Gaining Some Attention!

Two young teens were seen walking together towards the entrance of U.A. It was a boy and a girl. They were wearing the standard uniform everyone else was wearing but for some reason they were capturing the attention of everyone nearby. They didn't have any strange accessories or unusual appearances either. So, for what reason was everyone's eyes glued to these two young heroes-in-training? Is it because one of them is so devilishly handsome or unbelievably beautiful? Possibly. Although the persons in question would definitely deny such a flattering statement.

"Look its them!"

"The freshmen who were said to play a big part in saving that city that was nearly destroyed by the Survivors!?"

"Yeah right. Like those two could've possibly did anything big. They're just freshmen." An upperclassman said in jealousy.

"It's true! It was all over the internet with videos of those two saving people in the city and capturing members of Survivors."

"They probably just swooped in to take the credit of the real heroes who were on the scene."

"Nope that's not it either! A lot of people from Niigata tagged them on social media about how heroic those two were and how thankful they were! A few police officers even said that the handsome guy saved them from one of Survivor's head members!"

The upperclassman shut his mouth at this point. He hmph'd and started walking into the building. Leaving the rest of the students of U.A. to continue gossiping and talking about the two.


"He's so buff and so handsome...."

"Look at those muscles!!! His uniform can barely hold em!"

"Don't even get me started on his butt! It's so cute!!!"

The many young girls of U.A. gossip'd while ogling the sight of the boy. His face reddened as he overheard the comments of the girls. A mischievous giggle came from his side and a slight jab from her elbow into his side, makes him even more embarrassed.

"Look at youuu Yuga. Getting a girlfriend is just a matter of time now." She giggled playfully.

"Please shut up." He pleaded while hiding his face with his hand.

"There's nothing embarrassing about being popular with the girls you know." Toru told him.

"That's not why I'm embarrassed! Hearing them talk about me in that way is embarrassing!" He quietly shouted.

"Guys talk about girls in that way all the time, don't they?" Toru innocently asked before suddenly thinking again. "Or have we been hanging out with Antoine a bit too often?"

"Definitely the second option. When I'm thinking of a girl, I definitely don't think about that stuff first." Yuga innocently remarked.

"So, you do think of that stuff..." Toru said teasingly.

His already red face brightened up to the color of a tomato.

"It's normal to sometimes think of that stuff at my age! Don't try and make me out as a pervert." He reasonably said.

Toru began wiping imaginary tears from her eyes and making sobbing sounds.

"My little Yuga..... Has already grown up this much.... sniff sniff..."

"Shut up!!" He started walking faster up ahead, leaving her behind, giggling to herself.

Toru quickly caught up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder while laughing. She was trying to apologize amidst her laughter but it only seemed to upset Yuga more.

"Don't act like you don't have thoughts like that too!" Yuga redirected.

"I never said I didn't have thoughts like that Yugaaa. I think of some guys that way too."

"Guh..!" Yuga was rendered speechless and a slightly bit more embarrassed. He didn't expect her to honestly answer him without any shame or embarrassment.

He shut his mouth and they continued to walk inside U.A. while Yuga tried to filter out all the flattering comments aimed towards him. The two of them were about to reach their classroom door but up ahead two girls they've never seen before were hanging near the door. Yuga and Toru reached the classroom door and were about to ignore them and go inside but before they could.

"Uhm!! Excuse me!" A squeaky voice shouted.

One of the girls bowed towards Yuga while holding out a decorated pink letter. The girl had a large bushy squirrel-like tail coming from beneath her skirt and brown hair in the shape of an acorn.

"Please accept this!" She asked with all of her heart and courage.

"Me?" Yuga asked, quite confused.

"Yes!" Her face was starting to heat up.

Yuga grabbed the letter and the two swiftly ran down the hall after he accepted it.

"I wonder what that was all about..." Yuga muttered as Toru felt like facepalming.

"It's your first love letter Yuga!!!" Toru excitedly squealed.

"LOVE LETTER?!" He shouted in disbelief.


"No no no no. You're kidding. She probably just wants me to deliver this to someone else." Yuga vehemently denied the truth.

"If that's true just read it then. You'll see who it is meant for."

