wide opened and eyes bulged out completely.

Yuga wiped the sweat from his forehead as he handcuffed No.13 and passed the test for them.

"It's…. official…. Anyone that's involved with Neil…. Is a complete freak…." Ochako muttered as the buzzer went off signaling their win.

"That boy has a bright future." Recovery Girl smiled as she watched their exam.

"TEAM AOYAMA AND URARAKA HAVE PASSED!" The announcement went off for all other examiners.


"Let's win this Shoji-kun!!!" Toru said fired up in her skintight black outfit with a gadget belt attached to it.

"Mhmm." He responded.

The test started and Snipe began firing off bullets that seemed to aim right at them! Toru and Shoji ran behind one of the large pillars inside the room and hid behind it as bullets rained on their hiding place.

"Shoji-kun. Could you tell me where he's at with your quirk? I think I can get us out of this mess if you do." Toru said as their pillar was starting to crumble from the onslaught of bullets raining on it.

Shoji nodded as he transformed his tentacles into ears.

"The fifth pillar down on the right." He answered through one of his mouth tentacles.

"Okay take this and chuck it as hard as you can for me. And then run behind a different pillar. This one isn't looking so cute anymore." She giggled as the pillar started cracking apart. Shoji took the hand-sized black sphere and chucked it to where Snipe was hiding.

The bullets suddenly stopped attacking their pillar and Snipe shouted out in surprise.

"What in tarnation!?" He shouted as more bullets rang out but this time not aiming at them at all. Toru pulled out her grapple hook and grappled to the roof of the room before reaching over to Snipe's hiding spot and seeing him shoot all the miniature spider bots that managed to slightly wrap him up in wires.

Toru's skintight black costume turned invisible and she slowly lowered herself down to Snipe. Snipe finally managed to take out all the spider bots and then refocused his attention on the two students. He slipped his hand into his costume and was about to pull out a strange green object but before he could throw it to the ground, Toru attacked!

Toru hooked her arm under his throwing arm and took Snipe to the ground. She managed to get behind his back on the ground. She locked her legs around his waist, wrapped her arm around his neck, and bended his other arm behind his back.

"WHAT IN THE WOR----" He managed to say before choking on his words and being held and choked by Toru.

Snipe was completely dumbfounded.

'How in all Sam hell did this girlie managed to sneak up behind me!? And why is her grip so tight?! I'm a grown man and I can't break free from this little girl!!' He thought as he desperately tried to force his way out of Toru's grasp.

The more he tried to force his way out, the more pain his arm started to feel and soon Snipe was blacking out. He tapped Toru's arm around his neck multiple times. Toru released her grip and immediately captured Snipe with the handcuffs they were given.

"Shoji-kun!! I did it!" She said happily as Shoji came over to see Snipe breathing for air on the ground.

"You really did it…" He said stunned. He didn't think she could possibly do it on her own but she did.

'Antoine's upgrade to my hero costume is awesome! Before I used to have to stand still to become invisible with clothes but now I can move even while invisible!' She happily let out a breath of relief. 'Thanks to that, I don't have to be naked to use my quirk usefully anymore.'

"Hagakure. Where in the world did you learn that type of scrappin?" He asked impressed while rubbing his throat.

"I take classes!" She replied in her usual happy-go-lucky tone. "Brazilian Jiu-jitsu."

Shoji's eyes slightly widened at this new information while Snipe nodded in acceptance.

"TEAM SHOJI AND HAGAKURE HAVE PASSED!!" The robotic voice went off.


"Are you guys ready to make history!?" Antoine asked excitedly as they walked down the street.

"Yeah!" Toru replied.

"What are you even talking about? You just messaged us to come over to your house and you didn't explain anything!" Yuga complained.

"Ah but it was a surprise my dear bitching friend. How could I ruin the surprise by telling you what it was before showing it to you!?"

"You're a bitch…" Yuga said as he crossed his arms.

