Joint Training With Class B!!


Antoine could be seen entering his store and walking towards the breakroom. He was already informed of the "guests" who rudely came in and grinned.

"Fucking idiots took the dummy path. I knew making an alternate entrance to the lab would come in handy. This way only leads to faulty and dummy goods along with the highly preferred path of my robots. So even if they managed to sneak in and take something, it'd only be useless malfunctioning trash." Antoine chuckled to himself as he sat on the couch and threw a very small tack into the wall that smoothly stuck in.

After throwing the tack, he picked up a red bead on the table next to the very comfortable couch and threw it in a very small dent on the ceiling. The bead somehow stuck and the couch Antoine was sitting on flipped and Antoine fell in the couch! He was now sliding down a silver and huge slide as his surroundings changed entirely. The unbelievable large secret hideout underneath his small store was now present to Antoine's eyes. After a few more minutes, the fun and crazy slide part was finally over and Antoine arrived in front of a large security door.

"SCANNING! SCANNING! SCANNING!" A robotic voice shouted as a red grid laser scanned every inch of his body. Eyeballs, fingerprints, and everything else.

'I might need to add some more turrets and sentries that can harm people with fluid-like bodies and extraordinarily hard bodies. I'll tell one of the engineering bots to do it..'

"CLEAR! WELCOME MR. NEIL!" The robotic voice chimed with a nice bell as the large door opened up and quickly shut back as soon as he made it through.

Antoine walked through the gate and saw many of his robots moving around looking quite busy. He switched quirks and teleported to a certain area inside his true secret lab. He was face to face with the numerous Nomus he's stolen over time and walked into a containment cell with one. The Nomus were completely inactive due to not being able to function without orders from members of the league. Except for High-End. Antoine had High-End captured inside a container filled with green liquid. Its mind was in complete stasis and basically asleep for as long as Antoine wanted.

But anyway, Antoine came here tonight specifically to test a few serums he's created and seeing how safe they would be to test on humans. Antoine switched his quirk to High-End's power quirk as he harshly kicked the Nomu off its feet and watched it smack its brain against the floor. Antoine pulled out the test serums from his inventory and forcibly opened up the Nomu's mouth. He held it open with a modified mouth prop and poured down the first test serum down its throat. He then took a few steps back and switched his quirk into Vault Boy's quirk.

He turned his body intangible but was still standing perfectly fine on the ground. His clothes on the other hand, completely phased right through him.

'This quirk is an absolute fucking nightmare. I would rather take Bakugou on a fucking date than sit and train to use this quirk again. After weeks of training, the only thing I can fucking do is stand in place. I used to fall through the floor every time I tried to use this son of a bitch quirk. And don't get me started on trying to walk. Seriously… This is why I couldn't be a main character. I hate training.' Antoine thought annoyed as he saw the Nomu suddenly burst into flames.

"That isn't what I wanted to happen..." He muttered before teleporting into the next Nomu's cell and testing out the next serum.

That Nomu's upper half exploded, the next one grew thumping large boils and bumps on its body, the one after that legs exploded, the one after that one grew luscious beautiful golden hair. Antoine marked that one for the future as he continued to test more and more of his serums on the Nomu equipped with super regeneration. It was almost time for class by the time he was done and he quickly teleported back in his room, dressed up in his uniform and raced to class.


Class A was currently at Ground Gamma all donned in their hero costumes.

"This is exciting!!" Toru stated.

"I think our winter gear is so cool!" Ashido exclaimed.

"Nice outfit princess. Trying to look good for the ladies or what?" Antoine mocked Bakugo's winter costume.

"Screw off! Ya afro squid bastard!"

"I would say more octopus than squid but what could you expect from a dumb princess?" Antoine shrugged with a mocking grin.

"I'LL SHOW YOU DUMB YOU DAMNED!!!" Bakugo lunged after him.

"Yuga you're seriously blinging out!" Ashido complimented.

"Ah.. yeah." He embarrassedly rubbed the back of his head. "It matches with my quirk and how I fight."

"Yeah I can see that! You're seriously pulling it off too." She smiled.

Yuga was about to shrink his head into his neck like a turtle from embarrassment.

"Wow Asui! You're really prepared for this winter cold huh?" Toru asked impressed.

"My quirk needs me to feel warm or I'd get too cold and fall into hibernation." She replied.

"Sheesh, got a nice party atmosphere goin' here don't we?" A familiar voice asked that suddenly just arrived. "You guys are looking down on us, are you?"

"Oh! You guys made it! Nope! We're not looking down on ya! We're just excited!" Kirishima responded.

"Haha, I see.. but too bad. The tides are surely in our favor this time." Monoma muttered. "COME, CLASS A! TODAY'S THE DAY! LET'S SETTLE THIS RIVARLY ONCE AND FOR ALL!" Monoma shouted out with crazed fighting spirit.

