Wannabe Gopnik?


Antoine has just left his new girlfriend's dorm room and is now traveling through the tube system towards Yuga and Toru. He didn't have much to tell them except to not fucking skip work just because he wasn't there. But as he was traveling towards the two, his phone jingled with a notification.

"Creator. I've found a number of missing person's report stationed in Norilsk, Russia and numerous criminal reports of battery and homicide throughout the country of Russia. The probability of this being the location of the missing object is around 95%." Lackey reported.

"Fucking Russia? Those fucking...." Antoine balled his fist as if he was upset before eventually saying. "I don't really have anything against Russians. If anything, I do find them entertaining. Based on the random Russian youtube videos I've seen and some of the music I've heard from Russia, honestly it seems kind of lawless and pure fun. I wonder how life would've been for me if I was reincarnated in the Russia of my hero academia."

'I'd probably be crafting sick ass cars, making the best tasting or strongest feeling vodka, or finding multiple Russian brides. For some reason I don't think I'd choose to become a hero if I wasn't born around the plot of the manga.' Antoine thought.

Although Antoine said this, it wasn't as if he was regretting his choice to become a hero. He was simply stating that if circumstances were different, he would have chosen a different route in life. With his system, there are hundreds if not thousands of different choices he could've gone with the craftsman system. Some small, some big, and some world-changing. But none of that matters right now!

Antoine met up with Toru and Yuga and told them what he needed to say before hopping back down inside the tube system and on his way out of U.A. grounds. Once he left the school and finished with all the business he needed, he took out his glider and began flying towards Russia at his fastest speed. As he was flying through the clouds themselves, he started to think about just how should he execute this mission. Doing it all serious and heroic like wasn't his style. For some of his androids and friends, yes but him, no way.

And since the place he was heading to had a very interesting culture, what better way to show his appreciation than to come acting like a natural Russian? So, he started prepping his equipment to ready himself and the Russian government who he has no doubt he's going to meet and come into conflict with.

"It isn't like I could come in and nicely ask for the container. Doing something like that is a quick way of getting shot at. Especially since all the countries are basically on high-alert due to the satellite thing." Antoine said to himself as he was currently crafting an outfit made out of a special material.

This special material is a combination of vibranium and ultra-strong fibers. The creation of this material took many skills as sacrifice. After living with the system for all these years, Antoine has tried many many many different ways of abusing the system to try and somehow cheat it. But no matter what he tried, it seems that it was impossible to cheat and benefit from the system.

Until... He gained Momo and Chisaki's quirks. With Momo's quirk, he could basically create anything as long as he knew the atomic structure of the object. And with his tech, finding the atomic innings of something was as easy as breathing. Just this alone was broken on its own. Any reward the system gave Antoine, he could duplicate it with Momo's quirk and make as much of it as he wants!

Chisaki's quirk isn't as hax as Momo's but it is certainly convenient for Antoine. Especially with all the Proto-Adamantium he works with after combining his stash of vibranium and adamantium together with the system. That shit is absolutely impossible to alter without Chisaki's quirk. If he didn't have his quirk, all Antoine would have right now are metal bars of adamantium, and proto-adamantium. Completely useless unless he planned on fucking throwing them at his enemies to death.

But anyway, the outfit he was making was something that no Russian could be without! An adidas track suit, adidas tennis shoes, and just to add to the authenticity a little Ushanka hat. Antoine was already feeling like squatting and talking shit to some people for no reason. But he wasn't done just yet with his preparations. Even as he was currently flying over Russian right now towards the city Lackey told him about, he was still preparing to make an exciting and respectful entrance.

About half an hour later, Antoine has reached Norilsk. His nose instantly picked up the smell of something foul and horrid. He instinctively covered his nose to try and spare himself from the horrible aroma plaguing this city but soon realized that it wasn't an ordinary smell. He's never smelled anything this rank in his entire life. He covered his nose as he flew over to where the smell was flowing from. The place the smell was coming from was quite a distance away from the city he came to. Isolated and blanketed with snow. Antoine noticed that the smell was coming from beneath the ground and wondered if there was some secret base or something underneath this place.

