Take Me to Church

"Oh my gosh!" Yelled Zodain.

The camera on the right panel on the TV dropped to the floor as the person behind the camera rushed to Cadence's aid, the panel then got disconnected and went to William.

"Uh, well, uh, in a other news, umm.... " Said William, while he pulled down on his collar, visibly shaken.

"Has the world gone mad?" Asked Richard.

Zodain turned off the TV. "Seems like it," he answered.

"I-I gotta go man, and clear my head. Smoke some dope, then go hug a tree. I have to clear my mind, later," said Richard, heading for the door.

"Dude, don't leave. I'm pretty shaken up about this too."

"Sorry, man, later. See ya at work tomorrow."


"Mmm... yes, sir?" Asked Zodain.

Zodain was sitting down at work, talking with a customer on the phone.

"There was blood in all of my styrofoam cups, when I opened my package," said the Male customer on the phone.

"Send us a picture of this on our company website. And we'll send you a free package. How's that sound?"

Zodain heard some muffled groaning in the background.

"Can you hold on a sec? My daughter got out of bed, when I told her she was too sick to go to school," said the man.

"Of course, sir."

"Hey, honey, I told you to stay in bed, you're too sick to go to school. Come on now."

The groans started getting louder.

"Hey, now, honey, why did you try to bite me?"

The groans continued to get louder.

"Honey, your skin, why is gray?"

Zodain then heard a loud thump and some screaming type groggy sounds.

"Get off me! Why are you trying to bite me?!"

There was a loud snap.

"Oh no! I accidently snapped my daughter's neck!! She's still trying to bite me! Oh my gosh! This can't be happening!" The man then picked up the phone. "I'm calling 911! I'm running down my hallway.... I locked myself in the bathroom.... I don't think that's my daughter out there.... not anymore."

Zodain put down the phone, his hand shaking.

"Good lord..."

"Good lord, what?" Asked Richard.

Zodain looked up at Richard who was leaning against the panel, as usual.

Zodain told Richard about the disturbing phone call.

"I can't beileve his daughter still tried to bite him... Damn, I hope they'll be alright."

"Me too. Ugh, I need some air."

Zodain glanced over at Shiroi Karasu, at the coffee machine. She was wearing a black female business suit and black high heel shoes. She filled up a cup of coffee with a styrofoam cup and walked over to Zodain.

"Are you alright?" She asked, handing the cup of coffee to Zodain, which he accepts.

"Uh, I will be", said Zodain.

Shiroi Karasu's thin black eyebrow's knit to concern. "What happened?" She asked.

Zodain took a sip of the coffee and rubbed the bump on his forehead, which had gone down a bit.

"Oh... mmm... don't worry about it, I'll be fine.... I got a disturbing phone call."

"Oh, I've gotten a few of those as well... Try not to worry about," said Shiroi Karasu. She rubbed Zodain's back affectionately and then walked back to her desk, her shoes clacking against the floor.

"I sensed her concerned energy," said Richard.


"Our God who art in Heaven hallowed be thy name," said the Catholic Priest.

The Priest was a older Caucasian man, with a gray tint to his skin and had bags underneath his eyes, wearing a dalmotic. Standing behind the lectern, standing on the pulpit, uber above him hanging on the wall was a giant crucifix. The stained colorful glass of the church were images of Jesus Christ, Mary, and Joseph, against the gray marble walls and floors.

Zodain was sitting in the very back row of the twenty rows, ten on each side, pews.

The Priest finished the prayer and people started lining up to receive their blessings. The first person to go up was a woman, but all of a sudden the Priest lashes out and bit down on her neck, she let out a pleading cry, as people rushed to her aid. But they couldn't get her away from the Priest and he ended up tearing the woman's head off, making blood squirt out everywhere. Her head turned to a light gray, the head began making strange noises.

"RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!" A man screamed.

People started screaming and running towards the exits. A few other infected people in the audience started attacking people. Zodai scanned the room to see if there was any people he could save. He saw a little Caucasain girl around the age of four to six, with platinum blonde long pigtails, big blue round eyes, round cheeks, and a small button nose. She was wearing a frilly pink dress with multiple colors of flowers on it with light pink tights and pink tights. She was holding a baby boy in her arms, who had a blue pacifier in his mouth. He looked only a few months old and looked like her except he was wearing a light blue suit and had only a few strands of hair, the two were hiding underneath a pew. There were no infected people near by, so he ran over to them.

"Hey, my name is Zodain. I noticed you and your little brother here in trouble. I came to help. Do you know where your parents are?" Asked Zodain, sweetly while kneeling down.

"Th-they got hurt.... They got a big owwe, when they got bit on," said the little girl, tears welling in her eyes.

Zodain noticed two infected people coming towards them on both sides of the pew.

"We-we have to go. Come here, I'll protect you and your brother," said Zodain, his voice shaken, while opening up his arms.

The little girl held her brother close to her, protectively. "Our parents told us not to talk to strangers," she said.

'Well you didn't have a problem doing it before,' thought Zodain.

To the girl's dismay, Zodain swooped up her and her little brother in his arms and jumped over the pew, while the little girl screamed her head off.

"Sorry, you're not going anywhere until I know you and your brother are safe," said Zodain.

He ran out of the church and saw that the streets were littered with vehicles, there were people running in all directions, screaming, there were also people getting attacked by the infected. Zodain started running down the street barely dodging out of the way as some of the infected try to attack him. He turned to a empty alleyway, that people had missed in their state of panic. He sat the kids down on a garbage can with the lid on.

"What's your name?" Asked the girl.

"I thought you didn't talk to strangers."

"Well, you're a nice stranger."

"It's Zodain."

"My name is Macy and this is my little brother Mark. (He can't talk yet.)"

"Oh, nice."

Zodain forced a fake smile. He began pacing back and forth thinking about what he was going to do. He looked up to see a familiar gray Toyato, right in front of the alley. The driver's side mirror rolled to reveal Shiroi Karasu.