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The goodbye of a mother

Mictlantecuhtli and Mictecacíhuatl received Hellena and the family who began to get out of the truck, introduced themselves to everyone but Mictecacíhuatl paid special attention to Felix and appeared before her.

"Welcome my little Felix, you can call me godmother or Mictecacíhuatl, I'm glad you came, Tezcatlipoca told us your story but we are convinced that you have potential with the affinity of the energy of Death.

We know how painful it is for you to have lost your mother but now you have a chance to prevent that from happening again, but my question is are you ready for it or do you want to wait and prepare yourself mentally. "

Felix looked at Mictecacíhuatl as he remembered his mother's last moments. "My father told me it was a matter of time that I could use my divine energy and feel that I can use a very small part.