"HELL YEAH!!!" Antoine cheered. "LET'S FUCKING GO!"

"ARROGANCE WON'T SAVE YOU THIS TIME CLASS A! WE'LL----" Monama was cut off by a piece of cloth wrapping around his throat.

"Quiet." Aizawa said.

"We have a special guest today." Vlad, Class B's homeroom teacher, informed.

"Try not to look stupid in front of him." Aizawa said.

"A guest?"

"I'll blow him apart!"

"Is it a girl?"

"Let's work hard together!"

"He's applying to transfer to the department of heroes. This is Shinso Hitoshi, from Class C, of the department of general education." Aizawa introduced.

'Now that I remember… Shinso and fucking Midoriya haven't fucking met! Shinso didn't make it to the final part of the sports festival, so no one fucking knows him or his quirk!'

"Wait, is that Mr. Aizawa's binding cloth?"

"I guess the mask must be something that goes with his quirk."

"It's good to have you with us dude!"

"I know I've encountered many of you at the sports festival, but you won't catch me thinking that we're all buddies now that we've exchanged blows. I'm not some good-natured person trying to tout a superficial sense of sportsmanship. The fact of the matter is, I've gotten a late start and I've already been left in the dust by hundreds of steps by you all. I'm sorry but I'm desperate." Shinso introduced. "I will become a great hero, so that I can use my quirk to help others. All of you here today are obstacles that I must overcome. I have no intention of making friends."

Some people started clapping at the end of his introduction.

"HAHAHAH YOU FUCKING MESSY-HAIRED SHIT! You've picked the wrong obstacle to try and overcome. I'm Antoine Neil. The #1 pro hero in the future. You're gonna need the heavens themselves watching over you to try and overcome me." Antoine greeted happily.

"I like this one…" Monoma muttered.

"You…" He muttered towards Antoine before not finishing his sentence and looking away.


Aizawa coughed and Vlad began speaking.

"COMBAT EXERCISES!!! This time around it's a battle between Class A vs Class B! And the stage will be this section of training field gamma! Each side will split up into groups of four, and one team from each will battle it out at a time!"

Training field gamma was modeled after an industrial area. There are very few open spaces, and its notorious features are its poor visibility and footing.

"Today, Shinsou will be participating in two battles. One of Class A's side and one of Class B's side. In other words, out of the five matches one of them will be 5v5 instead of 4v4 like the others and one will be 5v4."

"But that means the team with only four have a clear disadvantage!"

"Trying to integrate Shinso, who has next to no experience, into your team of five will likely be an even bigger disadvantage. It's true that the team of five has numerical advantage, but they'll still have a handicap. The setting for this battle is "The heroes move to surround the villain group and capture them!" Each team shall perceive the other as the "villains!" Once either team captures four members of the other, it's their victory!"

"They have been saying the villains are becoming organized after all…"

"Nice and simple, just how I like it!"

"In each team's camp, we've installed a "wicked cute irredeemable prison". The moment you imprison your opponent in there, they'll be considered "captured".

"That means rendering your opponent's unable to fight close to your own base would be the most efficient… But that sure won't be easy.."

""Once either team captures four members of the other".. So that's the handicap, eh?"

"Yeap. Not only do you have to team up with an inexperienced member, but also, even if you're a team of five you'll still lose if four of you are captured."

"So we're stuck with dead weight is what you're saying.."

"Dude! Don't say it like that!"

"It's fine. It's true after all." Shinso agreed.

"It's time for lots!"

Class A and Class B started grabbing for lots and very soon after the teams were decided!

"Heheh. Looks like I'm with you fucking bunch!" Antoine happily greeted.

"Hello Neil…." Uraraka said unenthusiastically.

"Hey Neil.." Midoriya said nicely.

"No jerkish attitude Neil! I still haven't forgiven you for that little hallway prank of yours!" Ashido said.

"That was you!?" Mineta asked surprised.

"Nah that wasn't me. You think I don't got better things to do with my time than waste it pranking you fucking babies?" Antoine denied.

Mineta was conflicted because it does seem like Neil wouldn't waste his time with little childish pranks..

"Don't believe him Mineta! He told me himself!"

"Who are you going to believe Mineta? Some thick booty pink thot or your fucking broooo!?"

Mineta took a glance at Ashido's rear and then her angry face before slapping Antoine's hand.

"THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" Antoine cheered over an angered Ashido.


"Let's do this team!" She exclaimed.

"That's the attitude Hagakure!" Sero agreed.

"You bastards better not slow me down!" Bakugou shouted.

"Oh boy…." Jiro muttered with her head hanging.


