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Meeting of gods in the capital

Taneri, Idril, and Admés, who had just arrived brought by one of the Nahual messengers, gathered in the middle of the temple where they could see Flavio come carrying a beautiful woman who was somewhat small and had black hair and colored eyes crimson.

It was quite similar to Shini, but there were some differences because Shini was much bigger and had black eyes ultimately; they all wanted to ask Flavio about the identity of the girl in his arms.

But they will have to wait because it is not the right place nor the time when Flavio entered the meeting place, he could only see his three friends Admes, Idril, and Taneri.

On the one hand, he was happy that they were safe, but on the other, all his ministers had died, which was a blow to the administration of the empire.

"Guys see them completely safe I am glad, but this will mean that we will have to do the work of the empire until we find some replacement for the dead ministers.