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Exercise routine

R-18 Chapter Gore description

At dawn, Flavio woke up being surrounded by his little children, the one who approached more to him was his daughter Bastet, who did not like being separated from him at night.

Since she saw his father crying after they entered the darkroom he decided to take care of him, that is why he likes to be next to Flavio and since she is close to his father she can be near Hellena and sleep comfortably without a problem.

With great care he left his little Bastet in Hellena's arms with his two little twins, he had to start his morning training.

When he left for the patio, Flavio met Huitzilopochtli, who was waiting for him with a trapped bear. "Well Flavio, your training will consist of fighting with the bear using only your hands and feet.

You will not be able to use your divine energy but you can use your natural strength to fight with the bear.