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Information about the city of Veii

R-18 Chapter: Gore and Sex Description

The temple to Jupiter was on a small slope about a hundred meters from the city, Julio and the soldiers approached the temple very carefully.

When they finally reached the temple they could hear the groans of a man and the noise produced by the hips while they collide with others while having sex.

The soldiers and Julio prepared to kill whatever was making that noise, they advanced through the small temple until they reached a room.

Where they could see in horror as a moored priestess who was turned into one of those damn things, was raped by what appeared to be a slave, Julio approached slowly as the slave continued with his hip movement.

When the slave reached its climax he could feel Julio's sword in his throat "I can kill you for raping a priestess and disturbing the dead, now you will listen to me or you die and put your head on a wooden stake.