"I'll think of a plan to take on their team for us." Yaoyorozu said.

"Me and Tokoyami's quirks wouldn't work out so well because its weak to light." Yuga added.

"Don't worry I haven't forgotten." She replied.

"This will be an eternal symphony of light and darkness."

"Don't forget sugar too!" Sato added.

After everyone got into their groups, the first battle started. Everyone got to watch as Shinso showed off his brain washing quirk and skills with the binding cloth along with the skills of Kaminari, Asui, and Koda working alongside him vs Class B's Shiozaki, Shishida, Rin, and Tsuburaba. The match started off with a weak start from Class A. They were ambushed and didn't have a solid plan to face off against Class B due to trying to understand Shinso's quirk and chat with him a bit about theirs. But Class A was no stranger to being ambushed and taken by surprise. They managed to make an abrupt plan after being driven into a corner and decisively take the win from Class B by imprisoning them all.

Aizawa and Vlad made their classes reflect on what they could take from this battle before moving on to the second round. Yuga's team was facing off against Fukidashi, Kuroiro, Kendo, and Komori. The teams got in position on opposite sides of the battlefield.


Yuga watched as Tokoyami sent forward his Dark Shadow. The group started moving forward together.

"Ah he came back so soon." Sato, the sugar quirk guy, said.

"Everyone, disperse!" Tokoyami yelled as the returning dark shadow all of a sudden punched him in the stomach!

Kuroiro, the class b student who can phase into all things black and control them (if they can be controlled) popped out of dark shadow. Yaoyorozu whipped forward some nets to try and capture Kuroiro but the boy quickly phased into the shadows of the numerous pipes around them.

"Fumikage Tokoyami. I shall…. Bore straight through you!" Kuroiro challenged.

"Very well. I accept your challenge, and meet it head on…. With my new technique I devised under the tutelage of Hawks "Black Fallen Angel"!" Tokoyami challenged back as he removed his cape that as covering his torso.

Yuga was watching as Kuroiro was constantly merging into different black objects all around them. Waiting patiently to strike. He clicked a button on his fancy shades that Antoine made for his costume and managed to lock on to Kuroiro's position, no matter how fast he was moving around.

"Stay together." He asked politely before blasting off towards Kuroiro's hiding spot behind him. He shot his navel laser from his stomach and appeared where Kuroiro was.

A surprised cry was heard as Kuroiro was forcibly taken out of the shadows. Yuga uppercutted the boy and sent him slightly upwards in the air. He started flipping on his way down and crashed into the ground. He was seen motionless after crashing and Sato walked over to see he was completely knocked out.

"Dang Yuga… What kind of punch was that…?" He asked impressed.

"Just a normal one." Yuga said before looking all around. "There's one far away from us just standing still, one coming towards us, and the other one is just wandering around. Follow me." Yuga said, intent on surprising the one coming towards them.

He athletically hopped from pipe to pipe and headed straight towards the figure. But before Sato, Yaoyorozu, and Tokoyami could catch up a large wall of giant letters appeared and split the group! Yuga attempted to punch through it, but he only managed to damage it halfway before being attacked by Kendo!

'She's the girl who can make her hands big..' Yuga remembered as Kendo attempted to smash him into the ground.

He sent a corkscrew punch towards the large hand above him using all the muscles in his arm, torso, and legs to strengthen the punch as much as possible. Yuga then fired off a laser through his boxing glove that made contact with Kendo and blasted her hand in the air, knocking her off her feet. She used her other hand to recover quickly as Yuga appeared right in front of her trying to smash her face in with his gloves, but she managed to block in time with her giant hand and grabbed him.

Yuga was captured by Kendo's giant hand and shot out lasers from nearly every part of his costume, forcing Kendo to release him from the ever increasing pain that she was experiencing due to Yuga's lasers. Both of her hands were numb but she didn't plan on giving up yet.

"I didn't know you were so strong! The whole first part of my plan was destroyed by you." She grinned.

"First part..." Yuga muttered as he dashed towards Kendo who has now joined her hands together and attempted to knock him away.

Yuga narrowly avoided the hit by leaning his body to side and got in real close to Kendo before punching her in the gut from down below. Kendo spat out as she was sent flying through multiple pipes and crashing into a wall.

'Gotta make sure she's out.. or he'd definitely make fun of me later.' Yuga thought as he walked over to the imprinted wall. Kendo's hand were back to normal size and she looked pretty out of it. He went in slowly with his hand to touch her and all of a sudden.

"YOU PERVERT!!!!!" She screamed while pushing her hands forward and enlarging her hands to push Yuga away.

But her hands were half the size of what they were previously and Yuga avoided the double palmed blow before finishing Kendo off with another punch in the gut. Kendo fell over face forward and fainted.