"I guess I'll have to find out for myself... Lackey, once we head in, try and locate the item." Antoine said before remembering what he planned to. "Time to bring out the ultimate form of flattery and appreciation!"

Antoine turned on some high intensity hardbass music, pulled out an unknown brand of vodka, and readied his best Russian accent as he hopped off his glider and leapt down towards the snow.

"Ya lyublu mat rassiu i vodku moy drug!!!!" (I love Mother Russia and vodka my friend) Antoine yelled as he crashed through the snow and into the secret Russian base hidden underneath.

Falling from the roof of the base, Antoine landed in squatting position as the base's scientists freaked out from the sudden intrusion.

"Call security!" (They are talking in Russian.)

"Unknown infiltrator inside the base!"

"A BLACK!!!"

"CYKA BLYAT!!!!" Antoine yelled as he threw the empty vodka bottle at the guy who called him black.

The bottle shattered against the forehead of the scientist and he was instantly knocked out on the floor. Causing the remaining scientists to panic even more from the sudden infiltrator.

"CYKA CYKA BLYAT!" Antoine yelled even louder as he materialized another vodka bottle with momo's quirk and threw it at the scientist calling for backup.

A purple forcefield appeared around his body and shielded him from the bottle. Antoine switched quirks and while still in squatting position, slid straight towards the scientist while also pulling out one of his main weapons.

Random Makeshift Adamantium Bat – This weapon was made after countless hours of research on a similarly metal. The design could've used a lot of work but the craftsman working on this item got distracted and forgot to shape it during its creation and couldn't change it afterwards. Has been altered and rearranged into the form of a baseball bat!

+160 Str added when equipped.

+100 Vit added when equipped.

Is undamageable to nearly all forms of damage.

Critical blows gives the user a guaranteed random buff.

50% Chance of having random effect given to user or enemy after a blow has landed with this weapon.

Antoine demolished the purple shield with the bat's hardness and was about to bat it into the scientist's stomach but before he could, his body was forcibly stopped by the soldiers behind him. A weird grey gas surrounded him and made it hard for him to move. The scientists took this chance to quickly retreat out of the lab and further into the base.

"Ya vipil mnogo vodki, at tiper ya ochen' vozbujden!!!" (drank lots of vodka and now i am very horny) Antoine screamed at the soldiers.


"Vodka? Horny? What the fuck is he on about?"

"Ignore his ramblings. Capture him and interrogate him. Not just anyone would be able to sniff this place out." The leader of the soldiers commanded. "And shut that fucking music off for god sake."

"Tvoya mama yebanaya shlyuha!!" (Your mum is a fuckin bitch) Antoine yelled as he touched the grey gas and began sliding on it, freeing himself from the quirk.

After freeing himself, Antoine was now sliding through the air while squatting and yelling more insults and obscenities as the soldiers began firing their guns or using their quirks at him.


Antoine increased the speed at which he was sliding at and avoided the quirks and bullets aimed at him as he threw vodka bottle after vodka bottle at the very angry soldiers.




"STOP FIRING! I think it's time we test one of the subjects. Ivan, bring the creature here." The leader ordered before nearly receiving a vodka bottle to the dome.

The bottle was caught by the leader without him even looking at it and soon all the soldiers started retreating.

"Hey! Wait a second! I haven't even told you about what I think of your grandmothers!" Antoine said in perfect Russian without the thick accent he was doing earlier.

He was about to start sliding or squatting towards them before the space in front of him was sliced open. He stared curiously as a large creature slowly tore its way through the portal. Antoine crinkled his nose from the offensive smell coming off the creature.

"Either this thing ate what I'm after or is one of the products of it...." He muttered to himself.