"No no no no no no no. How could I read a love letter meant for someone else? That would be low. What kind of hero would I be if I-"

"Yuga! You better man up and stop running away! Girls are not as scary as you're imagining them to be. Even more so for love and romance. You better respond to that girl's letter by the end of today or I'm kicking ur butt." Toru told him as she walked into the classroom, leaving Yuga behind.


Yuga sighed. Toru was right and he knew it. It was just all so sudden! He wasn't used to receiving the attention and interests of the opposite sex until recently. It wasn't until he started showing noticeable results from Antoine's training program that he noticed the stares and whispers of women around him. He refused to talk to Antoine about it because no doubt he'll be made fun of. But talking to Toru seems so embarrassing! The only girl he even talks to on the regular is Toru but they've been friends for so long that he doesn't even recognize her like that. He doubted he could treat other girls like he treats Toru! It'd be weird wouldn't it!? Not to mention he feels that growing up with Antoine has made all three of them sort of weird compared to other people.

He sighed once more.

`I guess I'll just have to do what Toru said and man up! There's nothing to be scared of! It's not like she's planning to eat me alive or anything!' Yuga said with new found confidence.

"Please do not block the door Aoyama-kun and head inside. It's time for class." Aizawa-sensei suddenly said, spooking the boy out of his internal thoughts.

"Ah sorry sensei..." Yuga responded as he headed inside and took his seat.

The noise within the classroom stopped as soon as Aizawa stood up at the podium near the board.

"With the state of how things are right now, the instructors have chosen to have you guys start learning ways on how to protect yourselves and others more. P.E. will be replaced by hero lessons for the time being." Aizawa said.

"Doesn't that mean we'll have hero lessons throughout the week then?" Mina asked.

"That's right. But I'm not finished with all the announcements yet. Internships are coming back."

The class erupted in noise.


"Are they trying to work us to death!? We're only first years!"

"I can't wait to work with Fat Gum again!"

"I guess it is for the best... With all the villains and such running around nowadays, it's good if we get as much experience on the field as much as we can."

Aizawa glared at the students and they swiftly quieted themselves to let him finish.

"So, use your time over winter break to get in touch with who you want to intern with. But for now, let's start class."



"You better not chicken out Yuga! I really will beat you up if you don't respond to her feelings earnestly!" Toru yelled.

Yuga was currently on his way to gym. After reading the letter, he wasn't allowed any room to doubt anymore. It was a letter addressed to him telling him to come to the gymnasium after school. What awaited him inside that gym couldn't be anything else but a girl waiting to confess to him. Just the thought of it made his nerves go crazy.

He arrived outside the door of the gym. His face was slightly flushed from nervousness. He took a deep breath and grabbed the handle of the door. He opened it and walked inside to see the same girl from earlier this morning. Her brown fluffy tail was swaying from side to side. She stood while twiddling with her fingers and looked up at him with a tinge of red coloring her cheeks.

"Aoyama-kun... You actually came..."

"Ahh.. Yeah...I did..." Yuga responded.

"Thank you for actually coming...."

"You're welcome..."

Heavy silence reverberated throughout the large gymnasium. The two young shy heroes-in-training stood awkwardly as neither of them could manage to bring themselves to speak. Yuga was more nervous facing this girl than he was fighting villains! He just couldn't understand why he felt this way at all.

"So... What did you wanna talk to me about...?" Yuga finally gathered the nerves to speak up.

Her face reddened even further.

"Aoyama-kun... I would.. Like for you...."

Yuga's heart starting beating faster and faster. Sweat dripped down his forehead. He wasn't ready for something like this so soon. His heart felt like leaping out of his chest. He could barely hear anything besides the beating of his chest. He needed to run. He needed to escape. He needed to be anywhere but here right now.

"To take me under your wing as an apprentice!!!!!" She shouted with all her soul.

Her voice echoed throughout the gymnasium, repeating deeply in Yuga's ears.

"????????????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!?!?!?" Yuga's heart spoke.

A few seconds of silence passed by with nothing being spoke.

"Aoyama-kun?" She spoke.

"So you weren't confessing to me.....?" Aoyama softly asked.

"What did you say Aoyama-kun?"

"Nevermind... Sure..."

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I'll see you tomorrow senpai!" She fist pumped 4 times before happily skipping out of the gymnasium and humming a happy tune.

