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Meeting with the Quinametzin

In the meeting room, Flavio was talking to Lucius his stepfather and leader of the defense of the city of Origin Civitatem "We have to change the city's protocols for pandemics, my daughter has told me disturbing news about Rome.

This shows that we are very vulnerable to this kind of problem if Rome could fall in just one day and cause society to fragment, it is necessary to make a change of roots.

Analyzing the problem is the lack of protection against epidemics and the poor preparation of citizens to follow rules. "

Flavio pulled a book with a green cover from one of his bookshelves "I wrote this book a long time ago and hoped it would be implemented in some future but the situation warrants.

I will create a government body called civil protection that includes police, firefighters, paramedics and the city guard in its ranks.