
My name is Kotaro and this is my life as a new employee of the Navy!" he said to the viewers as he walks to the said company for an interview "even if i graduated from the University of Tokyo there is no telling they might not accept me if i become arrogant.." he sigh as he imagines of him being rejected because of his arrogance "just imagining it makes me wonder why i was raised to be smart and popular; when i was in highschool i started to be arrogant because of me being talented but it cost me to the director's office because i made a faculty proffesor upset with my high and mighty attitude towards her.." his head achs as he remembered his highschool days. He checked his smartphone for the location of the said building that was sent on his email by an username of "Nagato.. the name sounds like an anime character or something.. this looks like a scam but i need to go there to investigate as long as i get to be in there to know what is their after" he said to himself as he is nearing to the said location by the sea but before he gets the chance to enter the building he was accidentally got hit by an army vehicle with a sudden break and accelerator malfunctioned as his body rolled to the sea due to the car's speed. as he falls to the abyss he saw a light coming towards him then makes his body disappear without a trace; transporting his whole body to a different world. "Where am i? I remember i was hit by a car and now i my legs are in does that mean i am dead because it hit my legs that i can't move? I guess i failed when i follow the letter even though it was a scam" He thought to himself as his still was going down to the depths of the sea but as when he was about to give up he was being lifted by something to the surface "huh? Is someone rescuing me?" He thought as he begins to hear a voice of a girl after reacing the surface "Oi are you alright? Please wake up" the girl said worrying for him "let me see who is it even for just a little bit" he said to himself on his mind as he forces his eyes to open "thank god you are alright" the girl said feeling relieved "she has short pink hair and two hair clips on  both sides of her hair.." he thought as he saw his savior's hair color but not the face because of his vision is blurry and his body is really weak because of his legs might be broken; he fainted as he falls unconscious on the ground with the girl calling her friends for assistance to revive him as they carried him to their base for a medic to scan and analyze the male's body that was picked up in the middle of the sea where a war should be held but put on hold when they saw a body myseriously appeared giong down to the depths of the sea.