Antoine gasped before putting his arm over Yuga's neck.

"We can't have such negativity Yuga-kun. It doesn't fit your character you know… Now it is time to reveal the surprise! Are you two ready!?" Antoine asked as they neared the street corner.

Yuga rolled his eyes as Toru excitedly shook in anticipation. The three turned the corner and saw multiple tiny humanoid robots doing construction work.


Toru's smile faded away while Yuga's never appeared. The two were at a lost on what exactly they were supposed to be seeing and gushing over.

"Ah at a lost for words huh…" He chuckled. "It's amazing isn't it? This is the start of the world's greatest company and your first places of employment!" Antoine said. "I recently came into a bit of money and decided to start my own company."

Yuga sighed while Toru audibly wowed.

"You didn't think to using that money for your family instead…?"

"Yuga my boy!!!! That type of thinking is too limited! Why improve the life of my parents who are comfortably living their middle-class lives when I could take an investment now and improve their life 1,000,000,000x more in the future!"

"What are you even going to sell?"

"Wait we're going to work here?!" Toru asked.

"I'm glad you asked you sparkly handsome bastard. I plan on selling some of my non-dangerous tech to the masses and banking on their need for more and more. At first I'll just sell slightly better versions of everyday things we already have. Like a remote that works anywhere around the house, antenna-less. A cheap looking couch that's strangely comfortable despite how terrible it looks. Longer phone cords meant for charging. And then we ramp it up eventually in the future to selling hover bikes, having a delivery service that uses drones to delivery the objects, laptops capable of challenging supercomputers, and even tv dinners that taste like 5-star restaurant meals!" Antoine said excitedly.

"I see…." Yuga said not believing in Antoine's company the slightest bit.

"That's a lot of stuff you'll have to sell…" Toru said amazed at the large vision Antoine had for this company.

"Of course! I can't do it alone. That's why I have these robots and soon even people! The company will eventually split into different focuses but it will start off as a tech company! And once you two turn 16, you'll be my first workers!"

"We're getting paid?!" Toru asked.

"You bet! You won't even have to do anything for a while as most of the work will be done by the robots."

It was at this point Yuga smiled. He held out his fist and Antoine fist bumped him.

"I shouldn't have doubted you."

"That's more like it you son of a bitch! Hahahaha! We're gonna be filthy rich all thanks to my genius! Be glad you guys became friends with me!"

Toru and Yuga started bowing while praising Antoine's name before they both pulled his pants down and ran away laughing.

"YOU FUCKING DIPSHITS!! I SWEAR I'LL FUCKING FIRE YOU IN A HEARTBEAT!" Antoine cursed as he struggled to pull up his pants and chase after the two.


"Morning. Now about your end-of-term exams…. I hate to say that some of you have failed. And, as such…. EVERYBODY'S GOING TO THE FOREST LODGE!" Aizawa surprisingly announced.

"YOU'RE KIDDING!" The failees shouted.

"There were zero failing grades for the written exam. For the practical, Satou, Kirishima, Ashido, Kaminari, and Sero all failed." Aizawa informed.


"For the exam, we "villains" left you a way to win while gauging how you faced the challenges we set for each of you. If we hadn't then you'd all have run into a dead end before the challenges even started."

"No wonder Power Loader was so easy to take down.. He must have been forced to use only a few of his creations." Antoine muttered.

"So when you told us you were coming at us to crush us you meant…" Tsuyu said before getting cut off.

"That was to drive you into a corner. The forest lodge was a boot camp to begin with. So the students who failed are the ones who need it the most. It was a logical ruse!" He revealed.


"Not again…! I suppose that Yuuei for you!" Iida cursed. "ALL THE SAME! IF YOU KEEP PILING UP "RUSES" THEN OUR TRUST IN YOU WILL BEGIN TO WAVER, WILL IT NOT?!" Iida questioned.

