Slice Of Life Chapter!? And Plot Progression!?


Antoine barely made it to school on time after staying up all night. He accidentally skipped the opening ceremony before class. Thankfully no one managed to catch him and he made it into class without any being the wiser. Nothing in particular happened today in class except with Aizawa-sensei explaining about hero internships. Hero internships are basically hero activities done off-campus. A more formal and serious version of the field training done after the sports festival.


"The hero internships are an opportunity for you to make use of the connections you made at the sports festival. They're not linked to classes at all, but rather managed at the discretion of students themselves. That being the case, if you made no such connections at the sports festival, I imagine it'd be very difficult to participate in such activities. In the past, each office would conduct their own recruiting efforts, but it often caused a lot of trouble because they would fight over U.A. students. And that's why it is the way it is now." Aizawa answered.

"Oh. I understand now.."

"Now Present Mic will be taking over for first period now." Aizawa said as he walked away with a very eager and loud Present Mic coming in.

The rest of the day was spent learning and soon school was over. Antoine, Toru, and Yuga were inside Toru's dorm room. Yuga was laying on the bed throwing some bandages in the air and catching it while Toru and Antoine were playing on her video game console.

"Hahahaahah how do you like you fucking noob!? Eat my fucking shotty bitch!" Antoine cackled into the gaming headset.

"Hehehe! You need to play better than that if you wanna kill me!" Toru giggled into the mic.

The two of them were playing an online first-person shooter and partied up to play against other players around the world. The two teams were separated into teams of 8 and currently Antoine was mvp for his team while Toru came a very close second behind him in terms of placement on the scoreboard.

"Fuck up noob! I facking eat your mother pussy! Mother bitch." An opposing player on the enemy team insulted.

Antoine had a wide grin on his face as he stared at the screen while moving his hands like a gaming legend.

"Maybe talk shit when you can get a kill you fucking 0-10 piece of shit!" Antoine responded back.

"Can you guys stop being so toxic…? It's just a game."

"SHUT UP NOOB! YOU SUCK DICK!" The foreign player from earlier cursed.

"YEAH SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LITTLE PUSSY BITCH! Ooh stop being toxic. Ooh my feeling are being hurt. Ooh I'm in need of a desperate cock in my ass." Antoine mocked his voice.

Toru was laughing her ass off as Antoine, the foreigner, and the "peacemaker" went back and forth all throughout the match.

"I'll just report and mute you guys… I don't know why I even bothered talking in the first place…" The Peacemaker said as he went silent.

"YOU ARE LITTLE BITCH! ONLY BITCH NOOB REPORT AND MUTE!" The Foreigner continued to yell with his low-quality mic.

"Yeah! Fucking do it you little pussy ass bitch! Run away and hide like you probably do in real life!" Antoine added on as the Peacemaker suddenly left the game.

It was at this point that Antoine, Toru, the Foreigner, and a few others inside the match laughed after realizing the Peacemaker left the server.


"HAHAAHAHA!" Toru couldn't control herself either and started laughing over the mic as well.

Eventually Antoine's team won the match and he received a friend request from the Foreigner with the shitty mic. Of course, he accepted it and Antoine and Toru started looking for another lobby to join. After a couple of hours later, the two stopped playing video games and decided to go see a movie late at night with Yuga.

"I'm been wanting to see this movie for so long!" Toru said excitedly as the trio walked to the movie theaters.

"Yeah I can't believe we finally got around to get up and actually go see it." Yuga said.

"Well there's just so many great things to watch on NetFlex and other streaming programs like it." Antoine pointed out.

"Yeah that's true. But we need to get out more often though! Even though we're training to be heroes that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun and act our age at the same time!" Toru said as Antoine paid for their tickets for the movie and went inside the movie theater.

They had around half an hour before their movie started and decided to play a few of the arcade games to pass the time.

"Thanks for paying for us Antoine." Yuga said as he inserted a token into the air hockey machine.

"Yeah yeah. If you really wanna pay me back just hook me up with a fine little piece of ass alright?" Antoine responded putting in his own token into the machine.

