Chapter III

After meeting his mother for the first time from very long ever since she just disappeared and knowing the truth; Kaitaro just sat down on his bed thinking what his mother said to him. [Flashback] A girl with a long white hair wearing a school unform approached him "it has been a very long time Kotaro~" she hugs him by pulling his head on her chest as she carress his hair; Kaitaro just accepts the hug from his mother "why did you leave me and Dad alone ten years ago and never came back? Dad is.. Dad died because of his age and his weak body.." Kaitaro said remembering the moments of his Father's sufferings. His mother immediately replied to her son's question "ten years ago.. it was not my intention to not return home; i was stucked in this world because the war against the enemy destroyed my gateway back to your world.. i am so sorry for leaving you son.. Mommy promise that whatever your decisions might be and whatever happens from now on" Kaitaro looks at his mother in her eyes "i will never leave by your side and that is a promise." His mother said to him while hugging him for a few more minutes before breaking the hug "Mom.. please do not leave me like that again.." Kaitaro pleaded as his Mother just smiled at him "ofcourse i will not leave you again because i will always be with you" His mother said as she goes to the Dock area to assemble a fleet for defense from a possible attack by the Sakura Empire [Flashback ends]. Kaitaro just sigh then goes to the ship construction site; there he saw particular looking cube that is emitting a sinister energy from it "So this thing suppose to be a soul of a ship huh?" he approached the dark cube then it turned from dark to light blue as soon as he held it on his right hand "it changed color?" he tought as the cube began reacting when his about to lay it down on the table "what is this feeling and what is going on with this thing?!" his right eye suddenly activates as it gives the cube its desire ship contruction when mechanical tools of the building site suddenly moved; the mechanical tools are now beginning to construct the ship of Kaitaro's desires contruction thanks to his [Eye of Creation]. Kaitaro then felt a little tired from the sudden happening "what now?" he asked himself then he sees an option that the ship's contruction can be constructed almost instantly "i wonder what this thing does??" he touched a drill like figure as it made the construction glow bightly ,blinding his sight then after the light went out; Kaitaro looks at the ship that has successfully constructed as the ship turned out to be out of his expectations with wide eyes "Enterprise?" he said as he scans her features "long gray hair, dead purple eyes.. but why is she naked?!" he panicked but the new shipgirl fainted infront of him and fell on his arms "first i need to get her to my room because the infirmary is locked at this hour.." he sigh and carried the unconcious girl to his room "i need to give her clothes and tell her that i have not seen anything when she wakes up..right!" he put her down on his bed gently then quickly covered her figure with his blanket "now i need to find her clothes from my closet.. hopefully it will fit her.." Kaitaro quickly goes to his closet to find a fiiting clothes for the sleeping gray hair girl. Kaitaro found a black bra with a matching black panties for her lingerie, a white sleeveless polo with gold lining, a black skirt with gold lining to match her sleeveless polo, a black necktie and a black belt, a commader's trench coat with gold linings and gold straps attach to the right pocket of the trench coat upto the back , a long gray scarf, a pair of thigh black socks with white inner color, and a pair of gray shoes with a red sole "i think it will be perfect on her and i know it!" he thought proudly as he leaves her attire hanging on his closet and left a note that indicating the attire is for her and should be wearing it before stepping out of the room. [Meanwhile at the Sakura Empire] a certain red fox with purple eyes is planning a strategy against the Iron Blood to rescue the boy "I have a plan but it would not be easy" Amagi said to the rescue team for the boy "Big sister i know it'll be dangerous but we need to rescue that boy" Akagi said to her big sister "i will join this rescue operation." a voice from a Demon girl wearing a black sailor school uniform and weilding a katana resting on her waist behind Amagi as she approaches the three foxes "that boy seem to be important and holds a value.. very well; Mikasa, you and the others make an opening for us to slip through them" she added "Noshiro.." Mikasa mumured "Akagi, Kaga.. you two will be coming with me inside of their base; be sure to prepare to fight if ithe situation goes bad" Noshiro said to the fox siblings "I hope this operation will go smoothly without casualties.." Noshiro thought as she exits the hall to prepare for the upcoming rescue operation. "the Eagle's Union and Royal Navy are your allies you know?" a girl with brown hair wearing a green battlesuit uniform said from the shadows "don't worry your fleet will back us up if things gets chaotic" Noshiro replied to her as the said exits the Sakura Empire's territory; the said girl reunites with her fleet outside of the Saukura Empire "I can feel her presence.." a girl with white hair and wearing a black nurse uniform "are you sure it's her" said the blonde girl wearing a cowboy-like hat "we will find out soon if Enterprise was really rebuilt on the Iron Blood" the girl with a green battlesuit said as they return to the Eagle Union's HQ.