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In search of poison before the battle

Hundreds of carriages with weapons and supplies were heading daily to the defense line of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, the line of defense is divided into 3 sectors, which have their leader.

Sector A has as its main base the port of Coatzacoalcos and is commanded by Leonel who is in charge of the defense of the Alpha Legion, Sector B is commanded by Amancio and has as its base the city of Suchilapan which is where they join Two rivers.

Finally, sector C of the defense line is based on the city of Ique Sidi Biá (Salina Colorado colored in Zapotec), unlike the other two bases, this began as a town of the Zapotecs who voluntarily joined the empire 1 year ago.

During that course its natural port began to be used and developed, the one in charge of the defense was Aurelia, a woman who began her military career years ago in Emerita Augusta and who showed her worth against the damn jungle fighting in the southern part of the wall.