The air hockey table whirred to life as Antoine and Yuga grabbed their strikers. Yuga placed the puck on the table. Toru was behind them playing one of those shooting arcade games where you shoot at aliens, dinosaurs, skeltons, or whatever creature the game was based on that jumped on the screen and came towards you. She held a large toy futuristic gun attached to the arcade machine while firing at whatever enemy appeared on the screen. Sometimes growling in anger when accidentally shooting friendlies that popped up on the screen.

"I don't think I could do that. Not to mention that I don't even know any girls really except for Toru!" Yuga said seriously as he knocked the puck forward.

"Come on Yuga! A handsome fit bastard like you has to have women just waiting in lines for ya. I definitely noticed some of the girls in class staring from time to time." Antoine smiled as he returned the puck back to Yuga.

"No way…" He answered back not believing it in the slightest. "Who..?" He asked after a few seconds.

Antoine grinned as Yuga's skill was decreasing the more he distracted the boy.

"I could name a few….." Antoine intentionally dragged on.

"Like who? There's no way one of the girls could be interested in me…" Yuga said still obviously very interested in which girl(s) were looking at him.

Antoine scored a point on the mentally distracted teen in puberty and soon the second round began.

"I mean…. I know for a fact that whatshername looks at you nearly every day in class. What was her name again…?" Antoine asked himself as he exaggeratedly strained to think of which girl it could've been.

Yuga would've figured out that Antoine was messing with him if he was in a better state of mind because both he and Toru know that Antoine doesn't forget anything and can recall any piece of information from his memory.

"Is it Ashido?! Asui!? Jiro? Or Yaoyorozu?!" He sprouted off as Antoine scored a second point on him. He slammed the puck on the table as Antoine continued to mess with him.

"Nhnnnn…" He groaned acting as if he didn't know which girl was which. "I think…. It was….." Antoine saw the puck coming towards him and Yuga's left side defense was completely open.

"URARAKA!!!!!!!!" Antoine shouted as he struck the puck as hard as he could into Yuga's open left side.

"IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yuga yelled back as he returned Antoine's attack with a fierce counterattack.

The puck seemingly vanished as Yuga returned the shot and scored into Antoine's goal, making the score 2-1. Antoine looked on in disbelief and shock at the fact that Yuga managed to score a goal on him.

"Uraraka likes Midoriya!!! Now I know you're just messing with me!!" Yuga shouted as a fierce blue light of fire sparkled in his eyes, intent on gaining revenge on Antoine.

"Hey… wait a minute Yuga my best bud… my best pal…" Antoine tried to calm down the enraged boy whose had his feelings played with.

Antoine placed the puck on the table and hit it towards Yuga's side. Yuga seemingly uppercutted with his striker, struck the puck into Antoine's goal like a meteor crashing through the atmosphere. The table jingled as it tallied the score to 2-2 and Yuga's fighting spirit ablaze. Antoine realized it was do or die time. There was no way he was capable of taking the victory with Yuga in that state… Unless…

Antoine started lowly chuckling as he secretly buffed his muscles up without changing his outer appearance too much and placed the puck on the table and fired off towards Yuga's goal with a new found speed. Yuga returned the shot back towards Antoine and the two engaged in a high-speed game of air hockey.


"I DIDN'T THINK YOU WOULD SINK SO LOW ANTOINE!" He hit the puck with enough force to cause the striker to crack.

"YOU KNOW EXACTLY HOW FAR I WOULD GO TO WIN!!!!" Antoine responded back as he launched the puck so hard it seemingly vanished while his striker also cracked from the large amount of strength being used on it.

"YOU MIGHT BE RIGHT BUT THAT'S STILL A CRAPPY THING TO DO!!!!!" He returned the basically unseeable shot and caused his striker to crack even more. Most likely unable to handle another shot similar to that last one.