"Heh. You aren't supposed to trust his words in the first place fucktard. You think a villain would be honest with their words? Learn how to see through the deceit or crush through it with brute force." Antoine said.

Aizawa wanted to agree with the boy even though he could've put it in a less vicious way but kept silent as Iida seemingly thought about the vulgar boy's words.

"Anyway, It's not as if all of what I said was a lie. Failing grades are failing grades. So, you've all earned yourselves special remedial periods. And to put it bluntly, they'll be harder than they would have been had you stayed on campus. Now I'm going to hand out the lodge guides so pass them back." Aizawa said as he took out a pile of papers.


"I'm glad we all get to go though." Denki said.

"A one week bootcamp huh.." Shoji said.

"I guess we'll need to pack heavy for all the stuff we need to take."

"Like night vision goggles." Mineta added.

"My laptop and work tools." Antoine added.

"My training sandbag and work out clothes…" Yuga muttered.

"Ah, in that case since tomorrow's free and exams have ended let's like go shopping together! C'mon everyone in Class A!" Toru suggested.

"That's a great idea!! Actually won't this be the first time?!" Denki questioned.

"Yo, Bakugou, you come too!"

"Like I could stand going shopping…"


Antoine was watching as Midoriya was captured by Tomura in the middle of the mall. Before Uraraka could intervene though, he took her spot as the witness of this event.

"Hands up Shigaraki. Let the shithead go and a bullet won't go through your skull." Antoine threated as he pointed a dark black gun at Tomura.

He only started creepily laughing as he slowly put his hands up and backed away.

"Neil… I'll be seeing you soon…" He said as he walked off into the crowd with his hoodie back up.

"Wait! What is All For One's ultimate goal!?" Midoriya asked desperately.

Tomura shrugged his shoulders as he disappeared in the crowd.

"You should focus on yourself. Because, next time we meet, it'll be because I decided to kill you." His voice somehow lingered behind.

"Well Cabbage Head, look at you getting noticed by villains. If you didn't get fucking captured like a princess, I'd actually be impressed. Maybe you should take his advice and actually fucking take this hero shit seriously. Or don't. It doesn't matter to me, it's your life that's being targeted." Antoine laughed.

"I am taking this seriously… And did you call the police Neil?" He asked.

"Of course I fucking did you retard. You think I'd just let a villain freely walk in the public? Where's my thank you at by the fucking way?"

"Thank you…" Midoriya said although seemingly not wanting to.


The mall was soon temporarily closed as both Antoine and Midoriya were taken to the police station for questioning. Antoine was very upset and unwilling but ultimately went along and didn't cause much of a fuss. The boys told detective Tsukauchi what happened, Tomura's physical depictions, and basically everything that went on. More so Midoriya than Antoine but yeah. After the detective got everything he needed, the two were released. All Might in his true form was waiting for Midoriya while Antoine's mom was waiting on him with an enraged look on her face. Antoine's body shivered before he quickly explained.


"YEAH RIGHT!!!!" Alisha shouted, enraged as she pounced towards Antoine.

Detective Tsukauchi stood in front of Antoine and protected him before his mother could harm him.

"He's right ma'am. Today he was at the mall with his classmates and a villain showed up. Thanks to his quick reactions and level head, many lives were saved today. He's a great young man and a promising hero-in-training." He explained as Alisha's face slowly turned back to normal. She dropped her fighting stance and Antoine's body turned off its fight or flight mode.

She hugged him.

"My little troublemaker…. You always make me so worried!" She slowly started crushing him.

"I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!!" He yelled as the air going to his lungs was running out of supply.


"That's…. impossible....." He fainted and she threw him over her shoulder.

"Thank you Mr. Policeman for saying such positive things about this little knucklehead. We'll be on our way now." She said politely and in a completely different tone from her aggressive and outspoken type of voice like when she was talking to Antoine.

She placed the fainted Antoine in the back seat before driving off towards their home as Midoriya and All Might just watched on in the background.