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The Story of the Anahuacs gods

Mother Tonatzin, a little more relaxed, began to tell the story, "First of all, I want you to understand that our family tree is quite different from your family tree where everyone comes from Chaos.

For example, Ometeotl and I are not related since our origins are different. Still, we are part of the same pantheon of the gods and work for a common good.

Of course, our bloodlines over the years have combined, and we are already family. Still, we are so many gods that I can hardly know the origin of all, the only one who can do it is Ometeotl.

But here one of our distant relatives is Coatl, the god of the Misquitos. "

Coatl, who was smoking with his pipe, raised his arms. "That I will not deny, my origins even for me are uncertain, but I know that I am a distant family of mother Tonantzin."