Getting Played & Budding Interests?!

Antoine flew over to see City Hall as the safe haven for most of the citizens inside the city. Heroes were taking a defensive position around the building. The remaining heroes inside the city surrounded the white building even if their quirk wasn't meant for straight up combat. Antoine figured it was to make the locals feel secure. But from what he could see, the heroes themselves were just as scared as the fucking people they were protecting. Antoine chuckled from this as he showed up on the scene. Confusing most of the people who heard and saw him with such a joyous expression on his face

'Good to know that heroes are still people on the inside on this world too. I know I'd be scared shitless against this terrorist group.' Antoine thought as he sought to take over the scene.

. Some even suspected him to be a villain from the aura surrounding him and were about to attack, but the hero taking charge of this operation calmed the other heroes and stopped them from attacking. It seems he recognized Antoine from somewhere. Antoine surely didn't recognize him though.

"You're the owner of Universal Crafts. The company with a hero for the president.." The leading hero said.

"Yep. That's me. Although I'm heroing right now so just call me The Ultimate Craftsman or just Craftsman." Antoine told him.

"Well... Although I'm not hoping much, can you tell me if you have any supplies to give out for the people inside? They're not doing too well."

Antoine could pull out enough food from his ass (Inventory) to feed 10 African villages. These few hundreds of people weren't much. Not to add that most of the food was boosted by his specially crafted stove and made all the food taste 60% better and had a 50% increase in quality. With his stove, he could roast a marshmallow on top of it and make it give actual valuable nutrients to the body instead of being just junk food. Antoine's favorite snack to cook in his stove was cake. All that sugar and fat turns in whatever beneficial nutrients the person who is eating it is lacking the most. Antoine chalked it up to the system's "magic" in dealing with certain things that were definitely impossible to explain through actual science and didn't look further into it.

But feeding these people with his inventory would be an issue. Antoine's quirk was listed as his shark quirk, not storage or a spatial quirk. And he doesn't plan on revealing his multiple quirks quite yet. Not until he's turned all of Japan into paradise and he's ruling it.

"Nope! I don't have anything on me except my hero gear and gadgets." He replied casually.

The leading hero's face fell immediately. But he quickly picked it back up so as not to worry the people behind him. Antoine just smiled.

"Don't worry fuckers. I got something better for ya." Antoine declared as he pulled out a tiny metal box from his pocket.

"What is that going to do?" The hero asked.

"Making your jobs 100x easier." Antoine answered before throwing the metal box at the side of the building.

Countless faces were visible from the windows of the building. Each one having a different emotion on their face, but a majority of them showing fear and sorrow. If it was in Antoine's character, he would try and calm the panicked and frightened citizens but he figured it would be better if he focused on saving them and beating the shit out of the group responsible for causing this mess in the first place. Especially since it interrupted his current plans of fixing Japan into the utopia he wants it to be. Of course, it won't be the perfect country, but Antoine plans on making it damn near it.

Antoine's box exploded open and a silvery liquid exploded from it and latched onto the building. It exploded with as much liquid as a water balloon can hold but the heroes and locals watched as it slowly grew larger in quantity and began stretching all over town hall. The heroes and locals watched in confusion and amazement at what they were seeing. The citizens were initially worried but once they saw that Antoine was another hero, they were relieved.

"Yeah. This goop is strong enough to tank several tank missiles once it solidifies. Finding this chemical solution was a bitch though. You don't wanna know how many accidents were made trying to make this shit." Antoine said as the silver slime continued to spread over the surface of the inside and outside of the building.

Some curious children inside tried touching it before their parents could restrain them, but were sad upon finding out that they didn't become silver as well or couldn't play with it. Their parents swooped them up and quickly admonished their reckless behaviors even though they were secretly glad that no harm came to their children from their slow reactions. Antoine would've laughed if he saw the scene for himself.

"Alright that crap should protect them for nearly any attacks, so you all don't have to worry about protecting them if something arises. I'm gonna go and help out any stragglers still in the city." Antoine told the leading hero.