"YOU ARE TWO LIVES TOO LATE TO LECTURE ME ABOUT WHAT'S CRAPPY AND WHAT'S NOT!!!" He blasted the unbelievably fast puck back towards Yuga's goal and caused his striker to be on the verge of destruction.


"WHO KNOWS!?!?!!?!"

Yuga struck his striker against the puck and had it shatter from the impact. Antoine returned the puck back with a destructive counter and also had his striker crumble into pieces. However, the game wasn't over yet just because their pucks were destroyed. Yuga refused to be stand down over this, he will show Antoine the error of his ways by defeating him in this ARCADE SPORTS GAME! Yuga sent a right straight towards the incoming puck with just his fist and launched it towards Antoine.

"YOU FUCKING SPARKLING BASTARD!!!!!!!!" Antoine shouted in defeat as the puck struck against his chest and knocked him all the way into the opposite side of the room. His muscle quirk softened much of the blow against the wall for him but didn't lessen the blow of the huge defeat he suffered against Yuga.

He hung his head down in anger and regret.

'That desperate piece of shit….!' Antoine cursed as a hand suddenly appeared in front of his face.

Yuga stood over the downed Antoine with a relieved smile on his face and his hand held out.

"Let's go watch that movie now."

Antoine slapped his hand and got up.

"Yeah yeah whatever. You got lucky punk. I'll win next time." Antoine muttered before calling Toru over.

The three went to see their movie and left behind a few new marks at their local theatre. The remains of two red strikers, a missing puck, and an unbelievable new high score added to the Predators vs Unidentified Beings arcade game.


Antoine was watching as his classmates faced off against the Big Three. Togata, the intangibility quirk guy with the vault guy face from that one game. Hado, the very blunt and endlessly curious girl with the shockwave quirk. And lastly the shy one, Amajiki, who could assimilate characteristics of whatever he has previously ate that's still in his system. Antoine wondered if he ate a human would he gain the ability to manifest a second brain, or heart, or limbs. It was a rather dark line of thinking but interesting nonetheless.

"Why aren't you two out there?" Aizawa asked.

"I haven't obtained my provisional license yet." Todoroki explained.

"I'm not getting my assed kicked. I haven't made something to counter that broken ass quirk without any gear on me." Antoine responded.

"You won't be able to prepare for everything out on the field Neil.." Aizawa told him.

"With enough experience I will. I mean after seeing Vault Boy over there, I now will have something to prepare for opponents who can phase through things." Antoine replied.

"What if you're in a position where you meet an opponent whose quirk you didn't prepare for?" Todoroki asked.

"It wouldn't matter. Unless they have reality-bending powers, time powers, or something like that, I can handle mostly anything that comes at me." Antoine said while to Aizawa and Todoroki it sounded like the bragging of an arrogant genius who hasn't been taught a lesson yet.

After Togata completely wiped out Class A, school continued on as normally and ended soon after. Antoine brought Toru and Yuga to his secret lab with a creepy grin on his face. He avoided any areas where his test subjects were and brought them to the area he wanted.

He evilly laughed as they arrived in a small white room.

"So. Yuga. Toru. What did you think of Vault Boy?"

"Vault Boy…?" Yuga asked confused.

"Oh my god he does look like him!!" Toru suddenly realized.

"Togata." Antoine clarified.

"He's really strong. Really strong…" Yuga said touching his bruised stomach.

"Yeah he's amazing! He worked so hard to become that strong! I'll have to step up on my training as well!" Toru decided, now motivated to work even harder.

"I'm glad you said that Toru! I've put together a training plan just for you two!! You see… Vault Boy is incredibly powerful but how is that..? His quirk just allows him to phase through things and become intangible. But why was he strong enough to incapacitate both Midoriya and his superpower quirk and a hardened Kirishima with just his bare fist? That's because... OF ALL MIGHT'S PREVIOUS SIDEKICK!! Sir Nighteye composed an inhumane training regimen for Mirio and allowed him to gain his inhuman body, prediction skills, and vast mastery over his quirk." Antoine explained in a grandly excited manner.

