Raid On The Eightfold Cleansers!!


Antoine just got the text late at night for him to come to Sir Nighteye's place for the operation. He put on his clothes and then went to the front of the dorms. He met up with the other students part of the raid. Midoriya, Uraraka, Kirishima, and Asui met up with him and the 5 of them went towards the office. The 5 freshman ran into their 3 seniors on the way to office and the group joined together. The U.A. students eventually made it to the office and Sir Nighteye explained that they finally found a time frame for when all the Cleansers would be at their hideout and that the heroes have their warrants.

"ALL RIGHT, MIDORIYA LET'S DO THIS!!!! WE GOTTA!!!!" Mirio said pumped up as all hell.

"I'm as excited as you are, Vault Boy. This rescue mission will definitely boost society's declining image of heroes. All the heroes have suffered so far are losses in publicity, especially since All Might's retirement. But once they see all of these heroes going in to save a single little girl, I'm sure a little bit of faith will be restored in heroes." Antoine said.

"I didn't take you the type to care about the people's opinion Neil." Asui said.

"Of course, I care about the people. Who else is going to claim me as the #1 pro hero?" Antoine replied.

"I guess that makes sense.." Midoriya said.

Once everyone was let in on the plan, everyone started suiting up in their hero costumes and heading off to the Cleanser's hideout. When they arrived, everyone was split off into different groups while working alongside the police.

"Hey heroes. There's no helping it if it gets a little rough out there. If you see the slightest hint of suspicious behavior or resistance, please deal with it immediately! Our opponents are yakuza types who, at the very least, survived long enough to see this day. So I want everyone of you fulfilling your roles to the utmost. Without letting your guards down for a single second! NOW MOVE OUT!" The police chief ordered.

Everyone got into position as the police chief went up to the yakuza's main door.

"The moment I'm finished reading the warrant, that's your cue to gallop in! Please be quick about it."

The police chief was about to ring the bell, but just before he could press the button.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!" A large hulking figure punched through the door where all the police officers were and sent them flying into the air.

Antoine's tentacles popped off and flew in the air like metal snakes. Grabbing some of the airborne police officers and saving them along with a few other heroes doing the same.

"Strength series. Let's have some fun…" Antoine said as he swapped equipment and pulled out his golden revolver.

[Vicious Upgraded Golden Revolver – This weapon has been modified multiple times. A gun capable of dealing out high points of damage onto weakened targets.

+90 Agl added to stats when equipped.

60% Increase to Accuracy when equipped.

Can rapid-fire an entire clip.

Bullets cause a 10% decrease in defense when an enemy is successfully hit.

Bullets deal an additional 30% damage to weakened foes.

Bullets have a high chance of targeting weak spots.]

Antoine casually took aim and fired at the yakuza who was distracted by one of the pro heroes. The spherical bullet struck the villain's chest and knocked him off his feet. The pros were about to capitalize on Antoine's attack but the bullet Antoine fired suddenly exploded into ice. The yakuza member was frozen solid as tiny miniature robotic ants dug into his skin, not that anyone could see or know this besides Antoine. Who intended on stealing this villain's stamina draining quirk.

'It'll be super cool if I could drain people's stamina like freaking Dr. Gero and Android 19.' Antoine thought greedily.

"Nice going kid! Everyone move in!"

The heroes and officers started rushing into the Yakuza compound. They met some yakuza members inside who decided to resist and fight back against them. Antoine used his tentacles to grab and throw them out of his way as he headed forward. Sir Nighteye opened up the hidden entrance inside the house and from the stairway, three goons popped out. Nighteye's side kicks took care of them and everyone else continued to rush forward. They headed down the stairway and soon encountered a wall in their way.

"This wall shouldn't be here." Antoine said.

"Let me take a look." Mirio said as he went to look through the wall. "The path stretches on just like it should! This wall was made to block our way!" He shouted.

Midoriya and Kirishima took down the wall using their quirks and suddenly the entire underground base started shifting and twisting.

"It's Irinaka! It's his quirk that allows him to enter objects and control them freely!" The police chief explained.

The floor beneath them opened up and everyone started falling to the lower levels, except for Antoine and Mirio who went on ahead since he was immune to Irinaka's quirk. Antoine stabbed his tentacles into the walls and prevented himself for falling.

"Don't wait up!" He told everyone who was falling below. "Lackey you finished scanning yet?" Antoine whispered before smiling and looking towards a certain direction.

He fired his gun and his bullet shattered the twisted wall.

"Don't run! I haven't even touched you yet!" Antoine yelled as he started swinging towards the yakuza, seemingly locked on to his location.

The yakuza member started fleeing rapidly as Antoine chased him from behind constantly firing off shots after shots. Eventually, he was cornered and Antoine pounced forward with his tentacles swinging him towards the yakuza. He saw a panicked face and a hole in the wall that suddenly opened up and swallowed Antoine whole. Antoine was sent through the wall and lost track of Irinaka. The room he landed in was rather dark and would normally be hard to see for anyone else.