Antoine was about to blast off with his rocket shoes but before he activated them, he heard a strange sound appearing above city hall. The sound of fluttering feathers. He turned around and saw a large ball of white feathers descending down towards the building. If he wasn't so sure that this was the dramatic entrance of a villain, he would describe the scene in front of him as beautiful and divine. The texture and appearance of those wings couldn't be described in any other way besides seraphic and magnificent. They were so amazing that some of the heroes fantasize being enveloped in those wings would make anyone think they were in heaven.

The ball of wings unfurled themselves and a sudden sound rang out from the ground!


The feathers on the wings quickly attached themselves to the being inside the wings and transported a few meters to the left, avoiding the projectile aiming for them. The heroes down below finally got a good look at what was inside the white feathers and they could only be described as…

"An angel..." One hero muttered in disbelief.

The figure had large white wings sprouting from their back. Their facial features were so aesthetically pleasing that regardless of gender, they made both male and female heroes present bodies heat up and faces redden. The being's body was seemingly sculpted to perfection. Their arms, legs, abs, and everything was just perfect. Even if someone had a perfectly opposite taste in people, they would still feel compelled to worship and fall for the figure above them.

Well. That is if your name isn't Antoine Neil and the fact that you just shot a sniper round towards an angel-like figure.


The bullet that missed the figure came soaring back towards them without them knowing at all and pierced through their wings. A heavenly scream rang out as the figure started falling to the ground. Pure shock and worry was exchanged between all the heroes present.

"You may have these fuckheads charmed you beautiful asshole but you won't get me! I know you're part of The Survivors." Antoine said with tears of envy in his eyes.

The young hero leapt towards the falling figure and was about to snatch them up with his metal arms but before he could, the angelic figure lifted their head and looked at him with a death glare, making Antoine even more angry at their attractiveness. Their wings opened outward and a figure appeared from the middle of them and blasted Antoine away with magma. Antoine's adamantium tentacles took the brunt of most of the magma and he flicked it to the streets below after he landed down. He looked at the newcomer slightly pissed that he didn't get to punch the shit out of the heavenly angel villain.

"The Ultimate Craftsman…. We just got a warning about you. You're a lot more dangerous than your file states. So dangerous that I, a Sergeant, had to come and deal with you." The newcomer stated.

"Fuck off Ghostrider copycat!"

Antoine flicked him off.

"That shitty lava quirk won't be enough to deal with me." Antoine antagonized.

The sergeant fully came out of the angel's wings and he landed down on top of city hall as the angel teleported themselves away. The sergeant had a fierce aura around him. He honestly scared most of the heroes down below with just his aura alone. The other half was scared due to his face. An actual skull with magma flowing out of it! Every time he talked magma spittle flew from his mouth. Antoine was confused on how eloquently he was speaking despite spitting every time he talked. It didn't even sound like he had magma coming out of his mouth at all.

"We'll see about that Craftsman..." The sergeant said as magma suddenly poured out in massive amounts from his body and shot upwards into the sky as lava sprout.

"EVERYONE GET INSIDE IF YOUR QUIRK CAN'T FUCKING PROTECT YOU FROM LAVA! NOW!" Antoine shouted as the lava started falling down towards them like an ocean wave.

The heroes ran as fast as they could to make it inside the armored town hall. Antoine had a few of his tentacles pop off to save the extra slow assholes as he used the remaining to shapeshift into a metal dome to protect himself. But it seems that the sergeant was planning on this outcome somehow because as soon as Antoine went into his dome, he jumped from the roof and appeared in front of Antoine's ball. He shot out lava from his chest that was going to engulf Antoine's dome and completely captured it in a lava bubble, trapping Antoine inside. If he tried to break out, lava would soon flow inside his ball and melt him alive.

"Heh. This was easier than I thought. Dumb brat. My mission was just to stall you until we can get all our members out of here. Not defeat you." The sergeant chuckled.


Even while Antoine was raging after falling into the trap, his mind was quickly looking for solutions to solve this without exposing that he can use more than 1 quirk.