The creature finally made it through the portal and inside the laboratory. The creature looked as if it was juiced up with steroids. Its body was rippled with muscles and looked 10x stronger than any other member of its species. This creature's staple white fur has become distorted and altered into a mix of dark red, black, and white. Its normally black eyes have turned red and its size has increased to that of a large truck.

"A fucking monster polar bear?!" Antoine cried out loud. "That's so fucking cool... The evil appearance just makes it look so much more badass too! If this thing didn't stink to all fucking hell, I would definitely take this back home. But for now, I guess I'll knock it out and see if it ate what I'm looking for."

The monsterized polar bear apparently did not like Antoine's hardbass music playing and the fact that he was out of reach squatting in the air. So, to fix this problem it chose to grab whatever it could take hold of and throw it at Antoine. It shattered the suspiciously empty human-sized test tubes without reserve and threw the large containers at Antoine. Antoine slid on the air and out the way as he headed towards the bear with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Say hello to my little friend!!!!" Antoine slammed his bat into the creature's thick skull after switching his quirk to a strength-enhancing one.

The bear was launched into the wall and made a fairly impressive shape into the metal wall. Antoine saw no signs of movement and wondered if he accidentally killed the polar bear. A worried expression was present on his face. Those things are endangered as fuck! Antoine knows exactly how bullshit the laws are for protecting endangered animals and even if one of these motherfuckers are about to kill you, defending yourself is not an option if it involves hurting or putting your hands on the animal.

"I should make sure no one knows of this incident... I don't think even my identity as a hero will be enough to save me if someone finds out I killed an endangered animal." Antoine said to himself as he walked over to the slumped over bear.

He placed his hand on the bear and a sudden rush of emotions assaulted him. He stumbled backwards as he held his head in agitation. Anger, hate, violence, murder, kill... kill... destruction!!!!!!

'I want to fight! I want to kill! I want to destroy!!!!!!!'

Antoine's mind was being affected by the affliction which ailed the polar bear. Red lightning began surging around his figure as he struggled to resist this. His veins could be seen slowly changing into red and his skin was turning into the color of charcoal. His muscles could be seen slowly expanding and contracting as if unsure which direction it should go.

'WHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT!!!!!?????' Antoine angrily cried inside his mind. 'Is someone trying to take over my mind?! Is this what it's like to experience a brain-washing quirk!?'

Antoine's body was slowly but surely continuing to transition into the alternate form as his resistance was slowly weakening.

'No! No! No! No! I can't get a game over here! I'm too powerful to be controlled! I could fucking ruin the world if I go berserk! What would a protagonist do in this situation!? Uh fuck! Fuck! My family! Friends! GIRLFRIEND! How can you lose your virginity if you're brainwashed retard!? COME ON FIGHT BACK YOU PUSSY!' Antoine fiercely struggled against the foreign power attempting to take hold of him.

"LACKEY.....!!!!! ACTIVATE..... MD1A!" Antoine managed to yell out as he felt himself close to losing himself entirely.

"Order Acknowledged." Lackey responded.


Antoine's body was electrocuted. Most of the changes his body went through changed back to normal. Antoine could be seen coughing as he slowly pulled out his healing serum that he mostly uses on Toru and Yuga after their training program. He swallowed the tasty liquid and his body recovered at a visible rate. He coughed a few more times as he started moving his body around to make sure there were no lasting effects.

[Host has just defended himself from a soul possession! You have gained a new perk!]

"Soul possession?! I almost got fucking got by something made from what I fucking made!?

[Strengthened Soul – This perk increases the resilience of the host's soul.]

"Even if that perk is good. I'm still fucking pissed off! If I didn't prepare for a situation like this before hand with program Mental Defenses 1-A I would've became a mindless beast of carnage and rage! I definitely need to upgrade that program now to automatically switch through the different files if one doesn't work."

"Lackey how are my vitals?"

"You are completely healthy creator. Only 1 change is present." Lackey answered.

"Change? What fucking change? I don't feel anything."

"Creator's pupils have turned red. "

Antoine looked around and grabbed one of the shattered pieces of glass lying around before staring at his slightly changed appearance. He looked at his new pair of eyes and inwardly cringed.