"Phew… I'm glad I didn't just leave her there. She was pretty strong." Yuga wiped his forehead which wasn't even sweating in the slightest. He then shot off into the air via laser from the bottom of his shoes and looked over the entire battlefield.

He saw them covered in mushrooms with goggles on heading towards two figures a little bit ahead of them. Kuroiro was wrapped up in a net surrounded by lanterns. Yuga let himself fall back down to the ground. He trusted that his teammates could handle the last two of Class B and picked up Kendo's body and moved to pick up Kuroiro's body. He then dropped off the two into the prison and waited there for a while but he suddenly noticed that it was taking them quite a while and decided to go check out what's happening.

He shot off into the air and saw all three of his classmates fainted on the ground in front of Komori, the mushroom quirk girl, and Fukidashi, the comic quirk guy.

'I don't know how they managed to defeat them all… Especially Tokoyami.. but I better be quick. I can't let whatever they did to them happen to me.' Yuga thought as he blasted off downward towards the two.

His lasers shooting out from behind him, strengthening his descent even more.

'Fukidashi couldn't have done this. His quirk isn't that subtle. It had to be Komori. One of her mushrooms must be poisonous…' Yuga guessed as he suddenly appeared from above and punched Komori into the ground.

Komori was smashed into the ground and a small crater formed from the impact of her body. She could be seen unconscious while mushrooms began growing on Yuga. Fukidashi shouted out in surprise before getting ready.


A large explosion of words shot towards Yuga and blasted him away. Using his lasers to control himself, he shot upwards before he could smash into some pipes and flew towards Fukidashi. Fukidashi continued to shout out onomatopoeias towards at the flying Yuga. Yuga avoided the large letters and shot a laser beam from his boxing glove and knocked Fukidashi out from above. He landed down below and grabbed both Komori and Fukidashi before flying off and putting them inside the cage, winning the game for his team singlehandedly.


The recovery bots began wheeling in to grab Sato, Yaoyorozu, and Tokoyami who were slowly recovering from throat mushrooms.

"Ahaha! That's my boy!!!" Antoine shouted.

"Whoo!! Good Job Yuga!!!" Toru cheered as well.

"Dang… Aoyama is way stronger than I thought.." Kirishima stated.

"You usually don't notice him because he's so quiet." Jiro said.

"The damage was quite a bit." Shinso said.

"While we move the stage how about we take a short break?" Aizawa suggested.

Class A and Class B sat around in groups.

"Monoma!!!! My favorite Class B member. Buddy talk to me." Antoine said jovially.

"Although your arrogance towers over skyscrapers, I have to say, I still dislike you."

Antoine grabbed his heart as if it was pierced with a thousand blades.

"Monoma-kun! I have to say despite your quirks drawbacks of relying on others, there's still so much you can do on your on you know." Antoine said pulling out golden watch.

"What's that suppose to be?" He asked.

"This is a gift! You see I really like how antagonistic you are towards Class A. If you're willing to do a small favor for me during our battle. I'm willing to give you and a certain someone else of your choosing a specially crafted gift from me." Antoine whispered into his ear.

"I've heard of your works. I'm listening…" He agreed while whispering back.

"All I want from you is to absolutely beat the shit out of my team. Beat Midoriya, Uraraka, and Ashido into the ground just like Yuga did. Our deal will be settled once those three are knocked out and we can just fight normally after that. You and whoever you want of Class B will get a specifically made gear from me once you done this."

Confusion and slight irritation grew on Monoma's face. He couldn't possibly understand why Neil would want something like this for his class. Is the rift between Antoine and his classmates truly this terrible? That he would team with the enemy just to spite his own side? Monoma just couldn't get Neil's angle in all this.

'Just why? What does he gain from this!? Is this another one of Class A's tricks!?' Monoma thought nearly wanting to tear his hair out.

'Heheh…. Now this will be entertaining to watch. I hope Midoriya's plot armor isn't so strong that it'll destroy Monoma's team regardless. That watch should be enough to boost his physical parameters enough to decimate Midoriya. Even if he uses 20% of One For All, Monoma should be able to handle it.' Antoine chuckled. 'I don't know about afterwards though.' He grinned as Monoma shook his hand in agreement.

"Fine. You got yourself a deal." He said as he accepted the watch and placed it on his wrist.

"Thank you so much Monoma-kun! You don't know how happy I am! Good luck!" Antoine shouted as he walked away. "By the way… Midoriya's a dud…." He somehow muttered only to Monoma.

Monoma's face turned serious.

'How much information does he have on us..?' Monoma wondered. 'How could he know exactly how my quirk works when we don't even talk to Class A all that often? I'll have to tell my classmates to be careful around him.' Monoma decided.