"Wow… I guess anyone that's involved with All Might has to be impressive.." Toru commented.

"Are you planning on having us on a training plan that's similar to Mirio's training?" Yuga asked.

"CORRECT A MUNDO!!!! I've recently devised a serum that will completely heal any damages to the body as long as the drinker has enough energy. Somewhat like Recovery Girl's quirk but without the threat of death. If you don't have enough energy, the serum will simply not work and your body won't be healed. I will be using this serum and giving it to you two after a long intense and terrible training session that will break your body and possibly mind apart. But that's if you two even want to try it out."

Toru and Yuga looked at each other for a second and then looked back at Antoine.

"Well of course we'll do it!" Toru replied.

"You won't catch me missing any chance of getting stronger!" Yuga answered.

"Fantastic!!! I'll turn you both into superhuman capable of punching through steel itself, running faster than people with speed quirks, and tough enough to withstand the weight of buildings! The limits of the human body are meant to be broken and overcame!!! THROUGH SCIENCE AND WILLPOWER!!!!!"

"WILLPOWER!!!!!!!" Toru and Yuga shouted along with him just as excited.

So, Antoine had the two begin their insane training programs as multiple androids scanned their vitals and bodies amidst their training. If any signs of danger is present the training will be stopped and the medical androids dressed in pink would take care of them till they recovered enough to start the training again. They were nicknamed Nurse J and all looked very similar to each other, as if sisters.

It was nearing nighttime and Antoine had the two stop. Toru and Yuga dropped to the ground unable to move a single muscle as Antoine fed them the serum. Their bodies twitched and spasmed in an unnatural manner for a few seconds after swallowing the bright blue serum and soon they were capable of moving again.


Their stomachs growled with the intensity of a starving dragon and their eyes turned red.

"FOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!" They demanded.

Antoine led them to a large table filled with various foods. All the food were all part of a proper balanced diet with no unnecessary or unhealthy food added in the mix. Drool flowed out of their mouths like a waterfall before they pounced on the food like starving lions.

Antoine laughed as he went into the kitchen.

"I guess making this bad boy wasn't a waste of time after all." He slapped the stove as he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

[ Enhanced Stove – This kitchen appliance has been created with the intention of enhancing all food prepared on or inside of this item.

25% Increase in quality of cooked foods.

40% Increase in taste of all finished products.

20% Decrease in time needed to finish cooking products.

All cooked products give a moderate mood boost when eaten. (Can not stack)]

Antoine returned back into the makeshift dining room and saw a huge bellied Toru and Yuga lying on the middle of the table. They had a perpetual smile on their face as they rolled around like pigs. All the food was gone or reduced to the parts you don't eat.

"That was the greatest food I've ever tasted….." Toru said aloud.

"Who made those heavenly delicacies….? It's a chef d'œuvre.." Yuga commented.

"A training plan is nothing without a balanced and proper diet. But everyone knows that eating tasty food is way more important than a crummy diet. That's why I've made the best of the best for my best friends in the whole world! Both healthy and tasty!"

"I love you Antoine…." Toru rolled onto the floor with a bounce.

"Marry us…." Yuga said holding his stomach in a blissful manner.

"Yeah yeah I'm the best in the world I know. Come on you two. We need to get back to the dorms." Antoine said rolling them out of his secret lab and onto the streets. He grabbed two gliders on his way out and gave them to Toru and Yuga as all three of them flew back towards the dorms.

"Whoa…! How do I control this thing?!" Yuga asked flying clumsily and trying to gain his balance.

"Use your feet to direct it, lean your body forward, and that's it. You won't fall because your feet are strapped in." Antoine told him as Toru was flying circles around the two screaming in joy.

"WHOO HOOO!!!!!"

Eventually the trio made it back to the dorms and fell asleep soon after since they had classes in the morning.


Antoine applied to intern with Fat Gum along with Kirishima. Amajiki brought them to Fat Gum and he accepted the two boys quite easily. There wasn't a test or anything like that necessary. So, Antoine was quite elated at being accepted by the hero despite his hidden objective for even applying with the hero. The group was currently patrolling outside.