"I look like a fucking cosplayer with these eyes. Once I get back I definitely gotta fix this. What kind of fucking hero has red eyes? What am I? A hero that's gone down the wrong path or about to head down the wrong path?" Antoine complained before eventually storing the polar bear with his stolen storage quirk and heading inside the Russian base.

He wasn't feeling all that festive and appreciative of Russian culture after that scary experience. He turned off the hardbass music but kept everything else. Antoine eventually arrived inside the room with the evolved crafted object. To greet him were numerous creatures and humans affected by his crafted object.

'I guess they decided sending these guys after me was better than trying to take me out by themselves. Can't really say they're wrong. If I was a normal hero it would definitely be impossible to get out of this unless they were really strong or had a really broken quirk.' Antoine thought as he silently changed his quirk.

Antoine began walking towards the urn-like object surrounded with red electricity. The possessed animals and humans immediately pounced after him, fully intent on tearing him to shreds and licking up his blood afterwards. Antoine made no effort to defend himself or react in any sort of way. The possessed were literal inches away from clawing into Antoine but just literal seconds before they could touch Antoine, hair erupted from his body.

The hair exploded outwardly like a powerful and violent tsunami. The possessed were forced against the wall. Clawing, biting, and trying to rip away the hair to get at Antoine, none of the attempts worked. The hair slowly wrapped around the bodies of the possessed animals and humans, making them utterly harmless to Antoine as he walked over to his missing object.

[Soul Container of Hatred – The evolved form of the Metal Graveyard of Violence. After causing enough bloodshed and violence through the actions of a multitude of hosts, this object captured the departed feelings of hatred and rage and evolved into a higher form of wickedness.

Durability 1500/1500

Causes any creatures that touches it to be inhabited by one of the souls in its collection.

The strength of the possessed will be quadrupled.

The durability of the possessed will be quadrupled.

Can possess any creature as long as souls are present inside the container.

Souls can be gained through weak-willed creatures taking hold of the container or the death of creatures through the possessed.

30% Chance of increasing growth in certain creatures.

The possessed can attempt to take over the bodies of those that physically touch it.

Any creature can be taken hold of by the spirits of the departed except those with exceptionally strong wills.]

"Ooh you are one nasty son of a bitch..." Antoine couldn't help but say.

[Mission Completed!]

[Gained Soul Container of Hatred, System's Evolution Manual, and the perk – Limit Analysis]

The Soul Container went inside his inventory along with the evolution manual. Antoine was a bit confused on the perk he gained so he brought it up.

[Limit Analysis – This perk allows the user to analyze the limits of that which they see.]

"What a confusing explanation.. I'll find out about this stuff later. I'm ready to go home. I'm sick of Russia." Antoine said as the soldiers from earlier came rushing inside the room guns ablazing.

Antoine couldn't switch quirks in time and shielded himself with his thick cover of hair. The bullets were unable to pierce all the way through the cocoon of hair and once Antoine heard the Russian soldiers run out of ammo, he switched his quirk to give these assholes a piece of his mind.

'Using my works for your own nefarious goods!? Not without a good fucking beat down as a payment!'

"Poshel naroy!!" (Go fuck yourself) Antoine yelled as his hair turned back to normal and his body turned into a blur.

Antoine disappeared and started shattering the shins of the soldiers with his bat. Once they were all down, he started beating them to a pulp for the crimes. Those missing persons report he got from lackey had to be used by these dick bags. Most likely as test subjects for the soul container. Antoine knew exactly how much punishment to give out before it was considered going too far and heading into Anti-hero/Villain territory. Leaving them just barely able to crawl with their hands should be good enough he decided.

The cries and screams of the Russian soldiers echoed throughout the room and once Antoine was done, nothing but whimpering and crying could be heard in his aftermath. He quickly got on his glider and flew out of the hole he made. Heading his way back home with an irritated feeling going through him.

"This mission was a complete shit shack..."