I never thought, it would happen

I missed the call, it was Jenny. I tried to callback but luck wasn't with me, she's disconnecting my calls. She dropped me a message never call back if you miss my call. Ok, I replied. Tomorrow I'm going to Bangalore, can we catch up today evening she replied, I asked for place and time. Coffee shop @5:00, bye don't make a reply. Our conversation ended.

Sandeep, put that useless phone aside and get fresh yourself breakfast is ready, my dad screamed at me. I took a look at the wall clock, it's 9:45 am. So I have to wait for more than 7 hours. Whenever we wait for a time then time plays with us, every minute is passing like an hour. Along with time, my heart rate started increasing. At last 3hours passed I got my lunch and I slept. When I woke up time is 4:30 pm. I washed my face and changed clothes and rushed to the coffee shop. I reached there at 5:05pm .

I got into the shop but I didn't find her anywhere. I found an empty table and sat there, 30mins passed and I'm still waiting for her. Everyone is coming and going but I'm still sitting like an idol for an hour. I tried to call her, but her phone was switched off. I lost my patience and got out started my bike. On the way, I found a little gathering on the road. I geared down my bike to neutral and went there to see what happened. It's an accident, I saw a middle-aged man with some serious injuries on his head from far behind the crowd, I went to join the people who are helping the affected persons. Then I saw a girl lying on the road in bloodshed, without any movement, her face was covered with her dupatta, her left hand was completely separated from her body and she had fatal wounds on her thighs maybe her both legs were broken, she died on the spot within seconds after the accident. I think she's familiar to me, I have seen the same dress on Jenny before, I got scared when I got remembered that dress. Yes, she's Jenny, I didn't see her face, and even I'm not dared enough to see. I stood there like a rock without any movements staring at the cloth that covered her face. When she is lifting to lay on a stretcher the cloth moved aside, half of her face has no skin. A face I like to see every day had become a face that I don't want to remember anymore. She's taken in an ambulance. And everybody cleared the road. But I couldn't step my feet from that place. A man passing on the road shake me and asked what's a matter why are you standing on the middle of the road. I left without replying, started my bike and went straight to home. I wanted to cry out loud, I'm feeling like my heart is squeezing between hand. I didn't get any tears. I locked myself in a room. After some time my classmate called me, hey, you know Jenny met with an accident. I hung the call without any word and switched off my mobile. I don't have any words to speak out and I don't know how to express my feeling out