"Isn't this the fucking place where Kirishima and Fat Gum fought those two….."

Antoine was suddenly struck straight in the chest from a masked yakuza member. The blow seemingly did nothing against the boy who was wearing nothing but a black t-shirt. He didn't flinch nor was he moved back by the force of the assailant's strong attack. He grinned as he looked up at the yakuza member.

[Growing Vibranium T-shirt – What was once previously just a regular shirt made with some of the strongest fibers the crafter could get his hands on has now been mixed with the previous fictional metal known as Vibranium.

+100 Vit added when equipped.

+40 Cha added when equipped.

85% of all blows are absorbed.

10% of blows that can not be absorbed are redirected and dispersed outward.

This gear has the capability of growing alongside the user in battle.]

"You're pretty tough for a kid!!! Try this!!" The bird masking wearing buff yakuza shouted excitedly as he began unleashing a flurry of punches on Antoine.

Antoine let the villain continue his assault until he had to recharge and grinned deviously as he took out a shiny silvery metal brick and attempted to smash the tired-out yakuza members face.

[Random Makeshift Adamantium Brick – This weapon was made after countless hours of research on a similarly metal. The design could've used a lot of work but the craftsman working on this item got distracted and forgot to shape it during its creation and couldn't change it afterwards.

+150 Str added when equipped.

+100 Vit added when equipped.

Can not be manipulated into any other shape.

Is undamageable to nearly all forms of damage.

50% Chance of having random effect given to user or enemy after a blow has landed with this weapon.]

But before he could hit the yakuza member, a forcefield was created around him and momentarily saved him from Antoine's attack.


The forcefield shattered and Antoine leapt towards the duo once more.

"Don't get hit by that weapon! It is unnaturally strong." The forcefield guy said.

"Don't give me orders! Stay out of my way while I have some fun. This kid is strong." The buff yakuza said while charging towards Antoine.

The villain let off another flurry of punches as Antoine used his brick to attack again. Another barrier was created between him and the hot-headed villain. The villain's flurry of punches weren't able to break the barrier but the brick smashed through it once more and Antoine used his tentacles to jump towards the barrier guy.

"Rappa!" He shouted.

"YOU LIKE BARRIERS HUH!? HOW ABOUT A FUCKING BRICK TO THE FACE!?" Antoine shouted as he smashed through the yakuza member's hastily made forcefield and then smashed his brick into his face, launching him into the wall unconscious. A pinkish aura began swirling around Antoine's body.

[Random effect activated. Healing aura gained!]

The healing aura surrounding Antoine's body began healing the villain he just ko'd.

'I better finish this up fast or this could take forever.'

"I didn't expect this show of strength from a kid. But good! Now this is a real fight to the death!! Come on!" He ran towards Antoine while not caring about his partner in the slightest.

Antoine took a fighting stance in preparation of Rappa's attack. He laughed in glee as he let off another rapid-fire of blows. Antoine used his tentacles to catch Rappa's fists and uppercutted him in the chin with his brick, slightly knocking him in the air. The young teenaged hero then smashed his block of metal into the stomach of the hot-blooded yakuza and blew him all the way to the opposite side of the room.

"Well a barrier quirk and a…. arm quirk? Well whatever, who am I to look a gift horse in its mouth." Antoine said as his tentacles shapeshifted into syringes and drained some blood from the two unconscious villains.

He then took off towards where Mirio was using the tracker he placed on him secretly, knowing that the boy would be facing off against Overhaul and his minion around this time. He passed the bodies of the drunkard quirk guy and the confession quirk guy, also taking some of their blood before wrapping them up in a specially made net and sending them to the surface via two of his tentacles. While at the same time making sure all of his equipment is ready to take on Overhaul with.


Antoine forced his way into the room where Mirio was fighting against Overhaul and Chronostasis while also protecting Eri. Overhaul just threw a case with 4 bullet-like objects inside of it and Antoine's tentacles stretched and caught it before Chronostasis could.

"What are these cute little goodies for?" Antoine asked while smirking.

"Craftsman!" Mirio shouted in surprise.

"GIVE ME THAT!!!!" Chronostasis shouted as his hair shot out like a snake towards Antoine.

Antoine's tentacles caught the yakuza member's hair and Antoine stomped Chronostasis's back, nearly severing his spine and causing him to faint from the immense pain. His healing aura was still active so the villain wouldn't be permanently crippled, but he'll definitely be out for a while.

"Chrono!!! Who are you!?!?" Overhaul asked enraged.

"Who am i..." Antoine slowly started to smile. "Well I'd thought you'd never ask!!! I'm the Ultimate Craftsman! Future #1 Pro Hero of Japan! I'm here to save a little girl and kick the shit out of some Yakuza scum. Like this little fucker right here." Antoine introduced grandly as he roughly kicked Chronostasis body far away from Overhaul.

Mirio took this chance to launch an attack on the distracted Overhaul and completely overwhelm the villain with his permeation quirk. Overhaul couldn't touch Mirio while Mirio could go completely all out now that he doesn't have to protect Eri anymore.