"These days all the hoodlums and delinquents have been getting into so many fights!!" Fat Gum stated while eating a whole tray of takoyaki.

"Anyway, the hero office here doesn't really like to take up arms. You two are in the right place." He told Kirishima and Antoine.

"Looking forward to it!!!" Kirishima responded enthusiastically.

"Sounds good to me." Antoine responded.

"If only you went after Mirio or Nejire… the way you came after me so forcefully was scary." Amajiki commented about Kirishima.

Antoine offered the boy a meal at a local joint to be introduced to Fat Gum's agency and couldn't say no after being pressured by Antoine's shameless personality.

"Tamaki, we've got to do something about that cruddy mentality of yours. You've got so much talent too!!" Fat Gum pointed out.

"That kind of pressure will only bring me down further." He retorted.

The group continued their patrol until a civilian shouted out for help. There was a fight nearby and the group dashed over to find out what was happening. The group responsible for making the trouble ran straight into the hero group and were swiftly taken down. Antoine searched and found the guy who was going to shoot shy senpai with the bullet that temporarily stops the use of quirks. He ran towards the shooter who had the gun. One of his tentacles caught the bullet as Antoine chased after the frightened criminal.

"GET AWAY!! I SAID DON' FOLLOW ME!!" He shouted while running to a dead end.

"Don't fucking shoot and run you pussy. I ain't gonna hurt ya much!" Antoine chuckled as he cornered the man.

The criminal realized he had no way out and sprouted three small blades along his forearm. He attempted to slice Antoine's throat but was kicked in the stomach before he could. Antoine crossed his arms with an evil smile on his face.

"It's not fair… I only pop out 10cm or shorter blades ya know… That's like a cutter knife… so unfair.." He sobbed. "I jus' wanted ta save mah friends. I'm so stupid! But it's so scary..! Yeh should praise me for bein' brave enough to pull the trigger..!"

A few seconds of silence passed by.

"Are you fucking retarded? Who would praise a gunman for shooting his gun? In what world does that make sense ya fucking idiot!?" Antoine mercilessly berated as his tentacles held down the criminal's arms and legs while his searching for the treasure he's been looking for this entire time. Eventually he found it on the inside of the villain's shirt pocket and stuffed it into his inventory before any civilians could see him pocketing something.

"NO!! GIVE THAT BACK!!! IT'S MINE!!!" He cried out deliriously before being punched in the stomach by Antoine's tentacle and fainting afterwards.

"Did you all enjoy the show?" Antoine asked turning around with a satisfied smile on his face.

The people in the alleyway started clapping and cheering for him.

"Thanks kid!"

"Nice going man!"

"What's your name!?"

"The Ultimate Craftsman. The future #1 Pro Hero!" He responded as he handcuffed the criminal's hands and legs while covering his mouth close with a strange piece of silver tape.. He had one of his tentacles carry him as he returned back to his group.

'I might have to help Kirishima unlock his second form after taking away his plot powerup… Or he'll be useless in the upcoming raid on Overhaul.' Antoine thought before sighing. 'Fine I guess I'll help him at least gain the form.. But after that he'll have to train on his own. This is only because he helped me gain the hint to evolving or at the very least upgrading quirks for my own.'

Antoine returned to Fat Gum and the other two with the criminal in hand.

"Wow! I'm impressed Craftsman! You took down the villain, saved Tamaki from being shot, and helped all those people without a single injury or problem. Those little octopus arms of yours are really cool." Fat Gum complimented.

"Yeah Neil you were awesome! You went straight towards that shooter like a madman! I swear I even thought you were smiling when you went after him!" Kirishima pointed out.

'Was I really smiling…?' Antoine thought back unsure.

"Such a terrible showing… What kind of senpai am I?" Amajiki said sullenly.

"Don't think too much on it senpai. We all get lucky sometimes and I guess it was just my turn to be lucky." Antoine comforted him.

The group then headed back to the office and separated for the day.