'I got too cocky… This sucks dick! Now i gotta use my actual brain to get out of this before they can escape…' He groaned.



Yuga avoided another object sent at high-speeds from the portal girl and blasted back towards her. He punched towards her face and just before he could reach, a small white portal appeared in front of her face and a black portal appeared on the side of his.


Yuga was sent flying back from the force of his own fist with added force from the girl's quirk. He figured out generally how her quirk works but that was a new application of it that he's just now seeing… Apparently she can make the portals bigger and smaller as well. The white portal sucks things in and the black portal shoots things out that the white portal sucked in at a faster speed. Yuga was having a hard time getting past her defenses. A straight on offensive was useless against her. As well as long ranged combat.

'But what about an attack she can't see…?' Yuga thought.

Yuga took off his shades and tossed them far into the sky. The villain's face was blank as usual and she never took her eyes off him. Yuga's body started sparkling brightly and the villainess attacked by sucking in some more debris through her white portal and launching them towards the shining Yuga.

"Won't even give me a moment to set up my plan?" He muttered as he was forced to dodge out of the way and his body lost all its shine from earlier.

He tried charging up again but it seems the young villain caught on to the fact that he was attempting something and didn't rest up on sending speeding rocks towards him. Yuga had to try something else or he'd be forced to constantly follow her pace. He shot a laser beam from his sparkling boxing glove towards his shades that were now floating in the air. The beam reflected off the shades and streaked towards the attractive and slim girl, taking her attention off of Yuga momentarily.


He started charging up his move as the villain was forced to handle the laser beam about to crash down upon her. She calmly looked up and waved her dainty hand horizontally. A white portal appeared in front of the laser beam and a black portal appeared in front of her aiming directly at the charging Yuga.

'This is going to hurt..! But I won't get another chance like this!'

The portal sucked in Yuga's laser beam and the black one shot it towards Yuga himself. Yuga braced himself as the beam came zooming towards him.


Yuga was sent sliding far down the street from the impact of his attack amplified. A slightly bruised and dusty Yuga could be seen still shining brightly from the opposite end of the street. A small grin could be seen on his face as his move was finally ready. Even though he was sure his shoulder just got dislocated.

"Disco Starlights!" He shouted.

An uncountable number of small laser beams shot out from Yuga's body. It was as if a universe suddenly came into existence and a large cluster of lights were birthed from it. The numerous sparkling lights bounced around the city streets down towards the villainess. They bounced from buildings, to the streets, lamps, windows, and even Yuga himself. It was an inescapable attack that Yuga devised himself after watching Antoine add so many homing features to most of his ranged weapons. An attack that can't miss is an attack anyone would want.

The laser beams bounced around with speeds that would cause a normal person to faint just from looking at them and they were all headed straight towards the young villain. Yuga finally managed to see some emotion appearing on her face.


Nikki's eyebrows slightly furrowed. She understood that getting through this move wasn't possible if she took it head on. Her portals have a size limit that they can increase to and shrink to. And making a portal big enough to handle this attack would be impossible unless she wanted to put enough physical strain on her body to put her in a wheelchair for a few months.

'Sparkling Boxer was it…?' She thought as a brief look of interest appeared on her face. 'Change will have to come another day. Hopefully… I'll get to see you again..' Nikki thought as Yuga's attack was just about to strike her.

Nikki was sucked into her white portal and disappeared. She reappeared after a black portal materialized in the sky shooting her far above and then another white portal appeared and sucked her in. This continued until Nikki shot herself far away from the young hero and on her way back to HQ.


"Damn!" Yuga cursed as he forcefully placed his shoulder back in its socket and drank a healing serum.

His laser beams attempted to chase after the villain but even they couldn't catch up to her speed after being shot out of the black portal for a second time. He took out his phone to see if he had any messages from Antoine or Toru.

"Nothing? I guess those two would be fine. I should try and see if there is anyone still in need of help!" Yuga stated as he shot off into the sky by shooting lasers from his feet and grabbing his shades. He placed them on his face and used them to scan for any people nearby.