"Hey there Eri.. Let's stand back a bit so that your hero can shine. Doesn't he look cool?" Antoine chatted with a soft smile on his face. Eri didn't respond but Antoine could see the sparkle in her eyes as her abuser and murderer was being beaten left and right. Her savior dishing out the punishment that her abuser oh so deserved.

Mirio continued to beat and batter Overhaul while suffering no damages to himself. Overhaul's arms broke from the power of Mirio's fists and ribs cracked from his blows. Eventually Overhaul was forced to his knees as Mirio stood over him.

"This is it Chisaki… You're done."

"No….. No…. NOOOO!!!!!! THE YAKUZA WILL TAKE OVER ONCE MORE!!!! A BUNCH OF NO GOOD HEROES LIKE YOU WILL NEVER!!! NEVER TAKE FROM ME AGAIN…!!" He slammed his palms on the ground and destroyed it into millions of pieces before reforming them into spikes and shooting them towards Antoine and Eri.

Antoine put Eri on his back as his tentacles transformed into propeller blades and sliced apart any rocks coming their way. Mirio kicked Overhaul in the chin and knocked him into a wall before finishing up with a fierce punch to the face, knocking Overhaul out and unconscious.

'Wow… this turned out completely different now that Overhaul wasn't allowed to fuse himself with his henchmen and Vault Boy didn't get his quirk erased permanently. I'm seriously jealous of that intangibility quirk but I really don't wanna put in the effort to train it.' Antoine sighed. 'The struggles of a lazy genius I suppose…'

Antoine's miniature robotic bugs began taking samples of Mirio and Eri's blood without any of them noticing. Mirio caught the hand cuffs that Antoine threw at him and cuffed the unconscious severely beaten Overhaul. It was at this time that a wall was broken through and Midoriya, Eraserhead, and Sir Nighteye showed up.

"Well well. Nice to see you all fucking made it in time. Vault Boy over here apprehended the boss and I saved the girl." Antoine greeted with Eri on his back.

"My prediction.... Was 100% completely wrong….." Nighteye muttered stunned looking at the two boys.

"That's kinda what happens when you rely on your quirk too much. Not to mention you had me a part of this operation so, it was already guaranteed to succeed." Antoine boasted without shame.

The rest of the police officers came and took Overhaul and Chronostasis away. Antoine returned to the surface with Mirio, Midoriya, Aizawa, and Sir Nighteye who was staring at him as if he was a freak of nature.

"Hey hey Nighteye. You keep staring I might have to charge ya you know. I know I'm amazing but I'm not into men." Antoine joked.

"What? No! It's just that…. Any future I've seen have never been twisted or so thoroughly wrong before and I'm curious just how did you do it?"

"You know for a guy who looks so smart, you really are a dumbass. Have you ever heard of parallel universes? Or anything like that? Your quirk probably allows you to see one timeline of a person's future. But the thing is that there are infinite numbers of timelines and infinite futures you could be seeing. You've just been either really lucky or the people who you used your quirk on didn't try hard enough to change their fates. Although I'm a bit skeptical about the trope where if you work really really hard you can change your future." Antoine explained as Nighteye somehow gained a startling realization.

'Maybe this boy is right… The future I see isn't the only one…. But most likely just the one with the highest chances of happening..' Sir Nighteye thought.

"What a fruitful day… Way easier than I thought it would be." Antoine laughed thinking on all the heavy weaponry he brought for Chisaki's fused form. 'What a waste.. hopefully those guys will be able to get the biggest treasure of all though.'


"There they are…" A certain smoking figure pointed out.

"Let's get rid of this League of Vermins and take the goods." A figure who whipped out a silver pistol wearing a cowboy hat said in a southern tone.

"Mmmph!!" A figure wearing an asbestos-lined suit and a flamethrower cried out as they jumped onto the road and unleashed a wave of flames towards Shgaraki, Compress, and Dabi.

Dabi let off his own blue waves of flames to compete with the suited figure and neither was capable of gaining the upperhand on each other.

"Who are you people…?" Tomura asked as the strange group gathered around Overhaul's body.

"I'm no one special… but you can call me G-Smoke. We're from Apex to get this." G-Smoke answered placing his foot on Overhaul who was completely restrained.

"Apex…? It doesn't matter… get out of my way or else.." Tomura threatened.


A bullet fired towards Tomura's direction and shot him in the shoulder. He quickly got behind some cover along with Compress.

"Flamey. We got the loot. Let's go." The cowboy said to the suited figure.

Flamey blasted out a large wave of compressed air that overpowered Dabi's flames and launched him away before putting up the middle finger and mumbling something. The three members of Apex jumped off with Overhaul and vanished below.

"I think we just got robbed." Dabi said.

"Apex…. Let's get out of here before the cops show. We'll get them back…" Tomura said.

The trio of villains left the scene of the crime empty-handed along with a new enemy besides society to crush.