Yuga was left alone inside the gymnasium. His heart was still out of wack. He didn't understand anything that just happened to him. In all his 16 years of living, this had to be the most nerve-wracking and embarrassing moment he's ever experienced. If he had to say, this was more embarrassing than the time he got pantsed by Antoine in middle school in the middle of the cafeteria.

She wasn't in love with him. She didn't have any romantic feelings for him at all!!! Yuga felt like the biggest idiot in all of the world! The only redeemable part of this entire situation was that thankfully no one was around to see him make a fool of himself.


A hand grasped his shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay Yuga. You'll get your chance at love one of these days..." Toru's voice came from his side.

"TORUUUUUUU!!!!!!" Yuga's face turned bright red like a tomato.

Toru's school uniform came into existence as she turned visible. She giggled and ran away from the furiously embarrassed Yuga.

"I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING LOVER BOY!!!!" She happily laughed as Yuga started chasing after her.

The two dashed from the gymnasium in a high-speed sprint. Yuga was slowly catching up to Toru as his physique was better than Toru's but only because he was a man and the fact that they started Antoine's training program at the same time. Toru is actually quite strong in comparison with the average male. But when compared to Yuga, she can only be found as his lesser in strength.

Yuga was inches away from grabbing onto Toru. But before he could grab her, Toru abruptly stopped in place, causing Yuga to knock into her.

"Antoine?!" Toru shouted.

"Yep. It's me bitches." Antoine greeted with a smirk on his face. He appeared from beneath a hole in the grass. The hole soon closed up with metal doors and the grass appeared over it once more, making it look like a perfectly normal patch of grass.

"Antoine..? What are you doing on campus? I don't think the school would want an expelled student on the premises..." Yuga asked.

"Fuck this school." Antoine responded. "But to answer your question, I had some business come up and came to deal with a few things before I went to handle it."

"What's up?" Toru asked.

"I've got to go to Russia and take something of mine that they stole."


"Can you even speak Russia?" Yuga asked.

"Cyka Blyat." Antoine responded in a perfect Russian accent.

"What does that mean?" Yuga asked once more.

Toru started laughing as she understood where Antoine learned those words from.

"Is it something from a video game!? That's the only thing I can't relate with you two about!" Yuga said.

"Anyway! I just came to let you guys know what's up."

"Do you need any help? We are on winter break and all." Toru asked.

"If you two could speak Russian, I could've brought you along but I got it. Don't skip out on work just because I won't be there either! I'll find out if you do!"

"Like anyone would try and do something like that. The pay is way too good to try to take risks like that." Toru told him.

"Yeah! Why the heck are you paying so much for a job that's so... normal? I don't know the word but literally anyone could apply and they would be able to do something." Yuga asked.

"I just feel like the world is a bit unfair to middle class and lower class. Minimum wage should actually be enough for someone to call it a living wage. I've done plenty of research and the pay I give to my employees, depending on their position, is the perfect amount for them to live somewhat normally with." Antoine answered seriously.

Toru and Yuga almost felt like they were talking to a different person.

"That's pretty kind of you Antoine." Toru said.

"Where are you getting this money from anyway?" Yuga asked curiously.

"With my brain, getting some cash ain't shit to me! Do you know how many emails and calls I get trying to get me to create something or sponsor something? Money is not an issue I need to worry about." Antoine answered.

'To be honest though, I just used Momo's creation quirk and made fat stacks of cash for hours on end till I got bored of it.' Antoine thought.

"Alright. See you guys in a few weeks or so. I have no idea where they took my thing but this isn't official hero duty. So, don't tell anyone about this. Just say I'm on vacation if anyone asks. If my mom or dad asks you, tell them I'm on secret hero duty!"

The two nodded as they waved goodbye to Antoine, who opened up the hole in the grass and jumped down it. The entrance closed itself and the area looked no different from a normal spot of grass.

"I was planning on going to the mall with Mina, Tsuyu, Kyoka, and Momo tomorrow, but I guess I can't now that I can't skip work..." Toru said sadly.

"Let's head to the lab. I'm itching to train today."

"Oooh gonna try and train your problems away Yuga? Don't forget you have to meet with her tomorrow. S E N P A I." Toru teasingly sounded out Yuga's new status.

"I DON'T EVEN KNOW HER NAME!!!!!" Yuga just remembered.

Toru loudly laughed as they headed off to do their daily training plan made by Antoine.